بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) Arabic: عاصم بن ثابت) was one of the Ansar, a person belonging to one of the first generations of Muslims and who helped Muhammad after his migration to Medina.
Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) in the Battle of Badr. Rasulullah ﷺ’s forces included Sayidina Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) , Sayidina Umar Ibn Al Khattab (Allah be pleased with him) Sayidina Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Hamzah Ibn Abdul Muttalib (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Mus`ab ibn `Umair (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Az-Zubair bin Al-‘Awam (Allah be pleased with him), Sayidina Ammar ibn Yasir (Allah be pleased with him) and Sayidina Abu Dhār al-Ghifari (Allah be pleased with him).
The Muslims also brought seventy camels and two horses, meaning that they either had to walk or fit three to four men per camel. However, many early Muslim sources indicate that no serious fighting was expected, and the future Saiyidina Othman Ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) stayed behind to care for his sick wife Ruqayyah (Allah be pleased with her) the daughter of Rasulullah ﷺ. Salman Al Farisi (Allah be pleased with him) could not join the battle, as he was still not a free man.
Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) also participated in the Invasion of Hamra al-Assad, after staying at Hamra al-Assad for three days, Rasulullah ﷺ returned to Madinah. Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) Abu Azzah al-Jumahi as prisoner. Abu Azzah had previously been one of the prisoners of Badr. Abu Azzah Amr bin Abd Allah al-Jumahi had been treated kindly by Rasulullah ﷺ after the Battle of Badr, being a poor man with daughters, he had no means to pay ransom, he was released after Battle of Badr, on the condition that he would not take up arms against Muslims again. But he had broken his promise and participated in Battle of Uhud. Abu Azzah al-Jumahi pleaded for mercy again, but Rasulullah ﷺ ordered him to be killed. Az-Zubair (Allah be pleased with him) him, and in another version, Asim ibn Thabit(Allah be pleased with him).
The father of one of Umar’s wives, Umm Kulthum bint Asim (Allah be pleased with her) was Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) is not clear if that person is the same person as the subject of this article is with regards to Saiyidina Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him).
Hadith about Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) narrated by Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him)…
A narration attributed to Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) :
Rasulullah ﷺ sent out ten men on a scouting expedition and put ‘Asim ibn Thabit al-Ansari RA in command of them. They proceeded until they reached Had ‘a, which is between ‘Usfan and Makkah.
This during the Expedition of Al Raji. In 625 some men requested that Rasulullah ﷺ send instructors to teach them Islam, but the men were bribed by the two tribes of Khuzaymah who wanted revenge for the assassination of Khalid bin Sufian by Rasulullah ﷺ’s followers and they killed the Muslims.
Their presence was reported to a branch of Hudhayl called the Banu Lihyan. About a hundred men, who were all archers, set out after them. They followed their tracks. When Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) and his companions perceived them, they took cover. The people surrounded them and said, ‘Come down and give your selves up! You have protection and assurance that we will not kill any of you!’
Asim ibn Thabit RA said, ‘O people! As for me, I will not come down into the protection of an unbeliever! O Allah, inform Your Prophet about us!’ They shot at them with arrows and killed Asim Ibn Thabit RA. A group of three came down, accepting the offer of protection and security. They included Khubayb al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him), Zayd ibn Dathina (Allah be pleased with him) and another man,
Rasulullah ﷺ informed his Companions about them on the day they fell. When they were informed that Asim ibn Thabit RA had been killed, some of the unbelievers of Quraish were sent to bring part of him that could be recognized. He had killed one of their great men on the Day of Badr. After killing Asim ibn Thabit RA, Hudhayl wanted to sell his head.
Allah SWT sent over Asim ibn Thabit RA a swarm of bees like a cloud and it protected him from their messengers and they could not cut off any part of him.”
A brief story on why the hatred and revengefulness of the unbelievers to Saiyidina Asim Ibn Thabit RA, and this took place after the “Battle of Uhud”
Ever despaired in your Du’as?
Ever thought that they are not answered or that Allah Azza Wa Jal doesn’t respond?
Then, let me narrate to you of another the story of ‘Asim Ibn Thabit RA.
During the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims purportedly faced defeat though not reliably authenticated of the fact, the Quraish celebrated with their revenge but this was not enough for the ladies of their tribes. Hind, the woman who slaughtered the body of Saiyidina Hamzah RA, together with other women started to go out on the battlefield and started to dance and desecrate the dead bodies of the Mujahideen. Astagfirullah!
Narrations say that in the passionate desire for revenge, these women slit up the belies of the Mujahideen, gouged out their eyes and cut off their noses and their ears. One woman among them shaped an anklet of the nose of a Mujahideen and put it on her feet and started dancing joyfully amidst the dead bodies.
But then came out Salafah Bint Sa’ad, who was very different from the other women, she was anxious about her family, so she started to look for them, she search high and low until she found the body of her husband soaked in his own blood, and near him were her sons, Mustafa, Kalab and Jalas who was breathing his last
On this Salafah asked who killed them, and Jalas said it was ‘Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him).Hearing this Salafah started to scream and swore by the false gods ‘Uzza and Lat that her rage could not die down until she had taken revenge on ‘Asim ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) and drank wine from his skull.
After this, she indeed proclaimed that she would give any amount for the person who can bring her the head of ‘Asim ibn Thabit, and this spread like fire amongst the Quraish. So one by one they started to search for ‘Asim ibn Thabit.
After the Battle of Uhud, Rasulullah ﷺ sent the Sahabah RA on a special mission with ‘Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) its leader.
They were a few distance from Makkah when a group of Banu Hudhayl pursued them and ambushed them. The people tried to bribe the Sahabah (Allah be pleased with them) told them that they won’t be killed as long as they lay down their weapons.
Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) all his courage said “I will not lay down my weapons before the Mushrikeen!”
Then, he remembered the swearing of Salafah and he prayed:
“O Allah! I protect and defend your faith and, have Mercy on me and protect my flesh and my bones; please do not allow them to fall into the hands of the enemy.”
After this Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) the enemy with two of his companions, they fought fiercely until they were martyred one by one. The three other surrendered and were killed, one committed suicide and the other 2 killed by the Banu Hudhayl.
Now, this is where the power of du’a comes. After few hours of the martyrdom of Asim Ibn Thabit RA, the Quraish learnt of the where about of his body which was lying in the area inhabited by the Banu Hudhayl..
So, with the hungry bellies of the Quraish for money, they started to give a lot of money to their messengers so that they could succeed in getting the head of Asim Ibn Thabit RA.
When they succeeded, some men of the Banu Hudhayl went to the place where the body Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) lying; when they were near it to cut off his head they found a whole lot of bees, wasps and hornets surrounding the body and head of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him).Whenever they attempted to cut it these bees and wasps would attack them so they couldn’t do anything but give up and wait for the nightfall.
The sun had not yet set when suddenly dark dense of clouds appeared on the sky, the very air seemed to tremble with the thunder and heavy rains had fallen.
Soon the streets and roads took on the appearance of streams, low-lying areas were filled, and there was water everywhere. It rained heavily the whole night and the Banu Hudhayl went back to their homes.
Next morning they came out to get the head of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) as they went towards the field the body was nowhere to be found. The flood washed it away to some unknown place; they searched high and low but the body of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him) disappeared like dust in the wind.
Subhan’Allah. Look how Allah Azza Wa Jall responded to the du’a of His faithful servant Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him). Allah SWT sent down wasps and bees to cover his body as protection to these people who had the intention to use his limbs and whatever is left of him into devilish and sinful act of drinking wine. Allah SWT sent down heavy rain so that his body won’t be found and away from the Mushrikeen.
Allah Azza Wa Jal will never allow the Mushrikeen to triumph over the Mu’mineen and this is how he protects His faithful servants. Similarly in Palestine, the Kuffar may plan anything against the Mu’mineen, but the Divine Plan overcomes all other plans.
Indeed, the story of Asim Ibn Thabit truly reminds us of the one of the famous “Ayat of the Qur’an” where Allah Azza Wa Jall says:
“Call upon me and I will respond to you.” 40:60
So never despair of His Mercy and never underestimate the power of your du’a. Remember Allah Azza Wa Jall knows what you are about to ask Him even if you haven’t uttered them, He is within You, Your heart itself, calls upon Allah Azza Wa Jall with every beat.
“Rabb. Rabb. Rabb. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa billah.”
May you all benefit from the story of Asim Ibn Thabit (Allah be pleased with him)
Amin Ya Rabb