
Christmas and Turkey

On Saturday, 19 January 2019, 10:43:43 GMT, imraan <> wrote:


Salams Mawlana,

I would like to ask, as we live in England and Christmas is creeping up slowly, many Muslims decide to have a feast on Christmas day with the family. They specifically cook Turkey, imitating the non-Muslims.

They say it is the only day the family can get together (as Xmas day is a bank holiday). But I usually tell them Boxing Day is also a Bank HOliday, cook it on the 26th December?

Is cooking a Turkey on Xmas day permissible, in light of the Hadith, “Whoever imitates a nation is from them.”

Ismail, Blackburn


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Cooking turkey and eating it on Christmas Day is a custom of the Christians.[1]

King Henry VIII was the first English king to eat turkey on Christmas Day. The tradition of eating turkey at Christmas spread throughout England in the 17th century. It also became common to serve goose which remained the predominant roast until the Victorian era. [2]

In the 1900s, turkey became a popular Christmas dish where it became more accessible and affordable.[3]

The Fuqaha (jurists) have ruled that it is impermissible to offer gifts or perform another action that is conducted by the non-Muslims on their sacred days.[4] Consider the following warnings issued by the Fuqaha on such conduct:

Imam Qadhi Khan (rahimahullah) mentions:

وعن الإمام أبي جعفر الكبير رحمه الله تعالى: اذا عبد الرجل خمسين سنة، ثم جاء يوم النيروز وأهدى الى بعض المشركين بيضة يريد به تعظيم يوم النيروز فقد كفر بالله وحبط عمله[5]

“It is narrated from Imam Abu Ja’far Al Kabir (rahimahullah Ta’āla) that if a man worshipped Allah for fifty years, then on the day of Nayruz, he gifted an egg in respect of Nayruz, then he has disbelieved in Allah and all his (good) deeds have been lost.”

Nayruz (also known as Nowruz) is the Zoroastrian New Year’s day. It is celebrated by the Zoroastrians (followers of Zoroastrianism).[6]  

It appears that there is nothing wrong in gifting an egg. However, such an act will be analysed in the context of the sacred day of the Zoroastrians. They exchange gifts on that day in reverence of that day. When a Muslim offers another a gift, it resembles the action of the Zoroastrians respecting that day, hence, it is impermissible.

Imam Burhan ad Deen al Bukhari (rahimahullah) has mentioned:

المسلم اذا أهدى يوم النيروز الى مسلم آخر شيئا ولم يرد به تعظيم اليوم ولكن جرى على ما اعتاده بعض الناس لا يكفر، ولكن ينبغي ان لا يفعل ذلك في ذلك اليوم خاصة، ويفعله قبله أو بعده كيلا يكون شبيها بأولئك القوم وقد قال النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام: (من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم)[7]

“If a Muslim gives a gift to another Muslim and he does not intend glorifying that day but it is the habit of some people, he will not have committed kufr. However, he should not do that on that specific day. He should do it before it or after it so as to not imitate those people for verily Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said, “Whosoever imitates a group of people is amongst them.”

Shaikh Zadah Efindi (rahimahullah) mentions:

ويكفر بوضع قلنسوة المجوس على رأسه على الصحيح إلا لتخليص الأسير أو لضرورة دفع الحر والبرد عند البعض وقيل إن قصد به التشبيه يكفر[8]

“According the most correct opinion, that person has committed kufr if he wears the headwear of a Magian except, according to some, to free a prisoner of war or for a need (such as) to keep away the cold and heat. It has been said that if he intended imitation by it, then he has committed kufr.”

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is reported to have said:

مَن تَشَبَّه بقومٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُم[9]

“Whosoever imitates a group of people is amongst them.” (Abu Dawood: 4031)

Therefore, Muslims should not cook turkey on Christmas day and eat it.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mizanur Rahman

Student, Darul Iftaa


Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] British Turkey. 2018. Christmas Day Meal Stats. [ONLINE] Available at:

The Fact Site. Why Do We Eat Turkey on Christmas Day?. [ONLINE] Available at:

[2] Wikipedia. 2018. Christmas dinner. [ONLINE] Available at:

[3] British Turkey. 2018. Christmas Day Meal Stats. [ONLINE] Available at:

[4] البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق ومنحة الخالق وتكملة الطوري، زين الدين بن إبراهيم المعروف بابن نجيم المصري (المتوفى: 970هـ)، دار الكتاب الإسلامي، القاهرة، مصر (5/ 133)

وبخروجه إلى نيروز المجوس والموافقة معهم فيما يفعلون في ذلك اليوم وبشرائه يوم النيروز شيئا لم يكن يشتريه قبل ذلك تعظيما للنيروز لا للأكل والشرب وبإهدائه ذلك اليوم للمشركين ولو بيضة تعظيما لذلك اليوم

حاشية رد المحتار على الدر المختار: شرح تنوير الأبصار، محمد أمين الشهير بابن عابدين (المتوفى: 1252هـ)، ايچ أيم سعيد كمبني، كراتشي، باكستان (6/ 755-754)

(والإعطاء باسم النيروز والمهرجان لا يجوز) أي الهدايا باسم هذين اليومين حرام (وإن قصد تعظيمه) كما يعظمه المشركون (يكفر) قال أبو حفص الكبير: لو أن رجلا عبد الله خمسين سنة ثم أهدى لمشرك يوم النيروز بيضة يريد تعظيم اليوم فقد كفر وحبط عمله اهـ ولو أهدى لمسلم ولم يرد تعظيم اليوم بل جرى على عادة الناس لا يكفر وينبغي أن يفعله قبله أو بعده نفيا للشبهة ولو شرى فيه ما لم يشتره قبل إن أراد تعظيمه كفر وإن أراد الأكل كالشرب والتنعيم لا يكفر زيلعي.

[5] فتاوى قاضيخان، فخر الدين ابو المحاسن حسن بن منصور المعروف بقاضيخان الأوزجندي (المتوفى: 592هـ)، دار الكتب العلمية (3/519)

وعن الإمام أبي جعفر الكبير رحمه الله تعالى: اذا عبد الرجل خمسين سنة، ثم جاء يوم النيروز وأهدى الى بعض المشركين بيضة يريد به تعظيم يوم اليروز فقد كفر بالله وحبط عمله

[6] Heritage Institute. Nowruz. [ONLINE] Available at:

Encyclopædia Britannica. 2013. Nōrūz. [ONLINE] Available at:

[7]  المحيط البرهاني، برهان الدين محمود بت صدر الشريعة ابن مازة البخاري (المتوفى:616هـ )، ادارة القرآن والعلوم اسلامية، كراشي باكستان – المجلس العلمي، جوهانسبرغ، جنوبي أفريقية

9287- قال في الجامع الأصغر: رجل اشترى يوم النيروز شيئا لم يكن يشتريه قبل ذلك، ان أراد به تعظيم النيروز كما يظمه المشركون يكفر، وان أراد به الأكل والشرب والنعمة لم يكفر. 9288- قال صاحب الجامع الأصغر المسلم اذا أهدى يوم النيروز الى مسلم آخر شيئا ولم يرد به تعظيم اليوم ولكن جرى على ما اعتاده بعض الناس لا يكفر، ولكن ينبغي ان لا يفعل ذلك في ذلك اليوم خاصة، ويفعله قبله أو بعده كيلا يكون شبيها بأولئك القوم وقد قال النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام: (من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم).

[8] مجمع الأنهر في شرح ملتقى الأبحر ومعه الدر المنتقى في شرح الملتقى، الشيخ زاده المعروف بداماد أفندي (متوفى:1077هـ)، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت، لبنان (2/ 513)

ويكفر بوضع قلنسوة المجوس على رأسه على الصحيح إلا لتخليص الأسير أو لضرورة دفع الحر والبرد عند البعض وقيل إن قصد به التشبيه يكفر

[9]  سنن أبي داود ت الأرنؤوط، أبو داود سليمان بن الأشعث الأزدي السِّجِسْتاني (المتوفى: 275هـ)، دار الرسالة العالمية، بيروت، لبنان (6/ 144)

حدثنا عثمان بن أبي شيبة، حدثنا أبو النضر، حدثنا عبد الرحمن ابن ثابت، حدثنا حسان بن عطيه، عن أبي منيب الجرشي عن ابن عمر، قال: قال رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم -:، من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم”

مرقاة المفاتيح شرح مشكاة المصابيح، علي بن (سلطان) محمد أبو الحسن نور الدين الملا الهروي القاري (المتوفى: 1014هـ)، دار الفكر، بيروت، لبنان – الطبعة الأولى: 2002م (7/ 2782)

 (وعنه) : أي عن ابن عمر (قال: قال رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – (من تشبه بقوم) : أي من شبه نفسه بالكفار مثلا في اللباس وغيره، أو بالفساق أو الفجار أو بأهل التصوف

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Integrate, NOT Assimilate!


This was narrated by Qari Ismail Samni (Allah fill his grave with noor), Bolton: “Shaykh AbulHassan Nadwi (Allah have mercy upon him) visited the UK and a programme was held for Ulama. At the start of the talk, Shaykh mentioned a dream in which he saw the blessed and glorious vision of the Final Messenger, the Seal of the Prophets ﷺ. In the dream, the Prophet ﷺ mentioned that he had his eyes on the Muslims of England (mere nazar England walo par hein).

On hearing this, the Ulama present were delighted and overjoyed. After which Shaykh stated, ‘There is no need to be so happy! Let me explain… if a mother has two children, one is playing in the garden and the second is playing near the fire. Which child does the mother have her eye on? Obviously, the one near the fire. Similarly, the interpretation of the dream is the Prophet ﷺ has his eyes fixated on the people of England because your Imaan is at risk. You may ask how? The Muslims of Makkah and Madinah will not sell their Imaan, because they are surrounded by Muslims and they are living in a Muslim country. At the most, they will commit sins. Same for the people of Pakistan, they will not sell their Imaan. As for the Muslims for India, they live in a Hindu country but totally oppose the actions of the Hindus. They dress differently, worship differently and keep Masjids and Hindu Temples separate.

What I have seen in the UK, especially in the young generation, step by step and inch by inch they follow the non-Muslims in every way; in their dress; in their food; their hairstyles; and their whole lifestyle. You are surrounded by non-Muslims, it is very easy to sell your Imaan living in the West.'”

Mawlana then continued his bayan.

It is December, the time of the year we see festive decorations and lights all around the country. Christmas is coming soon… Living in a non-Muslim country, how should we participate in this Christian festival? Are we allowed to attend Christmas parties? Should we let our children partake in Santa’s Grotto? When they attend school they want to play a part in the nativity play, is this Halal? Further, on Christmas day should we exchange gifts with our families and our Christian neighbours? Can we prepare a turkey dinner on Christmas day and enjoy it with the family? I won’t answer all these questions, but it is food for thought, further to the dream I mentioned in the start.

See full fatwa

I will, however, like to touch on an issue increasing in the UK, having a turkey dinner on Christmas day. It is forbidden for a Muslim to prepare a turkey dinner on Christmas because this is an imitation of non-Muslims. It is confirmed in an authentic narration that “whoever imitates a people is one of them.”

Saying that the family gathers on this day and this is not with the purpose of imitating the non-Muslims but due to the fact that this day is a (bank) holiday, then this does not make it permissible for you to do this, because, in essence, you are imitating them. Gathering on this day could be on any other kind of food, why then have specifically a turkey dinner? Is this not imitating them even in the kind of food they eat?

The prohibition of resembling the non-Muslims is not restricted to inward actions [beliefs, actions of the heart] and intentions, but also to outward actions. It is for this reason that the Prophet ﷺ prohibited us from performing the prayer at sunset and sunrise, and he ﷺ said that it rises between two horns of the devil and the polytheist prostate to it at this time, despite the fact that a Muslim prays to Allah and not to the horns of the devil. However, the Prophet ﷺ forbade us from performing the prayer at that time regardless of our intention.

The Prophet ﷺ also used to differ from the people of the book even in the way they combed their hair.

Indeed, there are many narrations of the Prophet ﷺ about differing from the people of the Book in regard to both words and actions.

Therefore, we advise you to fear Allah and not imitate the polytheists and act in conformity with them in their festivals and traditions which are peculiar to them.

One should explain to the family, that it is permissible for the family to gather on that day because it is a holiday but without making this day as a festival and imitating the non-Muslims in their eating traditions and the like. It should be a family gathering like all other gatherings throughout the year [without any special food, settings or decorations].

Ismail Ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

29 Rabiul Awwal 1440


3rd March 1924

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Today in Ottoman history marks the 94th anniversary of an event so momentous that we are still feeling the aftershocks of it today: the abolishment of the Office of the Caliph. It marked a turning point in history. To fully appreciate the significance of this anniversary, we must take ourselves back to Istanbul. The year is 1924, sometime after midnight. A single light, coming from the library is on, in the Dolmabahçe palace. There, an old man sits quietly and reads the Qurʾan, pondering over the state of his Ummah (i.e. the Muslim nation). His name is Abdülmecid II and he is the 101st Caliph of Islam. Two years prior, his cousin Sultan Mehmed VI Vahdeddin had been exiled to Italy (where he later starved to death) and the Ottoman Sultanate had been abolished by the Grand National Assembly. The end of the Ottoman Empire had finally come to an end, however, the Office of the Caliph was not so easily dismantled, due to fears of a massive backlash that would ensue.
A campaign of violence and intimidation began to ensure that all those who supported the Caliph were removed. Then, on the night of March 3rd, the final move was made. A young army messenger opened the door to the library of the Dolmabahçe palace. The hunched over Caliph continued to read from the Qurʾan. The messenger was initially taken aback by the sight, but he forced himself and read out the proclamation from the Grand National Assembly. The Caliph refused to leave Istanbul, but his staff were worried that they would all be killed by the army that had now surrounded the palace and had him and his family, including women and children at gunpoint. After weighing the few options he had, he reluctantly packed some of his clothes and went into exile. Before morning prayer, the Caliph was taken to the main train station at gunpoint where he and his family were put on the Orient Express bound for Switzerland.
An envelope containing £2,000 was given to the man who left behind entire palaces full of diamonds, emeralds and gold. The station master quickly took the Caliph and his family into his small house adjoining the train station to shelter them from the cold on the platform while they awaited the train to start on its journey. As they drank tea, the Caliph thanked him for his hospitality. The station master, a Jewish man, began to cry. “How can you thank me?” he asked especially knowing that it was the Caliphs/Sultans of Islam who had preserved the life and dignity of the Jewish people whenever they were persecuted elsewhere in the world (e.g. Spain). Instead, he thanked the Caliph for the honour of being able to serve him even if for the briefest moment. In the morning, citizens awoke to the news that they had scarcely believed would ever happen – the Caliphate had been abolished. There were isolated riots and uprisings in various regions, but the army quickly put them down. The last Caliph spent his days walking along the promenade in Paris, France. There, he lived a humble life until he died in 1944 during the Nazi occupation of France.
As no Caliph had ever been buried in non-Muslim lands, Abdülmecid II’s body was eventually transported to, and buried in Jannat Al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah, Arabia. The major political and spiritual office of Caliph had also been buried with him as well, an office which, to this day, remains to be filled, leaving a lasting impact on present-day Muslim lands and the Middle East, and fracturing the unity and peace that Muslims once possessed in their neighbourhoods.
Pictured: The last Caliph of Islam, Abdulmecid Efendi II, just before the last Jum’uah of the Caliphate.