
Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Allah have mercy upon him)

Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Allah have mercy upon him)

Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb RH was born in Richmond, Natal. He completed his Qurān Memorization (Hifdh) by the renowned Hafiz Abdur Rahman Mia Saheb Rahimahullah at Waterval Islamic Institute (Miā’s Farm) South Africa. Thereafter, he pursued his ῾Ālim Course in Jamia Islamia, Dhabel for 7 years and passed with distinction every year. Mufti Ebrahim Desai completed his Mufti Course (Iftā) at Jamia Islāmia, Dhabel, India under Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri Saheb of Dabhel for 2 years. After he completed his  Iftaa in Dabhel, he went to  Deoband to spend time with his Shaykh, the Grand Mufti of India and famous reformer and saint of the time, Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Rahmatullah Alayh for Islaah and increase in spirituality. Mufti Saheb is the Khalifah of Mufti Mahmood Saheb Gangohi Rahimahullah.In 2011, Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb moved to Durban permanently and laid the foundation for Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah, Sherwood, Durban. He is currently the Ameer of the Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah where students enrol to study the Iftaa course. The Darul Iftaa caters for many facilities under the supervision of Mufti Sahib. Ulama who study under him to become Muftis, qualify from local Darul Ulooms, UK, US, Canada, and many parts of Africa. Many of Mufti Sahebs students have established Darul Iftaas in many parts of the world and have their own fatwa websites that are affiliated to Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah. Further information can be accessed at 

Current Executive member of KZN Jamiatul Ulama (The Council Of Muslim Theologians)
Current Head of the Fatwa Department of KZN Jamiatul Ulama (The Council Of Muslim Theologians) for 25 years. Mufti Saheb was appointed at that position by Moulana Yunus Patel Rahimahullah and Moulana Abdul Haq Omarjee Rahimahullah.
Current Head of the Judicial Committee of KZN Jamiatul Ulama (The Council Of Muslim Theologians).
Mufti Saheb was a senior lecturer of Hadith at Madrasah In’aamiyyah, Camperdown for 10 years.
Mufti Saheb taught Fiqh, Principles of Fiqh, Tafsīr, Hadīth at Madrasah Ta῾leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa for 10 years.
Senior Teacher at Madrasah Nu῾māniyyah, (Chatsworth, Durban) as well as Madrassah Hamidiyyah. Mufti Saheb has been teaching Bukhari Shareef for over 20 years.
Mufti Saheb is the guest of the world-renowned website which serves over 123 countries in the world. The site hosts approximately over 40,000 rulings with approximately 80,000 hits daily.
A Sharī῾ah Compliant Business Campaign, which was also initiated by Mufti Saheb in 2002 provides a conference to tackle contemporary business matters in Islamic Commerce and Finance.
Official Arbitrator of commercial and marital mediations/arbitrations.
Mufti Saheb has extensively travelled viz. United States, Canada, UK, China, Zambia, Malawi, and other countries for almost 15 Years and delivered talks and lectures on various topics in Masājids, Universities, and various institutes and has been included in 500 Most Influential Muslims in the world for many years.
Mufti Saheb also holds Majaalis on Islaah and Tasawwuf every Thursday night after Esha Salaah at Masjid-e-Saaliheen, Sherwood.
 PUBLICATIONS: Mufti Saheb has published numerous articles and kitaabs. He recently compiled Contemporary Fatawa comprising of three volumes and also published a detailed commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah which is available at the Darul Iftaa. Mufti Saheb has also authored two books, “Introduction to Hadīth: A general introduction to Hadīth and its sciences” and Madkhal al-Buyoo’ (Introductions to Islamic Commerce). His fatawa have been compiled in a 2-volume book titled “Al-Mahmood”. Another compilation of his talks at the Shariah Compliant Business Campaign is also available titled “Shariah Compliant Business Campaign”. The latest compilation of contemporary verdicts is also available in 3 volumes titled “Contemporary Fatawa”. Mufti Saheb has been issuing Fatwās in various fields for more than 25 years.

Glad Tidings in a Dream about Shaikh ul Hadeeth Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Rahimahullah.
(Aapa Umme Yusuf) The Ahliyah of Moulana Muhammad Ashraf Hansrot Hafizahullah saw Hadhrat Mufti Saheb in a dream Last Night.
They were a very lengthy discussion. Mufti Saheb had a lot of Noor on him. There were a lot of Questions and Answers as was the norm with Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullahs Majalis.
The questioner then asked Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah who is your “Parosi” neighbour in Jannah. Mufti Rahimahullah says that “Woh to Ho Gayaa, Koi Khaas Hai” meaning “That’s done already, It is Someone Very Special” 
(This was a very unique way of talking where Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah would now and then add Urdu words into his conversation)
Then Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah mentions that my neighbour in Jannah is Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
May Allah Ta’ala make this dream a reality and grant this lofty position to our Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Rahimahullah. Ameen
Moulana Muhammad Ashraf Saheb and his family had a very long-established Ta’alluq with Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah as Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah would spend the blessed month of Ramadhan in London with them for years and they were all very sad upon the demise and passing away of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Rahimahullah.
This is Allah Ta’alas way of consoling them upon this great loss.

Mawlana Imraan Desai on His Beloved Father Mufti Ibrahim Desai Rahimahullah

My fathers 3 outstanding qualities:

1) Husne Dhann – He used to make excuses for people who had done the worst of things to him & to us children. ‘Maybe this is what happened..’  & make excuses for them. He disliked ugliness between himself & anyone & disliked it for others too.
2) Love for Hadith, Fatawa & anyone in all the different services of Deen. He taught Bukhari Shareef for 30 years & his love for Bukhari Shareef cant be explained in words. Only if you sat in his class, you would know. I was lucky enough to be his student also.
3) Generosity – Many people think of generosity as giving wealth, whilst he felt pity for every single beggar who asked of him, he was generous with his time to the public & his love for his students. Those who know him will recognise & realise this deep, inner generosity he had. 
Once, he wanted to give to a beggar & he gave a long, sad story. He listened & didn’t interrupt him. I said, he is conning you (referring to the beggar) & he told me that Allah is so merciful & loving, Allah sent the beggar to HIM, so he could deposit some Sadaqah into his Aakhirah.
‘Dont look at WHO you are giving, look at where it is going’ (Your Akhirah)
If kindness, love & generosity were to be personified, it would be my father’s smiling face.


40 years… رحمهم الله

25th November 1980, five Ulama became Shaheed in a fatal car accident:

Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb RH

Mawlana Yakoob Desai Saheb RH

Mawlana Ali Hassan Saheb RH

Mawlana Umarjee Saheb RH

Abdul Rashid Bhai (Driver) RH

Bayaan (Urdu) in Darul Uloom Chatam, Ontario, Canada.

Wednesday 25th July 2018, by Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb (RH)

Yaqoob Desai, who is a Mishkat student at this Darul Uloom [Chatam, Ontario Canada], and his paternal grandfather and other teachers used to travel from Preston to Darul-Uloom [Bury] daily in a car […] their arrival time used to be 9am, and at times they would either arrive five minutes early or five minutes late.

[One day] they didn’t arrive on time and we [Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb (db)] grew worried as to ‘what has happened?’ We rang their home but they didn’t have any clear explanation. However; after one and a half hours we were made aware of the tragic news that the car had been involved in an accident – all the passengers in the car, including the Ulama, the teachers and also the driver, had ALL been martyred!

His [Yaqoob Desai’s] paternal grandfather Mawlana Mohammed Yaqoob Saheb (ra), who was my true friend, also achieved martyrdom. […] 
After the accident and when the Janazah of his paternal grandfather was lifted and taken to the graveyard, firstly, the Janazah of Hadhrat Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb was placed and behind it Moulana Yaqoob Saheb’s Janazah was placed (Janazah Salah led by Hadhrat Mawlana Qari Tayyab Saheb RH).

After the burial, a young man who was from the Kazi Family approached me and spoke, “When the two Janazah was placed on the ground I see [a spiritual vision] that Hadhrat Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb moved the lid of his coffin, opened the lid and placed the lid back on the coffin and he then sat down on top of it.” 

He [young man] is seeing all this whilst awake, and all around there are thousands of Muslim people, who participated in the burial, yet none of these people see anything – he; however, is witnessing this!
[He young man continued] “I then see Mawlana Yaqoob Saheb, and he also opens the lid and places the lid back on, he then sits on top of it – both [deceased] have a pamphlet in their hands …!”

Virtues of Martyrs, by Hadhrat Mawlana Hashim Saheb (Allah preserve him)

We had a pamphlet titled ‘Martyrs of Darul-Uloom,’ consisting of 6 or 7 pages, printed on behalf of the Darul-Uloom which highlighted who these [scholars] people were, where they were from, what responsibilities they had, what knowledge they possessed and their characteristics were all mentioned.

[He young man continued] “Both [deceased] are passing it [pamphlet] to one another whilst smiling and saying, ‘Look, what they’ve written about us?”     


A MUST READ:  Biography of Sayyiduna Hussain (RadiAllahu Anhu)

By Shaykh Abdul Raheem Saheb (hafidhahullah). img_4162
Born: Sha’ban 4AH
Demise: 10 Muharram 61AH
Age: 57
Maternal Grandfather: Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Maternal Grandmother: Khadija al-Kubra (Radiallahu Anha)
Mother: Fatima Zahra – The leader of the Ladies of Jannah (Radiallahu Anha)
Father: Ali al-Murtadha, – the Fourth Rightly Guided Caliph (Karramallahu Waj’hahu).
He was born in Sha’ban 4AH.
He was brought to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, who was overjoyed. He chewed a date and placed it in the newborn’s mouth which he began to suck. The first thing to enter his stomach was Rasulullah’s blessed saliva. He then gave Adhan & Iqamat in his ears and named him Hussain RA. On the 7th day, he instructed that the head should be shaved, and that Sadaqah of silver should be given equivalent to the weight of the hair. Thereafter he did the Aqeeqah, (sacrificed two goats for him).
Hussain RA was looked after and breastfed by Ummul Fadhl (Radiallahu Anha), the wife of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam’s) uncle Abbas. She mentions that once Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam was holding Hussain in his lap and was in a cheerful mood. He suddenly began to cry. She enquired about the reason. He replied “Jibreel just informed me that my Ummah will one day kill this beloved son of mine.” (Bayhaqi)
Few Hadith in virtues of Hasan & Hussain RA:
Hadith: “O Allah! I love Hasan and Husain! You also love them, and love those who love them.” (Tirmidhi)
Hadith: “Hasan & Husain are the leaders of the youth of Jannah.” (Tirmidhi)
Hadith: “Hussain is mine and I am Husain’s. May Allah love the one who loves Hussain. Hussain is a mighty grandson”. (Ibn Majah)
Hasan RA is one year older than Hussain RA and they are both Sahabah. They have also narrated few Ahadith directly from their grandfather Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.
Hussain narrates that his grandfather Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, “It is from the beauty of a person’s Iman that he leaves aside things that don’t concern him”
He also narrates, “If a person is afflicted with a calamity which consequently comes to haunt him later on, however at that time he recites ‘Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon’;  Allah will give him the same reward which He gave him on the first day.” (Ibn Majah)
Both brothers resembled their grandfather Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam although this was more noticeable in Hasan than Husain Radiallahu Anhuma.
In the Eyes of Sahaba RadiAllahu Anhum
Ibn Kathir writes, “Sayyiduna Abu Bakr RadiAllahu Anhu used to show great respect to the family of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. He used to treat Hussain with love, affection, and special attention. Same was the case with Sayyiduna Farooqe A’zam and Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani Radiallahu Anhuma.” (Al-Bidayah 8/36, Tajalliyate Safdar vol1 p487)
When Farooqe A’zam Radiallahu Anhu fixed allowances, he gave Hassan and Hussain the allowance of the Badr participants i.e. 5000 each.
When clothes for distribution came from Yemen, Farooqe Azam Radiallahu Anhu said that these (clothes) are not good enough for Hasan & Hussain. Thereafter, he ordered special clothes be tailored for them. When they were sent, sayyiduna umar called both brothers in front of the gathering and gifted them.
When the daughter of Kisra by the name of Princess Sheherbanu was brought to Madinah Munawwarah among the captives, Sayyiduna Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) said, “She is only suitable for Hussain.” He gave her to Sayyiduna Hussain who freed her and married her. She gave birth to his son Ali Ibn Al Hussain who was later titled  Imam Zain al-Abideen, due to the beauty of his worship.
During the Khilafat of Shaykhayn (Abu Bakr & Umar Radiallahu Anhuma), Sayyiduna Hussain was still growing up. In 26AH, during the Uthmani caliphate, he took part in the conquest of Tripoli. He was instrumental in that victory as well many others that followed.
In 30 AH, he was with Sayyiduna Saeed Ibn Al-Aas (Radiallahu Anhu) in the conquest of Tabristaan, and thereafter in the conquest of Jurjaan.
In 34 AH, when the rebels surrounded the residence of Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani Radiallahu Anhu and were thirsty for his blood, this brave prince offered his life, along with a group of youth. They would stand by the door and would guard the house of Uthman Radiallahu Anhu, drawing the rebels back. Despite repeated requests to finish off the rebels and having the ability to do that, Uthman Ghani Radiallahu Anhu forbade them from shedding a single drop of blood for his protection. In the end, the rebels forced their way in to the neighbours’ property and jumped the walls. They then murdered Uthman Ghani Radiallahu Anhu. Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon.
After the Shahadah (martyrdom) of the oppressed Caliph, the Muhajireen & Ansaar pledged their allegiance to Sayyiduna Ali Karramallahu Waj’hahu. Sayyiduna Hussain was at his father’s side throughout the five years of his caliphate. He was a very obedient and humble son and took part in the notable battles of Jamal and Siffeen.
After the death of his father, he treated his elder brother Sayyiduna Hassan Radiallahu Anhu, like a father figure. He would always be at his side and consult him in important affairs.
After remaining khaleefa for just 6 months, Sayyiduna Hasan handed the reign of leadership to Sayyiduna Muawiyah Radiallahu Anhu. Sayyiduna Muawiyah radiallahu anhu treated the Ahle Bayt with utmost respect. He had fixed an allowance of 100,000 per annum for Sayyiduna Hasan & Hussain Radiallahu Anhuma. When they would travel to Shaam or Sayyiduna Muawiyah would come Madina Munawwarah, they would treat each other with generosity and hospitality.
When Sayyiduna Hassan died in 50AH, Sayyiduna Hussain became the eldest among the prophetic household. He was the best person on the face of the earth at that time. Once Sayyiduna Abdullah in ‘Amr ibn al-Aas Radiallahu Anhu was sitting in the Haram shareef, near the Ka’ba, when Sayyiduna Hussain radiallahu anhu entered. He looked at the radiant face of Sayyiduna Hussain and remarked, “Among all the people on the face of this earth, this person is the most beloved to the angels of the heavens. Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radiallahu Anhu would feel proud in holding on to the stirrup of Sayyiduna Husain’s saddle when he would ride on the horse.”
When Sayyiduna Muawiyah died in 60AH, his son Yazeed became his successor. Yazeed was only in his thirties. The Muslim community were not happy at his appointment. This was due to Yazeed’s transgression.
Not all cities under the Muslim rule pledged their allegiance to Yazeed. On the contrary, there were many who refused to accept his leadership. As a result, two groups materialised among the Sahaba. Sayyiduna Hussain and Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Zubair Radiallahu Anhumaa were of the opinion that Yazeed should be confronted and removed. Whereas Abdullah ibn Umar and Abdullah ibn Abbas Radiallahu Anhuma were hesitant about this, not because they doubted Yazeed’s Fisq but because they feared the killing that would follow the confrontation.
Kufa was one of the main cities in Iraq during this time. The people of Kufa invited Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu to remove Yazeed and unite the ummah. They made promises of pledging allegiance to him. During this time, they wrote hundreds of letters to him. Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu was in Makkah Mukarramah at the time.
He sent his cousin Muslim Ibn Aqeel Ibn Abi Talib (Radiallahu Anhu) to look into the matter. When Muslim ibn Aqeel reached Kufa, people began to pledge allegiance to Sayyiduna Hussain at his hands. He wrote back saying the whole city is echoing with your name and that you should come immediately.
Sayyduna Hussain (Radiallahu Anhu) left along with his immediate family members and many distant relatives and friends. Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radiallahu Anhuma tried to stop him, not because he supported Yazeed, but because he knew the treacherous nature of the people of Kufa. They had betrayed Husain’s father Sayyiduna Ali Karramallahu Waj’hahu.
Sayyiduna Hussain however left. Along the way he received the news that in Kufa, events had taken a turn for the worse. Yazeed had sent an order from Damascus that the  governor be changed and he instructs the newly appointed governor Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad to be strict on his opponents. He caught and murdered Muslim Ibn Aqeel (Radiallahu Anhu). Subsequently people deserted Sayyiduna Hussain (Radiallahu Anhu), in fact turned against him.
An army was dispatched to capture or kill Sayyiduna Hussain (Radiallahu Anhu) and his caravan. They cornered him and he reminded them of their invitation and showed them their letters. But they refused to acknowledge those letters.
He asked them for respite of the night preceding Aashura. This happened to be the night preceding Friday. He instructed his caravan to spend the night in worship and in supplication. He busied himself in worship as well. He instructed his sister Sayyida Zainab Radiallahu Anha not to lament after his martyrdom, because martyrdom would be a source of elevation for him.
When he lay down for a bit, he saw his grandfather and our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in a dream. The noble prophet Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam instructed him to be patient.
The following morning, the army attacked the caravan. Sayyiduna Husasin Radiallahu Anhu’s family and friends defended him but they were outnumbered. The opposing army consisted of four thousand well-armed soldiers, whereas the caravan consisted of no more than a hundred males, some children and ladies of the household. They were being slain one after the other. Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu was brave like his father and he too was fighting until he was left alone.
They had been defending from morning until the afternoon until the time of Jummu’ah beckoned. Due to being travellers they had to pray Zuhr. Sayyiduna Hussain asked for respite so that they may perform Salah, but they refused and he prayed Zohr Salah with indication (ishaarah).
He was extremely thirsty and wanted to drink some water from the river nearby. However, when he approached the water, one wretched person shot an arrow at him and thus prevented him from drinking. He became extremely weak due to the blood which was seeping from his wounds and at this juncture, a curse came out of his lips. He said, “May you also die with thirst.” And it so happened that the assailant died from an illness which made him thirsty and no matter how much water he drank his thirst wouldn’t go.
No single person had the courage to attack him out rightly. They would approach him in batches, shoot arrows from a distance and then flee when Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu would turn towards them. They decided to ambush him collectively. It was then that Shimr Zil Jawshan struck his head and others severed it from his body. Some vile individuals trampled over his slain body with their horses.
Inna lillallahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raajioon.تصميم الاربعين 1
Sayyiduna Hussain (Radiallahu Anhu) gave his precious life in order to establish Haqq (truth). He did not surrender to falsehood even though they did make proposals and promises.
The oppressors did not stop with him, they even attempted to kill the children as well. Imam Zainul Abideen was ill and unable to take part. He was therefore kept in the tent with the ladies. The enemies did barge in the tents and attempted to kill him but his aunt Zainab grabbed hold of him and shouted at them upon which they retreated.
Sayyiduna Husain’s severed head was taken to Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad, the governor of Kufa. He touched the lips with a stick in his hand and praised the beauty of the face. One elderly Sahabi could not take it and remarked, “Don’t do that! I have seen the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam kissing that face”
Then the severed head and the family members were sent to Yazeed in Damascus. He showed some remorse upon the killing. Allah knows how genuine he was. He sent the family back to Madinah Munawwarah.
Allah Ta’ala’s decree is astonishing. Exactly 6 years later, Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad was killed on the same day of Aashura in the year 67AH. His severed head was brought before Mukhtar Ibn Abi Ubaid ath-Thaqafi. The people saw a small snake come out of his mouth and then go back through the nose. It did this for a bit and then disappeared inside.
The Ahle Bayt remained extremely calm despite the tragic passing away of Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu and many of their relatives. When they returned to Madinah Munawwarah, there were cries of grief from everywhere.
Yazeed and the murderers did not last long. The murderers all spent the rest of their lives in a terrible state, and died very quickly. Yazeed also died within just 3 years. May Allah Ta’ala deal with him in the manner he deserves.
Ibn Abbas Radiallahu Anhu was in Makkah Mukarramah at the time. He was resting when he saw Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam in a dream. His hair appeared dishevelled and he had a bottle of blood in his hands. Upon Ibn Abbas Radiallahu Anhuma’s enquiry, he replied “I have just been to the place where Hussain was martyred. I collected this blood to present in the court of Allah on the Day of Judgement.”
Abu Uthman Nahdi migrated from Kufa to Basra, saying, “I can’t stay in a city which murdered the grandson of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.” Another Tabi’ee said, “If I was among the army that murdered Hussain, and I was allowed to enter Jannah… I would still feel ashamed of myself.”
Some narrations say that the sky suddenly turned black on that fateful day in Karbala. Some also narrate that, in baytul maqdis, when a stone would be turned, they would see blood beneath it.
It was a huge tragedy. Imam Shafi’ee (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) has composed poetry in relation to the martyrdom of Sayyiduna Hussain in which he declares the total innocence of Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu. He says,
ذبيح بلا جرم كآنَ قميصه.  صبيغ بماء الأرجوان خضيب
تزلزلت الدنيا لاٰل محمد.    وكادت لهم صُم الجبال تذوب
يُصَلَٰي علي المبعوث من اٰل هاشم.    و يغزيٰ بنوه ان ذَا لعجيب
“Slaughtered for no reason. His shirt was so red as though it was dyed with a red colour.
The world shook apart for the family of Muhammad. The massive mountains were close to melting.
How Ajeeb?? People send peace & blessings upon the Prophet from Banu Hashim and then kill his children!”
The Ahle bayt carried on with their lives. The Ummah moved on. The assailants suffered in this world as they will do so in the hereafter. It is pointless to keep wailing and lamenting upon this tragedy. Therefore, commercialising this tragedy is even worse.
Shias fabricate stories; some depict blood pouring on a stone and then say that this is Husain’s blood still flowing until today. Others visit a piece of cloth, which they claim, is from the tent of Sayyiduna Hussain Radiallahu Anhu in Karbala. Others make an effigy of Hussain Radiallahu Anhu and then carry it around. All these are innovations and we should never ever take part in such activities nor should we admire them. The Shias of today are not even Shia; they are mushriks. The Shias of the previous eras would never do such khurafaat.
If we are to remember the death of Hussain, then think for a moment “Where are we in our lives in comparison to the sacrifices of Hussain and the family of the Prophet? When and where do we stand up for justice, truth and Haqq? Hussain is performing salaah with isharah (indication) in the battlefield whereas we miss salaah for small reasons. We should take some lessons from Hussain and bring them into our lives.
May Allah guide the Ummah. Ameen
Shaykh Abdul Raheem Saheb (hafidhahullah)

Sweet Memories



In Memory of My Late Father, NazirAhmed Daud Satia (1947 – 2013)


Here in Blackburn was where his life started,

He wasn’t just a man, he wasn’t just a father, but so ever kind-hearted;

Principled, firm, full of awe and his beauty shone through,

With a voice so strong, every word spoken true.


In India, is where his life began,

His move to England was Allah’s plan.

Justice was his strength, his aura so majestic,

Community work, joining ties, his charity and courage were fantastic.

His sincerity, selflessness, humility and much more,

Such men are rare, that’s for sure.


Memories of Abba, I will cherish forever,

I pray in Jannah we will be together.

His aura and character sticks in my mind,

His laughter and smile it was one of a kind!


You are now far from our sight

Your beauty disappeared like the day covered by night.

Thank you for a lifetime of lessons I will never forget,

It only seems like yesterday when your sun finally set.


The next stage of your life has been set to begin,

Allah elevate your status and resurrect you without a single sin,

We miss you deeply and wish you all the best,

Allah bless you with every stage of success.


I won’t be sad, I won’t shed a tear,

I know the angels await you, they proclaim: “Do not be sad and do not fear.”

I pray you rest forever in peace and harmony, I pray you will never have pain or ache,

Know for sure, we all love you deeply for Allah’s sake.


Your son, indebted to you forever (Five years on).

19 Rabiul Awwal 1440


Imam Bukhari RH

by Shaikhul Hadith Mufti Ebrahim Saheb Desai 


1. Name
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Ebrahim ibn Mugira ibn Bardizba Al Ju’fi Al Bukhari.

2. Birth and Lineage
Born on Friday (after Jumuah) 13 Shawwal 194 A.H. Passed away on Friday 1 Shawwal 256 A.H. (the night before Eid-ul-Fitr) (Hadyus Saari – pg.477).

Bardizba was a fire worshipper. His son Mugira accepted Islam on the hands of Ju’fi the governor of Bukhara. That is why the name Ju’fi appears at the end of his name. There is not much mention about Imam Bukhari’s grandfather, Ebrahim. However, his father, Ismail, was a muhaddith and Ibn Hibban has rated him in the 4th category of reliable muhadditheen. He has narrated from Hammad ibn Zaid and Imam Malik. Abu Hafs Kabir says that he was present at the time of Ismails death when he heard him say: “I do not have a single dirham of doubt in my earnings.”

3. Abilities (Remarkable Memory)
When Imam Saheb was 11 years old, he was once at the lesson of Imaam Daakli and Imaam Daakhli narrated the following sanad: Sufyan from Abu Zubair from Ebrahim. Imaam Saheb said that this sanad is incorrect because Abu Zubair did not narrate from Ebrahim. When it was checked up, Imaam saheb was correct. (Hadyus Saari pg.478).

Hashid bin Ismail mentions that Imam Bukhari (R.A.) in his youth use to come to the Mashaaikh of Basra but he never used to write. After 16 days, we rebuked him for not writing down the notes (Ahadith). After a while, he said: “You have rebuked me enough – bring your kitabs.” Haashid says: “We brought our kitabs and Imam Saheb mentioned each and every hadith with their sanads and also corrected our kitabs and said: “You think I’m wasting my time!” (At that time there were over 15 000 Ahadith taken from those Mashaaikh of Basra) (Hadyus Saari pg.478).

Once Ishaaq bin Raah-weih mentioned that I know the 70 000 Ahadith mentioned in my book like I’m looking at them. When this was mentioned to Imam Bukhari (R.A.), he replied: “You are astonished at that, perhaps in this time and age, there are such people who know 200 000 Ahadith as mentioned in the kitaab (by this Imam Saheb was referring to himself) (Hadyus Saari pg.487).

Once when Imam Bukhari went to Baghdad, the muhadditheen got together and took 100 Ahadith and mixed up their sanads (chain of narrators) and matan (text). Thereafter 10 muhadditheen were appointed to present ten of these Ahadith each to him incorrectly. When each Hadith was presented, he replied each time with these words: “I don’t know this Hadith.” After all the Ahadith were presented to him, he mentioned each Hadith as it was narrated by those ten muhadditheen and then mentioned the correct version of each one (Hadyus Saari pg.486).

Abu Azhar (R.A.) says; “Once when Imam Bukhari (R.A.) came to Samarkand, 400 muhadditheen got together and mixed up the sanads of Iraq with Yemeni sanads and the sanads of the Haram with the Yemeni sanads in trying to make Imam Saheb commit a mistake, but not one mistake was taken out by anyone of the 400 muhadditheen.

4. Ustaads
Imam Bukhari (R.A.) said he has more than 1000 Ustaads. He knows the chain of narrators of every Hadith from every Ustaad. Ibn Hajar has categorized Bukhari’s Ustaads into 5 groups:

  1. Tabi’een
  2. Contemporaries of Tabi’een but did not narrate.
  3. Heard from elderly Tabi’een.
  4. Narrates from his colleagues who were his seniors.
  5. Narrates from his juniors.

5. Students
90 000 people have heard the Bukhari Shareef directly from Imam Bukhari (Hadyus Saari pg.491).

6. Sacrifices
Imam Bukhari (rahmatullahi alaih) invested his money of inheritance from his father’s estate and he should receive 500 dirhams monthly. All this used to be spent in attaining knowledge.

When he went to Adam ibn Abi Ayas there was a delay in receiving money – he ate grass, after 3 days somebody gave a bag of coins.

He got sick, his container of food was shown to doctors, they said this is like the Raahibs. Imam Bukhari did not eat curry for 40 years. When people insisted, he accepted to have bread and sugar as curry.

7. Piety and Character
Imam Bukhari said: “From the time I knew backbiting is haraam I never spoke ill about anyone.”

The need once arose for Imam Bukhari (R.A.) to travel by sea. He had with him 1000 ashrafis (gold coins). While on the ship, he met a person who became very close to Imam Saheb. One day (while on the ship) that person began shouting when asked the reason for the shouting he mentioned that he had a thousand Ashrafis that were missing. While every passenger on the ship was being searched, Imam Bukhari (R.A.) threw his 1000 Ashrafis into the sea. After all the passengers on board were searched and the money not found, the people began rebuking that person. When the journey ended that person came to Imam Bukhari (R.A.) and enquired as to what he had done with the money. Imam Bukhari (R.A.) replied that he had thrown it into the sea. That person asked why he had borne such a huge loss. He replied: “Are you not aware that my entire life has been devoted to the Ahadith of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and my authenticity is very renowned. I was not prepared to lose what I had earned my entire life because of a few gold coins.” (Zafrul Muhassileen – pg.103)

Whilst practising archery, the arrow hit a bridge and damaged it. He asked the owner for forgiveness and offered to repair it.

Abu Hafs Kabir sent goods to him which he promised to sell to somebody at a certain price. Others offered a higher price. He refused.

Imam Bukhari (R.A.) mentioned: “I did not write any Hadith in this book before taking a bath and performing 2 rakats and I deduced this kitab from 600,000 Ahadith in 16 years.

8. Imam Bukhari’s Mazhab
1). According to ibn Taimiyyah (R.A.), Imam Bukhari was a mujtahid and an independent Imam.

2). Allama Taqi’uddeen Subki has regarded him as a Shafi because he was the student of Humaidi, who was a Shafi. This conclusion is not correct because then Imam Bukhari should be regarded as a Hanafi in view of Ishaaq ibn Raahwa – Imam Bukhari’s Ustaad being a student of Abdullah ibn Mubarak and Abdullah ibn Mubarak was a Hanafi.

3). Ibn Qayyim (R.A.) says Imam Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Dawood were strong followers of Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal.

After studying and closely looking at Imam Bukhari one will realise that Imam Bukhari did not follow any one Imam, he has his independent views on many issues, therefore Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri (R.A.) and Sheikh Zakaria (R.A.) have the same view as that of Allama Taimiyya that Imam Bukhari is a mujtahid.

Hazrath Moulana Fazlur Rahman is of the opinion that Imam Bukhari’s Usools (fundamental principles) is not known, it is difficult to regard him as an independent Imam and Mujtahid.

My humble view is that not knowing the Usool of any Imam is not a criterion to disqualify him from being a mujtahid, just as there were many other mujtahids other than the famous and commonly known 4 Imams. Their usools are not known, but they were mujtahids or else it would mean that there were only 4 mujtahids in this Ummat. Yes, one may say that since the usools of Imam Bukhari are not known, he cannot be followed, just as we cannot follow for eg. Sufyan Sawri, Sufyan Uyaina, etc. etc.

9. Demise
Imam Bukhari very frequently became a victim of differences and disputes and he breathed his last in that condition. He was expelled from Bukhara 4 times.

1st – When he issued a ruling that foster relationships are effective even by drinking goat and sheep milk. This was in his early days. There is speculation whether this incident is true or not.

2nd – Many Ulama of Bukhara held the opinion that Iman is not makhlooq, because of that those Ulama had to leave Bukhara. Imam Bukhari was also amongst them.

3rd – After his experience with Imam Zuhli in Nishapur, Zuhli wrote to the Ameer of Bukhara complaining about Imam Bukhari which resulted in his expulsion.

Concerning the dispute with Imam Zuhli in Nishapur – When Imam Bukhari came to Nishapur he was very warmly welcomed and Imam zuhli, who was also the Ustaad of Imam Bukhari, encouraged the people to benefit and listen to ahadith from Imam Bukhari. Once somebody asked the question whether Kalamullah is makhlooq or not. Imam tried to evade the question but upon insisting he answered that Kalamullah is not makhlooq but our reciting the kalamullah is maqluq. People did not fully understand this and made an issue that Imam Bukhari says that “lafzi bilquran maklooq.” Imam Zuhli said, He (Imam Bukhari) is a bid’ati and no one should go to him. People left Imam Bukhari (R.A.) except Imam Muslim and Ahmad ibn Salama. Zuhli did not allow any person who subscribe to Imam Bukhari’s view or associated with him to sit in his lesson. Imam Muslim and Ahmad ibn Salama chose to be with Imam Bukhari. A few days later Imam Bukhari left Nishapur and went to Bukhara and was expelled from there. This was the third time he was expelled from Bukhara. There is some speculation that when Imam Bukhari began having discourses in Nishapur, Zuhli’s discourses were not largely attended hence Zuhli initiated Imam Bukhari’s removal from Bukhara. And Allah Ta’ala knows best

4th – Imam Bukhari was called to Bukhara and he received a very large reception. Ameer of Bukhara, Khalid Zuhli asked him to come to his place and teach his children Bukhari Shareef. Imam Bukhari refused and Khalid then used people to make objections on Imam Bukhari’s beliefs and thus he was finally expelled from Bukhara. Imam Bukhari cursed Khalid and within a month Khalid was dismissed and imprisoned.

After Imam Bukhari was removed for the fourth time by Khalid. He went to Khatang (today Khaja Abad) by his relatives. Abdul Quddus (R.A.) says that I heard Imam Bukhari making dua in tahajjud: “O Allah, the earth has become narrow for me despite its spaciousness, therefore call me to you.”

Gaalib ibn Jibraeel says – I was in Khartang when people of Samarqand sent a messenger to propose and invite Imam Bukhari to Samarqand. Imam Bukhari got ready to go and after walking about 20 steps he felt weak and lied down and breathed his last. This was on the night of Eid – 256 A.H. After his death, musk scent emitted from his grave. His opponents came to the grave to make tawbah. Upon his death, 2 persons saw a dream in which he made ziyarah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and the Sahaba (radhiallahu anhum) and they were waiting for somebody. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said that they are waiting for Imam Bukhari.


Imam Bukhari’s family and friendly ties with Abu Hafs Kabir’s family.
Imam Bukhari was a student of Abu Hafs Kabir, he made sima of Jami Sufyan from him. Even after that Imam Bukhari and Abu Hafs Sagheer (Kabirs son) were contemporaries and colleagues in studying. It is obvious that because of Imam Bukhari and his family being close to Abu Haf’s family (Abu Hafs used to render financial help to Imam Bukhari) he was aware of the fiqh of the Ahnaaf.

In fact he first studied all the books of Abdulla ibn Mubarak who was a student of Abu Hanifa and member of the fiqh shura committee of the Ahnaaf.

However later in life when Imam Bukhari came into contact with Imam Humaidi and Nuaim Khuzaaie, who were very strongly opposed to the Ahnaaf – he too was influenced by their anti-Ahnaaf attitude.

11. Writings and Other Compilations
Imam Bukhari wrote many kitabs besides Bukhari Shareef (Al Jamius Sahih). Hereunder are some books which are written by Imam Bukhari

  1. Al Aadaabul Mufrad
  2. Juz – Raf-e-Yadain
  3. Juz – Qiraat-Kalful-Imam
  4. At-Taareekh-Al Kabeer – Al Awsat-As Sageer
  5. Kitabul Ashribah
  6. Kitabul Hibah
  7. Mabsoot
  8. Kitabul Ilal
  9. Kitabul Wuhdaan
  10. 10. Af’aalul Ibaad


Motivating factors of compiling Bukhari Shareef,
There were many books written on hadith but there were mixtures of Sahih and Daeef ahadith. Imam Bukhari felt that there should be a compilation of only Sahih ahadith. Once while sitting in the gathering of Ishaaq ibn Raahwai he (Ishaq) expressed his wish that a book of Sahih ahadith be compiled, when he heard this, his feeling of compiling such a book was strengthened and this was later consolidated with a dream wherein he (Imam Bukhari) saw a dream that he was waving away flies from Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) with a fan. The dream was interpreted as Imam Bukhari will sift out the fabricated Ahadith form the authentic Ahadith.

The dominant purpose of compiling Bukhari Shareef from the motivating factors was to compile and gather only Sahih ahadith. Apart from that, Imam Bukhari designed and brightened his book with other aspects as well, for eg., he would deduce fiqhi aspects from the hadith, he would express the authenticity of the hadith by presenting another sanad (chain of narrators). He also explains the meaning of many ahadith etc. It is due to the above factors that the hadith in Bukhari Shareef are not in a subject or topic sequence. However, Imam Muslim has arranged and compiled his book according to a topic sequence.

13. Specialities of Bukhari Shareef
1. It is the first book compiled only on Sahih ahadith.

2. It took the author 16 years to compile his book. The tarajims (topics) were prepared at the Rawdhah Mubarak.

3. Abu Zaid Mirwazi Shafi, who was a very fond shafi was sleeping in the mataaf area when he made ziyarat of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) who asked him, why do you not make research and read my book. Abu Zaid asked: “O Prophet of Allah which is your book?” Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) replied the book of Muhammad ibn Ismail ie. Bukhari Shareef.

4. When reading at the time of difficulties and hardships, matters are made easy.

When read in a boat it does not sink.

5. There are 22 Sulusiyyaats in Bukhari Shareef. However, Darami has more sulusiyyaats than Bukhari Shareef.

14. Conditions of Choosing a Hadith
Muhammad Maqdasi says that the conditions of choosing a hadith in Bukhari Shareef are not mentioned by the author himself. The muhadditheen have pondered and studied the book and deduced these conditions, presuming they were the criteria set out by the author. Tahir Maqdasi says that the conditions of choosing a hadith in Bukhari Shareef are:

  1. The narrator is unanimously reliable. Here a question may arise as to why is there discussions on the reliability and authenticity of many narrators in Bukhari Shareef. Ibn Humam has answered this that certifying a narrator as reliable or unreliable is not absolute (qat’ie). A muhaddith certifies according to his understanding and research.
  2. The chain of narrators must be an unbroken one (itti’saal – see page five).
  3. If two narrators narrate from every narrator it is better but not a condition.
  4. Haakim, author of Mustadrak says it is a condition of Bukhari Shareef that there always be two narrators from a narrator. This is not correct. The first and last hadith indicates that even narrations with one narrator is accepted. In fact, there are about 200 such ahadith in Bukhari Shareef. Ziya Maqdasi has prepared a book Galaaibus Sahihain on this matter.

Hereunder is a more clear explanation as to what type of narrators are chosen by Imam Bukhari.

Imam Zuhri has five Islam & Muslims of students:

  1. Very reliable in memory and authenticity and always or for a very long time stayed in the company of Imam Zuhri.
  2. Also very reliable but stayed lesser than the first group.
  3. Stayed with Zuhri but were criticized by some.
  4. Did not stay with Zuhri and were criticized by some.
  5. Weak and unknown narrators.

Imam Bukhari took narrators of the first category, seldom would he take from the second category. Imam Muslim would take from the third category as well.

Abu Dawood and Nasai would take from the third category.

Tirmizi from the fourth category, Tirmizi is more superior to Abu Dawood because he discusses the reason a hadith is weak, etc.

Imam Abu Dawood uses the fifth category to support and consolidate. (Read after the section on itti’saal.)

A question arises that if according to Imam Bukhari, the chain of narrators must be an unbroken one, why are there ahadith-e-muanan (hadith with an-an).

According to Imam Bukhari for a hadith muanan to be under the category of unbroken chain of narrators, the narrator and from whom he is narrating must be contemporaries and must meet at least once.

In order to clearly understand the above, the following must be understood:
The narrator and from whom he is narrating, if they are not contemporaries, such a narration is named as Irsaale Jali.

If they are contemporaries but they did not meet, this is called Irsaale Khafi.

If they are contemporaries, met but narrates something he did not hear, this is Tadlees.

According to Imam Bukhari, the two must meet at least once. According to Muslim, merely being contemporaries is sufficient. Imam Bukhari views this as a possibility of being Irsaal, hence the narration will not be of an unbroken chain (muttasal).

One may raise an objection that according to Imam Bukhari, meeting once is sufficient, but still, there is a possibility of non-narration. The answer is that we are discussing a narrator who does not practice Tadlees. A mudallis’s narration is not muttasil, hence disqualifies from being accepted.

In the light of the above discussion, it is clear that Bukhari shareef is more superior to Muslim or any other book on hadith. Dare Qutni says:

The statement of Abu Ali Nishapuri: “There is no other kitaab on the surface of this earth more sahih than Muslim Shareef,” is opposed by Nishapuri’s Ustaad, Imam Nasai, who said there is no better book than Bukhari Shareef.

However, it must be noted that the superiority of Bukhari Shareef over Muslim Shareef and other books of ahadith is on a general basis, not that every hadith of Bukhari Shareef is more superior to any hadith in any other book of hadith.

15. The Topics (Taraajim) of Bukhari Shareef

  1. Sometimes the purpose of Imam Bukhari is not literal. He says something and means isharatun-nas or dalatun-nas.
  2. Imam Bukhari does not repeat a topic if so the purpose is different.
  3. Generally, the topic is like a claim and the ahadith follow it as proof, but in many instances, he means to explain the meaning of the following hadith.
  4. A tarjuma sometimes has two meanings, clear and unclear. People think and assume the clear meaning, hence they experience difficulty in reconciling the topic with the hadith, whereas the unclear meaning is the purpose of Imam Bukhari.
  5. Sometimes there is no link between the topic and hadith quoted under it, but the hadith with that link is nearby, if not further in the kitab, or maybe it is not in Bukhari Shareef, because it does not conform with the conditions of Bukhari Shareef.
  6. Sometimes with the topic, Imam Bukhari quotes sayings of sahaba and tabi’een (radhiallahu anhum), but those sayings have no direct relevance.
  7. Sometimes there is a baab but no hadith under the baab. The reason for this is that the hadith is somewhat related to the previous baab, just like the fasal of the fuqaha. Imam Bukhari’s purpose is also probably to sharpen the brain, that one ponders in the hadith and deduce some valid point.
  8. Sometimes there is a tarjama but no hadith under it. This is of different types:
    Either there are verses of quran after the topic, or the verses are part of the topic. In the above two, the verses are sufficient substantiations. However if there is a topic and no verse or hadith, the reason is either that the hadith is not in conformity with the conditions set out by Imam Bukhari or the hadith is mentioned elsewhere and to avoid exact repetition, he did not mention it or for sharpening the brains, that one ponders over a hadith to substantiate.
  9. Sometimes a topic is mentioned twice, the purpose of the second is to elaborate on the first one.

10. Sometimes such a topic is mentioned that does not need any explanation but he brings it to refute an opinion of some muhaddith. This is common in Bukhari Shareef against Musannaf Abdur Razzak and Ibn Abi Shaiba.

16. Repetitions in Bukhari Shareef
Generally, Imam Bukhari repeats a hadith but with a different chain of narrators or different words. However, there are about 21 or 22 places in Bukhari Shareef wherein there are exact (sanad or words) repeated. This is indeed a very negligent number in comparison to the vast number of ahadith in Bukhari Shareef. However, where a hadith is repeated but with a different chain of narrators or different words, the benefits of reporting them are:

  1. When one sahabi narrates a hadith, that same hadith is narrated by another sahabi, the purpose of quoting the other sahabi’s narration is to remove the misconception of non-familiarity (garaabat).
  2. One narrator quotes the hadith short, the other complete, Imam Bukhari quotes both as narrated by the narrators.
  3. A hadith is narrated with different words, for every change of word he brings a different topic and repeats it.
  4. If there are two possibilities in one narration, of broken and unbroken chain of narrators (muttasil and ghair muttasil) Imam Bukhari quotes both possibilities to indicate that the irsaal does not prevent the itti’saal’s acceptance.
  5. Similarly, if there are two possibilities, of dependant (mawkuuf) and complete (marfu) narrations.
  6. In some chain of narrators, if there is an addition, Imam Bukhari brings both versions to show that both are correct.
  7. One narration is muanan, the other chain expresses meeting, Imam Bukhari brings both to remove doubt.

17. Important Books related to Bukhari Shareef

  1. Aini (762-855 A.H.) – He wrote his sharah (commentary) over a period of 27 years. This sharah consists of 25 volumes. In this meanings of the words in the hadith are given and the link between the topic (baab) and hadith and many other aspects.
  2. Fathul Baari (Ibn Hajar Asqalani 773 – 852 A.H.) – This sharah was written over a period of 25 years. It consists of 13 volumes. Before this sharah, Ibn Hajar wrote (Alhadyus Saari) an introduction to Bukhari Shareef and Taghleequt-Taaleeq. After Aini wrote his sharah, Ibn Hajar wrote Intiqaasul I’tiraaz to answer Ainis objections. In Aini and Fathul Baari, there are answers of the same objections by one another. This was also due to some students eg. Burhaan ibn Khizar attending both discourses and informing both of them accordingly. However both the sharah have their own beauties and positive features, but Aini is easier to refer to and understood quickly, due to its concise and orderly fashion.
  3. Irshaadus Saari (851- 923 A.H. Qastalani) – This sharah is also known as Sharah Qastalani. This sharah is a synopsis of the above two sharahs.
  4. Alkawaakibud-daraari (Allama Kirmaani 717-786 A.H.) – The author was sleeping by the kaba and there he was inspired to keep this name for his sharah.
  5. Faizul Baari (Allama Badre Aalam) – Has written the main points from Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiris lessons in Bukhari Shareef.
  6. Alabwaab Wat-taraajim (Hazrath Sheikh Zakariyya) – This is a must reference for Abwaab as well as other important discussions.
  7. Laamiud Daraari – (Moulana Yahya Saheb) noted the points from Hazrath Moulana Rashid Ahmed Gangohi’s discourses of Bukhari Shareef.


You may refer to the following books for an in-depth understanding on the issue of Taqleed (following a particular Madhab).

1- The legal status of following a Mazhab by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani

2- Differences of the Imams by Sheikhul Hadeeth  Moulana Zakariyya (Rahmatullahi Alayhi)


99 Lessons from Ertugrul Dirilis


  1. The first and most important reason I started watching Ertugrul (and continued) was his confidence, it was admirable and beyond belief. We need our young boys to emulate this.
  2. Trust in Allah SWT, look at Ertugrul and all the beys. Especially Suleiman Shah, when he goes to get his son from Karyatkor. He has a sword to his neck, despite this, he trusts in Allah SWT.
  3. The courage of the people of Kayi tribe. Even their womenfolk are courageous and will put up a sword fight with any man.
  4. Live simple. Notice there is no extravagance, how simply they live and what they eat and how they dress. Contentment is a great blessing from Allah SWT.
  5. Know that death is always around the corner. See how they don’t keep much hope on life, the most unreliable thing in life is life itself.
  6. Don’t trust anyone too much. The brother of Suleiman Shah, Kurdoglu and Selcan Hatun (in series 1) were not trustworthy. Notice how they lie to their own family and try to kill them. You have to be sharp at all times.
  7. Beware of enemies, keep friends close keep enemies closer. Stay vigilant at all times, there can be enemies in your own circle.
  8. Observe how one lie, one liar can cause bloodshed and war. See how Kurdoglu causes rifts and friction to tear the tribe apart. We need to control our tongues.
  9. Muslim unity is important, people who divide us are a Fitnah. We must not look at colour, language and caste. Kayi and Dodurga when they unite they are strong.
  10. Black magic and poison are common, they exist and are real. A wife can even do it to her own husband.ertgugrul.jpg
  11. Follow your traditions and principles your parents and grandparents taught you. More importantly, follow al-Islam.
  12. Men need to control their womenfolk and be on top of them, Islam says ‘men are protectors.’ Look how out of control Selcan Hatun gets, because Gundogdu is not brave enough.
  13. Some women have long and sharp tongues, their tongues need to be caged. This is obvious in Aytalon and Goncagul Hatun.
  14. Being older in the family doesn’t necessarily mean you are wiser, Ertugrul is younger than Gundogdu. But sometimes, well more often than not Ertugrul makes wiser and braver decisions.
  15. The family relationship is important, unity and brotherhood. Respecting each other and obeying your parents. You will find this in Suleiman Shah and his sons, also in front of their mother too. Deep respect.
  16. A father should be the pivot of the family, Suleiman Shah was very well respected.
  17. A good leader needs good ministers/waziers, people to take counsel from and advice.
  18. A good leader also needs a good wife, Mother Hayme is bedrock support.
  19. Adab is important in Islam, with your family, the community and all human beings.
  20. Your appearance and identity should not change, no matter where you live.ertgul.jpg
  21. Speak the truth even if everyone is against you, just like Ertugrul followed his intuition against Gundogdu. Especially when he was accused by Kurdoglu and Kocabash for killing the Alps.
  22. Be careful whom you marry, marrying the wrong person can wreck your life and expose your secrets. Just like Gokce eavesdrops for Tugtekin.
  23. If you lie and accuse people you will be caught eventually, Selcan Hatun slandered Aykiz and faced the consequences.
  24. Take time to think and make wise decisions, one can observe how Ertugrul is never hasty.
  25. Learn to take blessings and Dua from your parents, also from your elders too like Suleiman Shah’s sons do.
  26. Never forego principles.
  27. Sometimes women must think of the consequences they can cause and damage they can do with their tongues.
  28. Learn to give your life for Allah, which is evident in all the Beys.
  29. The truth doesn’t always make sense and the odd don’t always add up, be astute.
  30. Tawakkul, trust in Allah. The best example is Imam Ibn Arabi RH.ertu
  31. Constantly remember Allah in your heart, do dhikr excessively.
  32. Look for advice and guidance in the stories of the Prophets (peace be upon him).
  33. Naivety is a dangerous disease, Gundodgu is blatantly naïve and pays the price for it.
  34. Sweet words are poisonous, Goncagul Hatun is an expert in this field but it only lands her in trouble in the end.
  35. Learn to have mercy on your young ones, Allah has blessed every human being with some hidden talent. We just need to discover it.
  36. Take advice and counsel form your elders, you don’t have experience of everything. But believe me, experience is everything!
  37. Learn archery and teach it to your young boys.
  38. Horse riding is from the Sunnah.
  39. Keep fit, healthy and strong, always be on alert from the attack of enemies.
  40. Traitors exist in every era, Kocabash, Kundoglu and Selcan Hatun.ertugr.png
  41. A good mother is always overlooking her family and being vigilant. Mother Hayme is super sharp and wise.
  42. Be considerate and care for each other, Bamsi, Turgut and Dogan are unbreakable.
  43. Repent to Allah after mistakes, Selcan’s crimes were heinous but she still did tawbah.
  44. Criminals should be punished no matter who they are, Kurdodglu was beheaded.
  45. Sometimes people in power abuse their positions, Sadettin Kobeck wasn’t trustworthy and abused his authority.
  46. Anger is dangerous and clouds your judgement, there is ample evidence of this in Tugtekin.
  47. Friends can become enemies and enemies become friends, Selcan Hatun changed her life with a U-turn in series 2. Love and hate in moderation.
  48. Liars will do anything to hide the truth, Goncagul killed the old woman to hide Aytolun’s secrets. However, she was later exposed too.
  49. A man will do anything for power, Gumestekin Bey played tricks with Sadettin Kopec for power and politics. Sadly, this ended in his death.ertugrudirilis.jpgDirilis axe

TBC for series 3 and series 4…

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

1 Safar 1440


Imam AbuBakr RH and the King of Rome

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The king of rome purposely designed a door very short so that everyone who enters would bow down to him, but Imām Abū Bakr al-Bāqillānī (رحمه الله) humiliates the roman king:

❝When al-Bāqillānī attended, he noticed the trap (of the slanted door), so he turned his body backwards and bended over, then entered through the door while walking backwards, allowing his bottom to face the roman king, instead of showing his face!
At this point, the king knew that he was infront of a cunning person. Al-Bāqillānī entered and greeted them, but he did not give salāms to them (due to the prohibition of the Rasūl on initiating ahlul-kitāb with salāms), then he turned to the major priest and said to him:
“How are you doing, and how is your family and children?”
The roman king bursted in anger and said, “Don’t you know that our priests do not marry, nor do they beget children?”
So Abū Bakr (al-Bāqillānī) said, “Allāhu akbar! You disassociate your priests from marriage and having children, then you accuse your lord of being married to Maryam and begetting ‘Īsa as a child?”
So the king bursted in more anger! Then the king said, without any shame, “What is your opinion about what ‘Ā’isha did?”
Abū Bakr replied, “If ‘Ā’isha (رضي الله عنها) has been accused (the hypocrites and Rāfidah accused her of zinā), then Maryam has also been accused (the jews accused her of zinā), and they are both pure chaste women.
However, ‘Ā’isha got married and she didn’t beget a child, but as for Maryam, she begot a child without a marriage! So who is more deserving of the FALSE accusation, and God Forbid them from that, may Allāh be pleased with them both?”
So the king became so crazy!
The king asked, “Did your Prophet fight battles?!”
Abū Bakr replied, “Yes”.
The king asked, “Did he used to fight on the frontline?!”
Abū Bakr replied, “Yes”.
The king asked, “Did he used to gain victory?!”
Abū Bakr replied, “Yes”.
The king asked, “Did he used to suffer defeats?!”
Abū Bakr replied, “Yes”
The king said, “Astonishing! A prophet who suffers defeat?”
Abū Bakr replied, “A god who gets crucified?!”
So the one who disbelieved become shockingly dumbfounded!!❞
— Refer to “Tārīkh Baghdād” (5/379) by Al-Khatīb al-Baghdādī (رحمه الله).

Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) Arabic: عاصم بن ثابت‎‎) was one of the Ansar, a person belonging to one of the first generations of Muslims and who helped Muhammad after his migration to Medina.
Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) in the Battle of Badr. Rasulullah ﷺ’s forces included Sayidina Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) , Sayidina Umar Ibn Al Khattab (Allah be pleased with him) Sayidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Hamzah Ibn Abdul Muttalib (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Mus`ab ibn `Umair (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Az-Zubair bin Al-‘Awam (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Ammar ibn Yasir (Allah be pleased with him) and Sayidina Abu Dhār al-Ghifari (Allah be pleased with him).
The Muslims also brought seventy camels and two horses, meaning that they either had to walk or fit three to four men per camel. However, many early Muslim sources indicate that no serious fighting was expected, and the future Saiyidina Othman Ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) stayed behind to care for his sick wife Ruqayyah (Allah be pleased with her) the daughter of Rasulullah ﷺ. Salman Al Farisi (Allah be pleased with him) could not join the battle, as he was still not a free man.
Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) also participated in the Invasion of Hamra al-Assad, after staying at Hamra al-Assad for three days, Rasulullah ﷺ returned to Madinah. Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) Abu Azzah al-Jumahi as prisoner. Abu Azzah had previously been one of the prisoners of Badr. Abu Azzah Amr bin Abd Allah al-Jumahi had been treated kindly by Rasulullah ﷺ after the Battle of Badr, being a poor man with daughters, he had no means to pay ransom, he was released after Battle of Badr, on the condition that he would not take up arms against Muslims again. But he had broken his promise and participated in Battle of Uhud. Abu Azzah al-Jumahi pleaded for mercy again, but Rasulullah ﷺ ordered him to be killed. Az-Zubair (Allah be pleased with him) him, and in another version, Asim ibn Thabit(Allah be pleased with him).
The father of one of Umar’s wives, Umm Kulthum bint Asim (Allah be pleased with her) was Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) is not clear if that person is the same person as the subject of this article is with regards to Saiyidina Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him).
Hadith about Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) narrated by Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him)…
A narration attributed to Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) :
Rasulullah ﷺ sent out ten men on a scouting expedition and put ‘Asim ibn Thabit al-Ansari RA in command of them. They proceeded until they reached Had ‘a, which is between ‘Usfan and Makkah.
This during the Expedition of Al Raji. In 625 some men requested that Rasulullah ﷺ send instructors to teach them Islam, but the men were bribed by the two tribes of Khuzaymah who wanted revenge for the assassination of Khalid bin Sufian by Rasulullah ﷺ’s followers and they killed the Muslims.
Their presence was reported to a branch of Hudhayl called the Banu Lihyan. About a hundred men, who were all archers, set out after them. They followed their tracks. When Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) and his companions perceived them, they took cover. The people surrounded them and said, ‘Come down and give your selves up! You have protection and assurance that we will not kill any of you!’
Asim ibn Thabit RA said, ‘O people! As for me, I will not come down into the protection of an unbeliever! O Allah, inform Your Prophet about us!’ They shot at them with arrows and killed Asim Ibn Thabit RA. A group of three came down, accepting the offer of protection and security. They included Khubayb al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him), Zayd ibn Dathina (Allah be pleased with him) and another man,
Rasulullah ﷺ informed his Companions about them on the day they fell. When they were informed that Asim ibn Thabit RA had been killed, some of the unbelievers of Quraish were sent to bring part of him that could be recognized. He had killed one of their great men on the Day of Badr. After killing Asim ibn Thabit RA, Hudhayl wanted to sell his head.
Allah SWT sent over Asim ibn Thabit RA a swarm of bees like a cloud and it protected him from their messengers and they could not cut off any part of him.”
A brief story on why the hatred and revengefulness of the unbelievers to Saiyidina Asim Ibn Thabit RA, and this took place after the “Battle of Uhud”
Ever despaired in your Du’as?
Ever thought that they are not answered or that Allah Azza Wa Jal doesn’t respond?
Then, let me narrate to you of another the story of ‘Asim Ibn Thabit RA.
During the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims purportedly faced defeat though not reliably authenticated of the fact, the Quraish celebrated with their revenge but this was not enough for the ladies of their tribes. Hind, the woman who slaughtered the body of Saiyidina Hamzah RA, together with other women started to go out on the battlefield and started to dance and desecrate the dead bodies of the Mujahideen. Astagfirullah!
Narrations say that in the passionate desire for revenge, these women slit up the belies of the Mujahideen, gouged out their eyes and cut off their noses and their ears. One woman among them shaped an anklet of the nose of a Mujahideen and put it on her feet and started dancing joyfully amidst the dead bodies.
But then came out Salafah Bint Sa’ad, who was very different from the other women, she was anxious about her family, so she started to look for them, she search high and low until she found the body of her husband soaked in his own blood, and near him were her sons, Mustafa, Kalab and Jalas who was breathing his last
On this Salafah asked who killed them, and Jalas said it was ‘Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him).Hearing this Salafah started to scream and swore by the false gods ‘Uzza and Lat that her rage could not die down until she had taken revenge on ‘Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) and drank wine from his skull.
After this, she indeed proclaimed that she would give any amount for the person who can bring her the head of ‘Asim ibn Thabit, and this spread like fire amongst the Quraish. So one by one they started to search for ‘Asim ibn Thabit.
After the Battle of Uhud, Rasulullah ﷺ sent  the Sahabah RA  on a special mission with ‘Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) its  leader.
They were a few distance from Makkah when a group of Banu Hudhayl pursued them and ambushed them. The people tried to bribe the Sahabah (Allah be pleased with them) told them that they won’t be killed as long as they lay down their weapons.
Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) all his courage said “I will not lay down my weapons before the Mushrikeen!”
Then, he remembered the swearing of Salafah and he prayed:
“O Allah! I protect and defend your faith and, have Mercy on me and protect my flesh and my bones; please do not allow them to fall into the hands of the enemy.”
After this Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) the enemy with two of his companions, they fought fiercely until they were martyred one by one. The three other surrendered and were killed, one committed suicide and the other 2 killed by the Banu Hudhayl.
Now, this is where the power of du’a comes. After few hours of the martyrdom of Asim Ibn Thabit RA, the Quraish learnt of the where about of his body which was lying in the area inhabited by the Banu Hudhayl..
So, with the hungry bellies of the Quraish for money, they started to give a lot of money to their messengers so that they could succeed in getting the head of Asim Ibn Thabit RA.
When they succeeded, some men of the Banu Hudhayl went to the place where the body Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) lying; when they were near it to cut off his head they found a whole lot of bees, wasps and hornets surrounding the body and head of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him).Whenever they attempted to cut it these bees and wasps would attack them so they couldn’t do anything but give up and wait for the nightfall.
The sun had not yet set when suddenly dark dense of clouds appeared on the sky, the very air seemed to tremble with the thunder and heavy rains had fallen.
Soon the streets and roads took on the appearance of streams, low-lying areas were filled, and there was water everywhere. It rained heavily the whole night and the Banu Hudhayl went back to their homes.
Next morning they came out to get the head of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) as they went towards the field the body was nowhere to be found. The flood washed it away to some unknown place; they searched high and low but the body of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) disappeared like dust in the wind.
Subhan’Allah. Look how Allah Azza Wa Jall responded to the du’a of His faithful servant Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him). Allah SWT sent down wasps and bees to cover his body as protection to these people who had the intention to use his limbs and whatever is left of him into devilish and sinful act of drinking wine. Allah SWT  sent down heavy rain so that his body won’t be found and away from the Mushrikeen.
Allah Azza Wa Jal will never allow the Mushrikeen to triumph over the Mu’mineen and this is how he protects His faithful servants. Similarly in Palestine, the Kuffar may plan anything against the Mu’mineen, but the Divine Plan overcomes all other plans.
Indeed, the story of Asim Ibn Thabit truly reminds us of the one of the famous “Ayat of the Qur’an” where Allah Azza Wa Jall says:
“Call upon me and I will respond to you.” 40:60
So never despair of His Mercy and never underestimate the power of your du’a. Remember Allah Azza Wa Jall knows what you are about to ask Him even if you haven’t uttered them, He is within You, Your heart itself, calls upon Allah Azza Wa Jall with every beat.
“Rabb. Rabb. Rabb. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa billah.”
May you all benefit from the story of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him)
Amin Ya Rabb
Miscellaneous Personalities

Insurance or SIN-surance?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“O you who believe, fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for riba (interest), if you are indeed believers. If you do it not, take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger.” (Qur’an 2:278-279)
Today, we have alsorts of insurance, car insurance, holiday insurance, life insurance, death insurance and even PET insurance. We have so much fear of everything. Remember, whoever fears anything besides Allah, Allah will disgrace him and humiliate him.
Who looked after you in your mother’s womb?
Who fed you for 9 months?
When you were born, you drank breast milk, where was the insurance?
Have we lost trust in Allah SWT?
We fear everything besides Allah SWT.
Majority of Muslims buy houses with interest (Ribaa). Then you question the same Allah (that you disobey) “why is there no Barakah in my life?”
Remember brothers and sister, your family will fight for this same house once you are dead! We need true reliance (on Allah), NOT insurance.
Shaykh Muhammad Hoblous, Australia
Isn’t it strange how a Muslim will strictly stay away from eating pork because it is haram, yet the same person has no problem devouring riba (otherwise known as usury or interest)?
“…but whoever returns (to dealing in Riba), such are the dwellers of the Fire- they will abide therein”. (Surah Baqarah, verse 275).

Riba means an increase in a particular item. The word is derived from a root meaning increase or growth. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whatever you pay as interest so that it may increase (li yarbu) the wealth of people does not increase (fa la yarbu) in the sight of Allah” [al-Room 30:39]., i.e., it does not increase or rise in status before Allah.

Riba originated among the people of the Jaahiliyyah; if a debt became due, they would say to him (the borrower): Give us one hundred (that is due, now), or increase it to one hundred and fifty (and pay later). Then when the one hundred and fifty became due, they would say: Give us one hundred and fifty (now), or increase it to two hundred (and pay later) — and so on.

Islam also forbade another kind of riba, namely riba al-fadl, which means adding to the amount when exchanging one item for another of the same type. So if gold is sold for gold, that is not permissible except like for like, hand to hand. Islam stipulated that the exchange should be done hand to hand and that the items or goods should be of the same quality. Whoever gives more or asks for more has engaged in riba. If he sells a saa‘ of wheat for two saa‘s (of the same commodity), even if it is hand to hand, he has engaged in riba.

The principle of the circulation of capital exists in both the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world. What it means is circulating capital so that it will increase. The same applies to lending; they give money as a loan provided that it will increase when they get it back. Such transactions are undoubtedly riba.


Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) narrated, “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) cursed the one who consumes Riba, the one who pays for it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it.” He (peace and blessings be upon him): “they are all the same.”
“Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, “Trade is [just] like interest.” But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah . But whoever returns to [dealing in interest or usury] – those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.” (Surah Baqarah, verse 275)
1)   All kinds of commercial insurance are clearly and undoubtedly ribaa (interest/usury). Insurance is the sale of money for money, of a greater or lesser amount, with a delay in one of the payments. It involves riba al-fadl (interest-based transaction) and riba al-nas’ (interest to be charged if payment is delayed beyond the due date), because the insurance companies take people’s money and promise to pay them more or less money when a specific accident against which insurance has been taken out happens. This is riba, and riba is forbidden in the Qur’aan, in many ayaat.

2) All kinds of commercial insurance are based on nothing but gambling which is haraam according to the Qur’an:

“O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab (stone altars for sacrifice to idols etc.) and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful” (al-Ma’idah 5:90 – interpretation of the meaning).

All kinds of insurance are kinds of playing with chances. They tell you, Pay this much money, then if this happens to you we will give you this much. This is pure gambling. Insisting on differentiating between insurance and gambling is pure stubbornness that is unacceptable to any sound mind. The insurance companies themselves admit that insurance is gambling.

3) All kinds of insurance are forms of uncertainty, and transactions which involve uncertainty are forbidden according to many saheeh ahaadeeth, such as the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him):

“The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade transactions determined by throwing a stone and transactions which involved some uncertainty.” (Narrated by Muslim).

[“Transactions determined by throwing a stone” – this was a type of transaction that was prevalent in the markets of pre-Islamic Arabia, whereby a stone was thrown by either the buyer or the seller, and whatever it touched, its transaction became binding. “Transactions which involved some uncertainty” – is a transaction in which there is no guarantee that the seller can deliver the goods for which he receives payment. Footnotes from the translation of Saheeh Muslim. (Translator)].

All forms of commercial insurance are based on uncertainty of the most extreme kind. Insurance companies and those who sell insurance refuse to insure cases except where there is clear uncertainty in whether or not the condition being insured against will happen or not.  In other words, the condition being insured against must have a possibility of happening or not happening (as opposed to, for example, someone who has a pre-existing condition, such as a person who is on death row applying for life insurance–translator.) Moreover, this transaction involves something uncertain, which is when an accident will happen and the extent of the damage caused. Hence insurance combines three kinds of extreme uncertainty.


3rd March 1924

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Today in Ottoman history marks the 94th anniversary of an event so momentous that we are still feeling the aftershocks of it today: the abolishment of the Office of the Caliph. It marked a turning point in history. To fully appreciate the significance of this anniversary, we must take ourselves back to Istanbul. The year is 1924, sometime after midnight. A single light, coming from the library is on, in the Dolmabahçe palace. There, an old man sits quietly and reads the Qurʾan, pondering over the state of his Ummah (i.e. the Muslim nation). His name is Abdülmecid II and he is the 101st Caliph of Islam. Two years prior, his cousin Sultan Mehmed VI Vahdeddin had been exiled to Italy (where he later starved to death) and the Ottoman Sultanate had been abolished by the Grand National Assembly. The end of the Ottoman Empire had finally come to an end, however, the Office of the Caliph was not so easily dismantled, due to fears of a massive backlash that would ensue.
A campaign of violence and intimidation began to ensure that all those who supported the Caliph were removed. Then, on the night of March 3rd, the final move was made. A young army messenger opened the door to the library of the Dolmabahçe palace. The hunched over Caliph continued to read from the Qurʾan. The messenger was initially taken aback by the sight, but he forced himself and read out the proclamation from the Grand National Assembly. The Caliph refused to leave Istanbul, but his staff were worried that they would all be killed by the army that had now surrounded the palace and had him and his family, including women and children at gunpoint. After weighing the few options he had, he reluctantly packed some of his clothes and went into exile. Before morning prayer, the Caliph was taken to the main train station at gunpoint where he and his family were put on the Orient Express bound for Switzerland.
An envelope containing £2,000 was given to the man who left behind entire palaces full of diamonds, emeralds and gold. The station master quickly took the Caliph and his family into his small house adjoining the train station to shelter them from the cold on the platform while they awaited the train to start on its journey. As they drank tea, the Caliph thanked him for his hospitality. The station master, a Jewish man, began to cry. “How can you thank me?” he asked especially knowing that it was the Caliphs/Sultans of Islam who had preserved the life and dignity of the Jewish people whenever they were persecuted elsewhere in the world (e.g. Spain). Instead, he thanked the Caliph for the honour of being able to serve him even if for the briefest moment. In the morning, citizens awoke to the news that they had scarcely believed would ever happen – the Caliphate had been abolished. There were isolated riots and uprisings in various regions, but the army quickly put them down. The last Caliph spent his days walking along the promenade in Paris, France. There, he lived a humble life until he died in 1944 during the Nazi occupation of France.
As no Caliph had ever been buried in non-Muslim lands, Abdülmecid II’s body was eventually transported to, and buried in Jannat Al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah, Arabia. The major political and spiritual office of Caliph had also been buried with him as well, an office which, to this day, remains to be filled, leaving a lasting impact on present-day Muslim lands and the Middle East, and fracturing the unity and peace that Muslims once possessed in their neighbourhoods.
Pictured: The last Caliph of Islam, Abdulmecid Efendi II, just before the last Jum’uah of the Caliphate.