Tag: shaykh
A Message From Me to Humanity
This poem was written to create awareness for mental health illnesses.
Do You Love Muhammad (PBUH)?
A man from the unbelievers said: “Islam is a religion, if only it had men.”
“Islam is a religion if only it had men!” And by Allah! He did not lie!
Today they scorn our Islam and our Qur’an, and ridicule our Prophet (salAllaho alayhi wasallam), and they ask: “Why are you terrorists?” So what do you want us to be surrendered and defeated?
In their law it is forbidden to mock at all religions except Islam. And they say about Islam that it is the religion of people who are morally cheap. They mean by it our Prophet (salaAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam).
So from where will we find the likes of Mu’awwaz RA and Mu’aadh RA? From where will we get the likes of Bin Unais RA and those people?
Listen to this, and let us cry together on ourselves. The author of Durar al-Makinah narrated, in the third book on page no. 202 exactly, that a group of senior Christians gathered to meet a Mongol king who had become Christian.
One of the Christian scholars started mocking our Prophet (salaAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam) and there a hunting dog was tied. The dog started barking loudly and getting violent toward the Christian.
They moved it away from him with great difficulty. A man from them said: “He did this because of your talk on Muhammad,” but the Christian replied: “No, actually this dog is arrogant. He saw me pointing so he though I wanted to beat him.”
Thus, he returned to the mockery of the Prophet (salaAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam) impudently in a fiercer manner. At this the dog broke his bonds and jumped on the neck of the Christian, and tore his throat at the instance. He died immediately and at that 40,000 Mongols accepted Islam.
The dogs envied and were angered. The dogs envied and were angered.
So where is our anger?
The trees and the plants longed for you O Beloved of Allah, so where is our longing?
Al-Hasan al-Basri (rahiimahullah) whenever he heard of the hadith of the crying of the stem of the tree on the parting of the Prophet (sala Allahu ‘Alayhi wa salam), he would cry and say “O Community of Muslims! The trees and the plants were affectionate to the Messenger of Allah. The trees and the plants were affectionate to the Messenger of Allah (sala Allahu ‘Alayhi Wa Salam) do you not feel affection to his memory?”
The Prophet (sala Allahu ‘Alayhi Wa Salam) always used to tell his Companions: “I am longing for my brothers. I am longing for my brothers.”
So they said: “Are we not your brothers?”
He said to them: “You are my Companions. My brothers are those who will have faith in me and will believe in me and follow me without seeing me.”
So what will we tell him when people will gather and reach his pond and he will say to us: “They mocked at me and ridiculed me and hurt me, so what did you do to defend me and my honour?”
An eye-opener!
By Shaykh-ul-Hadīth, Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
If we study the lives of the pious servants of Allāh ta‘ālā, i.e. the Ambiyā, Sahābah Radhiyallāhu ‘anhum, the Muhaddithūn, Fuqahā, Awliyā, we will find one common factor in their lives, and that is their concern for securing Husn-ul-Khātimah so that they are successful in the Court of Allāh ta‘ālā. Despite their lives being full of virtue, they would worry and pray for death in the state of īmān and Islām.
Allāh ta‘ālā quotes the du‘ā of Yūsuf ‘alayhis salām in the Glorious Qur’ān:
…O Creator of the heavens and the Earth, You are my guardian in this world and the Hereafter. Make me die a Muslim and make me join the righteous. (12:102)
This is because a single word of disbelief at the time of death can erase the benefits of a lifetime of virtue and obedience. On the other hand, a person may live a life of sin and vice, and then be granted the blessing of īmān in the final moments of his life, thereby securing the success of both this world and the Hereafter. Through His infinite Grace and Mercy, Allāh ta‘ālā inspired me with six points, which will secure Husn-ul-Khātimah and a good death for ourselves, which in turn will result in a good outcome in the Hereafter, Inshā’allāh.
1. Adopt Taqwā (fear of Allāh ta‘ālā). Taqwā holds the power to repel all the forces which weaken one’s īmān and at times snatch it away. This can be understood from the verses wherein Allāh commands the believers to adopt Taqwā. We understand from them that once a person becomes a believer, the method of safeguarding that belief is adopting Taqwā. And Taqwā simply means to create a barrier between disobedience to Allāh and ourselves. Another name for this Taqwā is Istiqāmah (steadfastness), because when a person, after accepting īmān, remains steadfast upon the Commands of Allāh, he will not disobey Him. Allāh ta‘ālā mentions:
Surely, those who have declared: ‘Our Lord is Allāh’, then remained steadfast, on them the angels will descend, saying, ‘Do not fear, and do not grieve; and be happy with the good news of Jannah (Paradise) that you had been promised. We have been your friends in the worldly life, and (will remain as such) in the Hereafter. And for you here is whatever your souls desire, and for you here is whatever you call for.’ (41:30)
So when one accepts īmān by saying, “My Lord is Allāh”, and thereafter safeguards this īmān by remaining steadfast in carrying out the Commands of Allāh and staying away from every disobedience, then Allāh will reward him with a good death, as is indicated in the verse above, that the angels will descend with special mercy at the time of his death. The commentators of the Qur’ān have mentioned that the angels of mercy are always with those who are steadfast on Dīn; however, the special indication given in this verse is that at the time of their death, the angels become visible to them, who give them the glad tidings of Jannah from their Lord.
2. Love the pious and spend time in their company. The pious people are the people of Taqwā. The effect of loving them will create in one the desire to spend time in their company, and in doing so the effect of their taqwā will rub onto one’s self. Allāh ta‘ālāmentions:
O you who believe, adopt taqwā, and be in the company of the truthful. (9:119)
We need to firstly accept īmān, which alhamdulillāh we all do, and thereafter safeguard our īmān by adopting Taqwā, which can be acquired by staying in the company of those who already have it. The term ‘The Truthful’ used here is another name for those who have Taqwā, as mentioned in another place in the Qur’ān:
…Those are the ones who are truthful, and those are the God-fearing. (2:177)
Similarly the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam states in a hadīth:
On the Day of Judgement, a person will be with whom he loved. (At-Tirmidhī)
If a person entertains love for the pious, he will be with them in the Hereafter, and the pious people will be granted entry into Jannah, for which īmān is a prerequisite. Thus, we can deduce that such a person will die in the state of īmān.
3. Giving in charity. Spending in the path of Allāh ta‘ālā cools the Anger of Allāh. If Allāh ta‘ālā is angry with a person, what chance is there for him to have a good death? Therefore, charity paves the way for one to die in the state of īmān, as indicated by the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam:
Sadaqah (charity) extinguishes the anger of the Lord and prevents an unpleasant death. (At-Tirmidhī)
An unpleasant death could either mean death without īmān or death in an undesirable state, i.e. as a victim of a tsunami, hurricane, or earthquake. Inshā’allāh, a person will be saved from both types of death.
4. Carrying out acts upon which the intercession of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is guaranteed. In various narrations, the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallamhas encouraged carrying out certain good acts, the virtue of which is that the intercession of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam will become incumbent for the doer. One should inquire about and learn such acts from reliable, authentic sources and act upon them. The intercession of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is of two types. The first being that on the Day of Judgement, when every human will be gathered in the Plain of Resurrection, every soul will be in a state of extreme worry and fear regarding its fate in the court of Allāh ta‘ālā. At this tense moment, the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam will intercede on behalf of the whole humankind and request Allāh ta‘ālā to begin the reckoning. The reckoning will thus begin, and this is known as the ‘general intercession’. Thereafter, once the process of reckoning begins, the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam will specifically intercede on behalf of many individuals of his ummah, with the permission of Allāh. Only a person who dies in the state of īmān will be worthy of receiving this ‘special intercession’ of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. The glad tidings of intercession upon various good actions is this ‘special intercession’ which is exclusively for people with īmān. It can be therefore understood that those carrying out these good acts will die with īmān, as only they will be worthy of this ‘special intercession’. One example of such an act is reciting the du‘ā after the adhān.
5. Repeatedly thank Allāh ta‘ālā for the great bounty of īmān, for Allāh ta‘ālāpromises:
If you express gratitude, I shall certainly give you more. (14:7)
It should be kept in mind that gratitude should be expressed in 3 ways:
- By acknowledging and contemplating over this great bounty in one’s heart and mind that Allāh has granted this to me through His Grace only without my deserving it.
- By verbally expressing one’s gratitude.
- By fulfilling the Commands of Allāh in regards to this bounty.
If we acknowledge the bounty of īmān with our heart and mind, express praise for Allāh verbally and carry out the demands of this ni‘mah (blessing), i.e. adopt Taqwā, then Allāh will increase this ni‘mah of ours inshā’allāh.
6. Make du‘ā for a good death and for a pleasant abode in the Hereafter. You may do this in your own words or by using supplications from the Qur’ān and ahādīth, for example:
O Allāh, forgive our living and our dead, those present from among us and those absent, our young and our old, our males and our females, O Allāh whoever you keep alive from among us, keep him alive on Islām, and whoever you give death to, give him death upon īmān. (Ahmad)
Allāh ta‘ālā mentions the supplication of the knowledgeable people: “Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate from the right path after You have given us guidance, and bestow upon us mercy from your own.” (2:8)
If we strive to do the above and ask Allāh ta‘ālā sincerely, then inshā’allāh, He will grant us this great bounty of death in the state of īmān.
May Allāh ta‘ālā grant us the true understanding of the reality of the Hereafter and grant us the tawfīq to adequately prepare for it. Āmīn.
“Be fearful of a day when you shall be returned to Allah, then every person shall be paid in full what he has earned, and they shall not be wronged.” Surah Baqarah
(This is the last verse to be revealed in the Qur’an)
The passing away of our most beloved and honourable Shaykh and Ustadh, the Ameer, the Master, the embodiment of Hadith, Shaykhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Muhammad Yunus Saheb Jawnpuri (Allah sanctify his secret), was most definitely news that shook our hearts, rather shook mountains. Initially, I did not think it was befitting for me to write anything on Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret), as many of my senior teachers and Ulama had already done so. But after reading them, a few anecdotes and memories came to mind so I decided to share them based on the Hadith:
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him narrated that: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Mention good things about your dead, and refrain from (mentioning) their evil.” (Tirmidhi)
Alhumdu Lillah, in 2007 my late father sent me to Mazahirul Uloom, Sahanrapur in the khidmah of Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret), as he felt it was good for an Alim to be in the company of a Shaykh after graduation for Islah and Tarbiyyah purposes. I had met Shaykh Saheb when he would come to Jamiatul Ilm Walhuda, Blackburn, for the Bukhari Jalsa and had heard many stories of his status and nature from my Ustadhs – many of which had studied under Shaykh Saheb’s tutelage.
When I first arrived, I introduced myself and passed on some money and gifts I had from our principal and ustadh Mufti AbdusSamad Saheb and Mufti Shabbir Saheb, as well as some of Shaykh Saheb’s previous students. I told him my father had sent me for his Khidmah and I was studying Ifta alongside this. I remember he asked me, if I was his guest (mehman) or a guest of the Darul Uloom. I said, “I am currently staying in the Mehman Khana until my room is arranged, so I shall eat from the Madrasah.” He said, “Very well! Otherwise I would arrange food for you.” To which I was quite overwhelmed and humbled, at Shaykh Saheb’s worry and concern.
In my first few days I imagined there would be dozens of people at his service and I would barely get a chance. As this was the case when he came to the UK, scores of Ulama from up and down the country would be following him “throughout” his stay in the UK. Things were quite different in India. Generally, it was some of the Bukhari/Ifta students that would do his Khidmah, but a very small amount. As they were in fear of being rebuked and told off. There were many days Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) would be alone or just one Khadim with him. I remember telling some of my Ifta colleagues, actually forcing them to come with me and sit with Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) for a while. They were very apprehensive. But I realised the cause behind this, it was what they were fed about Shaykh Saheb’s (Allah sanctify his secret) nature. Without doubt Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) was a person whose nature left you full of awe, he was “Jalali.” So generally, students were afraid of being told off and criticised. Shaykh Saheb would rebuke us. But he would always say, “I only discipline those with whom I have a connection, the person is fortunate who builds humility after I have disciplined him.”
I would like to mention a point here for ulama, we should never think of ourselves too high that we cannot be criticised. Fudhayl ibn Iyadh (Allah have mercy upon him) once said, “Accept the truth, even if it is from a child.”
I remember Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) would start the day off with Surah Yaseen and also read Qur’an after Dhuhr Salah. He would say, “I like to start the day off with Qur’an.” There was a particular Durood he would read after recitation of the Qur’an, I tried to pick up the words as Shaykh Saheb would whisper it quite loud. I only ever heard, “Allahumma Salle Alaa Muhammad bi Addadi Kulli Harf…” (O Allah! Send salutations upon Muhammad equal to every letter I have read from the Quran). If anyone knows the full Durood, I would be grateful if they could share it In Sha Allah.
I was once told to fetch some water by Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret), I knew in India they did not drink from the tap like we do in UK. But as it was my first few weeks, I was unaware where Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) drank from. Usually, people stored their water in a clay pot (matka) or something similar. So, I was running around in the kitchen and in the bedroom looking for his water storage. I ended up downstairs and I saw a student pumping water out from the Madrasah pump and I told him, Shaykh Saheb has asked for water. He said, Shaykh Saheb doesn’t drink this water and he only drinks Zam Zam. Subhan Allah! He rushed me back to the room and under the bed were drums of Zam Zam. I was grateful to him for sharing this with me as I didn’t want to feed Shaykh Saheb with normal water, when he only drank Zam Zam.
Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) did not like pretence and deception. Once a few students were sat and one of the students had a white scarf/shaal, like the ones we see in Saudi Arabia worn by their Imams. This student was sat in front of Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) whilst Shaykh Saheb was doing Dhikr. All of a sudden, Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) got really angry and said, “Oh! It’s only you… I thought you were a big Alim, the way you are dressed.” He ordered him to remove it and told us always to dress humbly.
Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) would cry at times, when putting on Itr before his dars. He would say, “These bottles are worth thousands of Rupees each. But when I was young I didn’t have enough money for food. Dear children, I went through a lot of poverty.” Tears would roll from his eyes, rahimahullah.
Further he would say many times, his father was a teacher and as a boy Shaykh Saheb was quite weak mentally and physically. He would always remain ill. A man suggested to his father, “Get him on the (cycle) rickshaws, as he will be of no use to you when he grows up. At least this way he will bring money in!” “Alhumdu Lillah! When I sit on the (cycle) rickshaws, the thought crosses my mind. It could have been the other way round!” Shaykh Saheb would say very emotionally.
“That is Allah’s grace which He bestows on whom He wills, He is the Owner of Mighty Grace.” (62:4)
NB: In Saharanpur there was little use of the motor rickshaws, a man would sit at the front and peddle. Passengers would sit at the back in a carriage. I don’t know if things have advanced.
Here I would like to clarify something which I heard from many students and teachers at my time in Saharanpur, that Shaykh Saheb was diagnosed with Tuberculosis at a young age. And TB was such in those days, if you caught it, chances were that you would die imminently. As a result of this Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) did not marry, due to fear of death occurring at any time. But time went by, he graduated as an Alim and even started teaching. He was always on edge, that he could go any minute. Like this he passed his whole youth, but one night he saw the number 5 in a dream (whether it was the figure 5 or a hand indicating 5 I cannot remember). This really confused Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret). He thought, “Maybe it means 5 days or 5 months, I have left to live!” Later, when Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) started teaching and came across the ‘maghaib khamsah’, the knowledge of five things which only Allah SWT knows. He understood the interpretation of the dream, which meant stop worrying about your death, only He SWT knows when you will die. The five things being, “Qiyamah, rainfall, what is in the womb – male/female, what a person earns – rizq, when a person will die.” (Surah Luqman)
This does not defy the fact that Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) had immense love for knowledge and his books, it would even be correct to say he was married to his books.
A similar incident is related regarding Imam Malik (Allah have mercy upon him) and the dream of the number 5.
Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) was connected to Ulama all over the UK and all over the world, he would often get calls of halaat/circumstances in certain countries. Especially, internal conflicts. As he knew I was from UK he once said, “When you return to the UK never get involved with Ikhtilaf/politics, as this is increasing in England.”
Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) was very wary when he was eating, with regards to evil eye (nazar). More often than not, he would prefer to eat alone and not in the sight of students or even guests from outside.
I remember asking Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) a few questions that had always been on my mind. The first was the Sunnah method of clipping the nails, as many books show a method which they refer to as Sunnah. He replied, “This is not in Hadith, but rather we begin from the right hand as this is preferable in all matters. Secondly, we begin from the Shahadah finger (index) as it is good to start with this finger.” I also asked about walking forty steps after food, He said, “This is only recommended by Hakims, it is not Sunnah.”
Approximately, half a million people attended Shaykh Saheb’s Janazah Salah:
Aishah (Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘If a Muslim dies and his funeral prayer is attended by a group of a hundred Muslims, and they all sincerely pray for his forgiveness, he is forgiven’”. (Ahmad, Muslim, and Tirmidhi)
Lastly, when Shaykh Saheb (Allah sanctify his secret) came to Jamiatul Ilm Walhuda in May 2017 for the Bukhari ceremony, towards the end I remember him saying, “O children! It is possible that I do not return next year.” And such was Allah’s wish…
“The Eyes Tear,
The Heart is in Pain,
But (with my tongue) I will only say that which is pleasing to Allah,
And we are indeed sad at your departure. ”
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on the death of his son Ibraheem (Allah be pleased with him)
May Allah SWT elevate the status of Shaykh Saheb and Allah reward him on behalf of the whole Ummah and may his legacy remain in this world until the day of Qiyamah and Allah SWT grant us all the tawfeeq to follow in the footsteps of all the pious personalities and He resurrects us amongst them on the day of Qiyamah and He grant us a place in Jannah with such luminaries and pious Mashayikh… Ameen!
One request, please make Esaal-e-Thawab for Hadhrat of whatever you are able to and as much as you can; Qur’an, Dua, or Sadaqah. (I am hoping to build a Masjid in Shaykh’s name – please see link below and kindly donate).
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure).
26th Dhul Qa’dah 1438
Some dreams of Shaykh Yunus saheb damat barakatuhum. (Now he’s Rahmatullahi alayhi. I wrote this during his life so left it as it was)
The Magician’s Plot
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
These are notes from the above course delivered in Manchester, 2nd April 2017. As they are notes please excuse the lack of references and brevity. Any corrections, please feel free to comment below. JazakAllah Khayran.
Intro – Brother Jalal ibn Sa’eed (London)
“Do not put your sin above Allah.” Sometimes we sin and think our sin is unforgivable. Ask Allah for forgiveness and Allah will forgive you.
Allah tests us in different ways, the greater the trial the greater the reward.
It was narrated from Mus’ab bin Sa’d RA that his father, Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas RA, said:
“I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, which people are most severely tested?’ He said: ‘The Prophets ﷺ, then the next best and the next best. A person is tested according to his religious commitment. If he is steadfast in his religious commitment, he will be tested more severely, and if he is frail in his religious commitment, his test will be according to his commitment. Trials will continue to afflict a person until they leave him walking on the earth with no sin on him.’” (Ibn Majah)
“Sihr” comes from the root word “Suhoor”, which mean darkness. The whole aspect of magic it’s just a jinn, to scare you and make you think they can do something supernatural. The truth is, nothing is supernatural – only Allah is supernatural ‘La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Billah’ (There is no power or might except with Allah).
Even the Prophet ﷺ had Sihr (black magic). His enemies got the most powerful sorcerer. The effect of it was He kept thinking he needed to do ghusl. It was done by a Jewish man Labeed ibn A’sam, who took hair from the comb of the Prophet ﷺ and date skin from a tree. Eventually, they found the well which had date-palms like the devil’s horns. (I have found the full hadith below)
Narrated Aishah RA: Magic was worked on Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not (Sufyan said: That is the hardest kind of magic as it has such an effect). Then one day he said, “O `Aishah do you know that Allah has instructed me concerning the matter I asked Him about? Two men came to me and one of them sat near my head and the other sat near my feet. The one near my head asked the other. What is wrong with this man?’ The latter replied he is under the effect of magic The first one asked, Who has worked magic on him?’ The other replied Labid bin Al-A’sam, a man from Bani Zuraiq who was an ally of the Jews and was a hypocrite.’ The first one asked, what material did he use)?’ The other replied, ‘A comb and the hair stuck to it.’ The first one asked, ‘Where (is that)?’ The other replied. ‘In a skin of pollen of a male date palm tree kept under a stone in the well of Dharwan’ ” So the Prophet (ﷺ) went to that well and took out those things and said “That was the well which was shown to me (in a dream) Its water looked like the infusion of Henna leaves and its date-palm trees looked like the heads of devils.” The Prophet (ﷺ) added, “Then that thing was taken out’ I said (to the Prophet (ﷺ) ) “Why do you not treat yourself with Nashra?” He said, “Allah has cured me; I dislike to let evil spread among my people.” (Bukhari)
Please remember, whomsoever Allah loves the most, He SWT will test him.
It was narrated from Anas bin Malik RA that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.” (Ibn Majah)
Shaykh Khalid Hibshi (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
The first thing we must understand is Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah SWT. Allah controls everything and is the Master of everything. Nothing can happen without His approval and nothing is out of His control.
We wish we could live in ease, in comfort. There would be no jealousy, no hatred, no enmity. But the truth is besides that. Iblis has promised to destroy us.
When we were born, Shaytan poked us until we cried. Hadith says, “There is no baby except that the Shaytan pokes it when it is born, so it screams from the Shaytan’s poke, except for Ibn Maryam and his mother.” (Bukhari)
The Prophet ﷺ taught us how to protect ourselves at certain times; whilst eating;
The phrase that is prescribed for mentioning Allah when eating is to say “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah), because of the report narrated by ‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), that the Prophet ﷺ said: “When one of you eats some food, let him say Bismillah, and if he forgets to do so at the beginning, let him say Bismillah fi awwalihi wa aakhirihi (In the name of Allah at the beginning and end). Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, 1781.
whilst drinking;
Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah RA reports that Rasulullah ﷺ would drink in three breaths. When he would lift the cup to his mouth, he would say ‘Bismillah’ and when completed [the sip], he would say ‘Alhamdulillah’. Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) would do this thrice. (Al Mu’jamul Awsat of Imam Tabarani, Hadith: 844. Declared sound Hasan by Hafiz Ibn Hajar, Fathul Bari, under Hadith: 5631. Also see Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 5 pg, 81 and Al Futuhatur Rabbaniyyah, vol. 5 pg. 240/241)
whilst going to the toilet:
Narrated Anas RA: Whenever the Prophet (ﷺ) went to answer the call of nature, he used to say, “Allah-umma inni a`udhu bika minal Khubuthi wal Khaba’ith” i.e. O Allah, I seek Refuge with You from all offensive and wicked things (evil deeds and evil spirits). (Bukhari)
and when going to sleep, as well as during intercourse;
“Recite بِسْمِ اللَّهِ Bismillah (In the name of Allah) before closing the doors of the house, before covering utensils with food in them, switch off or turn off fires, light etc.” [Bukhari] “If one cannot find anything with which to cover the utensil then one should place a stick across the top of the utensil.” [Muslim]
“Before climbing into bed, dust the bed thrice with the corner of your clothes.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]
“To make Miswak before retiring to bed even if one has already made it for Isha prayer.” [Kitabut Tahaarah and Sunnats]
“To sleep in a state of Wudhu.” [Tabarani, Hakim, Abu Dawood]
“To sleep on the Right, facing the Qibla with the right hand underneath the head like a pillow and with the knees slightly bent.” [Bukhari]
It was narrated from Aa’ishah RA that when the Prophet (ﷺ) went to bed every night, he would hold his hands together and blow into them, and recite into them Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad, Qul a’oodhu bi rabb il-falaq and Qul a’oodhu bi rabb il-naas. Then he would wipe them over whatever he could of his body, starting with his head and face and the front of his body, and he would do that three times. [Bukhari]
If afraid to go to sleep or feeling lonely or depressed then recite:
أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ غَضَبِهِ وَعِقَابِهِ، وَشَرِّ عِبَادِهِ، وَمِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَأَنْ يَحْضُرُونِ
A’oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min ghadhabihi wa ‘iqaabihi, wa sharri ‘ibaadihi, wa min hamazaatish-shayaateeni wa ‘an yahdhuroon.
I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from His anger and His punishment, from the evil of His slaves and from the taunts of devils and from their presence. [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
Narrated Ibn `Abbas RA:The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “If anyone of you, when having sexual intercourse with his wife, says: Bismillah, Allahumma jannibni-Sh-Shaitan wa jannib-ish-Shaitan ma razaqtana, and if it is destined that they should have a child, then Satan will never be able to harm him.” [NB: Please recite before removing clothes, as we shouldn’t take the name of Allah unclothed].
Even when we are praying Salah Shaytan whispers. One of the Sahabah RA complained to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about waswaas (satanic whispers) during prayer, and he ﷺ said: “The Shaytan comes between me and my prayers and my recitation, confusing me therein.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “That is a devil called Khanzab. If he affects you seek refuge in Allah from him and spit drily to your left three times.” He [the Sahabi] said, I did that and Allah took him away from me. (Narrated by Muslim, 2203)
He makes us think we have broken our Wudhu when we haven’t. Repeating Wudu again and again due to doubts is the result of falling into satanic whispers. It is action driven by a negative thought. Wudhu does not break on mere doubts and this rule is very clear from the Ahadith of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم: Abu Hurairah رضى الله عنه narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “If one of you finds a disturbance in his abdomen and is not certain if he has released any gas or not, he should not leave the mosque unless he hears its sound or smells its scent.” (Sahih Muslim)
Ibn al-Mubarak RH, “If one is uncertain about his condition of purity, he does not need to perform a new ablution.”
(Shaykh Khalid said)… If I were to ask you, put your hands up if Shaytan walked into this room, you would get scared? Many of us would. Whereas we should only fear Allah SWT. Some of us fear the creation so much if a mouse came we would run for miles.
Have we forgotten, Iblis and his army stood shoulder to shoulder on the Day of Badr. Whilst the Muslims stood with the angels, so Iblis got scared.
And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said, “No one can overcome you today from among the people, and indeed, I am your protector.” But when the two armies sighted each other, he turned on his heels and said, “Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see; indeed I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in penalty.” (8:48)
Once the Prophet ﷺ started praying Salah, he stepped forward and backwards. Again, forward and backwards, then he ﷺ took his blessed hand out. After Salah, he ﷺ asked Sahabah RA, “Did you see me move forward and backwards?” They replied, “Yes!” It was Shaytan and he had a fire with which he tried to harm me, so I strangled him.
“The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Last night a big demon (afreet) from the Jinns came to me and wanted to interrupt my prayers (or said something similar) but Allah enabled me to overpower him. I wanted to fasten him to one of the pillars of the mosque so that all of you could see him in the morning but I remembered the statement of my brother Solomon (as stated in Quran): My Lord! Forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom such as shall not belong to anybody after me (38.35).” The sub-narrator Rauh said, “He (the demon) was dismissed humiliated.”
Many of the Salaf had Sihr upon them.
Abu Sulaiman Darami RH says, “I would stand at night in prayer. Shaytan would come in the form of a snake. Sometimes he would come up my Thawb (garment).”
The teacher of Imam Bukhari RH, Yahya ibn Ma’een RH would recite Ayatul Kursiyy 5 times when he entered his house. Even though there is no Hadith to endorse this, but he would pray it every time he entered his house. Until he would hear a voice say, “That’s enough!” (One narration says 50 times).
Imam Malik RH related to me from Safiyy RA, the mawla of Ibn Aflah RA that Abu’s-Saib, the mawla of Hisham ibn Zuhra RA said, “I went to Abu Saeed al-Khudri RA and found him praying. I sat to wait for him until he finished the prayer. I heard a movement under a bed in his room, and it was a snake. I stood up to kill it, and Abu Saeed gestured to me to sit. When he was finished he pointed to a room in the house and said, ‘Do you see this room?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘There was a young boy in it who had just got married. He went out with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to al-Khandaq, (the ditch which the Muslims dug in the 5th year of the Hijra to defend Madina against the Quraysh and their allies).
When he was there, the youth came and asked his permission, saying, “Messenger of Allah. Give me permission to return to my family.” The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, gave him permission and said, “Take your weapons with you, for I fear the Banu Quraydha tribe. They may harm you.” The youth went to his family and found his wife standing between the two doors. He lifted his spear to stab her as jealousy had been aroused in him. She said, “Don’t be hasty until you go in and see what is in your house.” He entered and found a snake coiled up on his bed. He transfixed it with his spear and then went out with it and pitched it into the house. The snake stirred on the end of the spear and the youth fell dead. No one knew which of them died first, the snake or the youth. That was mentioned to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he said, “There are Jinn in Madinah who have become Muslim. When you see one of them, call out to it for three days. If it appears after that, then kill it, for it is a Shaytan.” “‘
This is the reason the Prophet ﷺ forbade us from urinating in holes. As Jinn/snakes can reside there. If you harm them, they may take revenge. Narrated Abdullah ibn Sarjis RA:
“The Prophet (ﷺ) prohibited to urinate in a hole.” (Abu Dawud)
Qatadah RH (a narrator) was asked about the reason for the disapproval of urinating in a hole. He replied: It is said that these (holes) are the habitats of the jinn.
These events are present in today’s day and age. One of the greatest things the Shaykh has seen was: A person had a car accident, he was taken to the hospital immediately. Whilst in hospital, the Jinn spoke from inside him, “He has harmed me! He ran me over in his car! So I took revenge!”
It is very important to read morning and evening Duas.
Read Bismillah before we do anything, the Hadith says:
Abu Hurayrah RA: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Every important word or matter that does not being with the remembrance of Allah is maimed.” Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (14/329)
Imam Ahmad also recorded in his Musnad, that a person who was riding behind the Prophet ﷺ said, “The Prophet’s ﷺ animal tripped, so I said, `Cursed Shaytan.’ The Prophet said, “Do not say, ‘Cursed Shaytan,’ for if you say these words, Satan becomes arrogant and says, ‘With my strength I made him fall.’ When you say, ‘Bismillah,’ Satan will become as small as a fly.”
Also, the Bismillah is recommended before eating, for Muslim recorded in his Sahih that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to `Umar bin Abi Salamah while he was a child under his care,
“Say Bismillah, eat with your right hand and eat from whatever is next to you.”
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If one says when eating, Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem, that is good and more perfect. End quote from al-Fataawa al-Kubra, 5/480
Imam Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is more important to note the phrase to be used when mentioning the name of Allah. … The best is to say Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem, but if one says Bismillah, that is sufficient and fulfils the Sunnah. End quote from al-Adhkaar, 1/231
Ali bin Abi Talib RA narrated that: the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The screen between the eyes of the jinns and nakedness of the children of Adam when one of you enters the area of relieving oneself is saying: ‘Bismillah.'” (Tirmidhi)
I would like to add another Sunnah, it was narrated from Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“When the wings of the night spread – or when evening comes – keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time. Then when part of the night has passed, let them go. And close the doors and mention the name of Allah, for the Shaytan does not open a closed door. And tie up your waterskins and mention the name of Allah, and cover your vessels and mention the name of Allah, even if you only put something over them, and extinguish your lamps.” Narrated by Bukhari (3280) and Muslim (2012). A version narrated by Muslim says: “Cover vessels, tie up waterskins, close doors and extinguish lamps, for the Shaytan does not undo waterskins or open doors or uncover vessels.”
“And from the evil of the envier when he envies.” [113:5]
We need to avoid evil eye and evil glances. Nowadays, the mobile phone can take you to those places. Even if you don’t go yourself. You can easily be affected by evil eye, it will get into your body But hard to get out. Remember, the Prophet ﷺ told the best of people, ‘Sawwam and Qawwam and Akmalun naas imaana’ [Regular fasting, frequent in Tahajjud, best of people in Iman], the Sahabah RA – still they were told to protect themselves from evil eye:
It was narrated from ‘Aishah RA that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Seek refuge with Allah, for the evil eye is real.”
It was narrated from ‘Aishah RA that the Prophet (ﷺ) commanded her to recite Ruqyah to treat the evil eye.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The evil eye is real and if anything were to overtake the divine decree, it would be the evil eye. When you are asked to take a bath (to provide a cure) from the influence of the evil eye, you should take a bath.” (Muslim).
What are we doing to protect ourselves?
What is worse, evil eye or cancer?
What is worse, evil eye or swine flu?
What is worse, evil eye a deadly disease?
Evil eye can be there from a young age till old age.
Light travels 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometres per second), evil eye travels faster than this.
There are many types of evil eye, astonishing eye – when you see something amazing on your husband/wife. You can even afflict yourself, just like this the Jinn can affect you with evil eye. Brothers and sisters, learn to say “MA SHA ALLAH!” “BARAK ALLAH!”
Cure: Not just evil eye, anything that befalls us is due to sins. We need to avoid sins completely, major and minor. Then Fardh Salah, Sunan (plural of Sunnah), offer them in a way that pleases Allah. The Prophet SAW said,”People in Salah, some only get half the reward, some a quarter, some one tenth and some the full reward.” Because of the lack of concentration, where is our concentration in Salah?
Look at our Salah, we are all aware of our own Salah. Whereas the Munafiq (hypocrites) prayed five times a day WITH JAMA’AH. But despite this Allah says, “Verily the Hypocrites will be in the lowest part of Hell.” (Surah Nisaa)
Only the known Munafiq would delay his Salah after Fajr. Most of us only pray Jumu’ah. We don’t ever offer any nafl or tahajjud, but our lives are full of sin.
E.g. each one of us has a computer or laptop, we use anti-virus to protect it from viruses. In the same way we need to protect our bodies and our Iman!
The Prophet ﷺ forbade us from many clothes which draw attraction. We all use social media, we put up our best pictures, best food and family’s pictures. To cause evil eye you don’t need to be in front of someone. A digital image is enough. Social media is a big cause of the evil eye.
Even by smelling can cause evil eye. You make biryani, someone smells it and says “What wonderful biryani.!” Also, by hearing, someone came first in his exams and shouted his results. A jealous person states, “How’s it possible?” The evil eye is passed on. By tasting, you made a cake and someone bit it and said, “Such a sweet cake!”
Brothers, remain humble at all times and do not display the blessings of Allah SWT.
Ibn ‘Abbas RA reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: “The influence of an evil eye is a fact; if anything would precede the destiny it would be the influence of an evil eye, and when you are asked to take bath (as a cure) from the influence of an evil eye, you should take bath.” (Muslim)
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah RA that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The evil eye is real.” (Ibn Majah)
NB: One must seek advice from someone qualified for a cure, but here are a few tips to help you In Sha Allah, Shaykh mentioned the following things help to cure black magic/evil eye:
Quran recitation – “And We send down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe.” (Surah Al-Israa, 17:82)
Ruqya – Narrated `Aisha RA: “The Prophet (ﷺ) ordered me or somebody else to do Ruqya (if there was danger) from an evil eye.” (Bukhari)
Sidr leaves – Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani RH said in Al-Fath that “Ibn Abtal stated in the books of Wahab bin Menabah to take seven leaves of a green Sidr, grind them with two rocks, add water to it, read the verse of Al Kursi (2:255) and Al-Qawakil (the Surah’s which start with “Qul”), take three sips, then wash up with the rest. This will remove all of his afflictions, and is a cure for men who have sexual disorders.” (Fath Al-Bari -10/233)
Hijamah (cupping) – Narrated Abu Hurayrah RA: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “If anyone has himself cupped on the 17th, 19th and 21st it will be a remedy for every disease.” (Abu Dawud)
Ajwah dates – Narrated Sa`d RA: I heard Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) saying, “Whoever takes seven ‘Ajwa dates in the morning will not be affected by magic or poison on that day.” (Bukhari)
Zam Zam water – Ibn al-Mubarak RH entered Zamzam and said, “O Allah, Ibn al-Mu’ammal told me, from Abu’l-Zubayr from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for,’ so, O Allah, I am drinking it (to quench) my thirst on the Day of Resurrection.”
In addition to these, I would like to add a few more:
Black seed oil – Narrated Khalid bin Sa`d RA: “We went out and Ghalib bin Abjar was accompanying us. He fell ill on the way and when we arrived at Medina he was still sick. Ibn Abi ‘Atiq came to visit him and said to us, “Treat him with black cumin. Take five or seven seeds and crush them (mix the powder with oil) and drop the resulting mixture into both nostrils, for `Aisha has narrated to me that she heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, ‘This black cumin is healing for all diseases except As-Sam.’ Aisha said, ‘What is As-Sam?’ He said, ‘Death.” (Bukhari)
Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Treat your sick ones with charity.” (Saheeh al Jami) Giving Sadaqah also helps, little or large in sha Allah.
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “When the Adhan has been pronounced Satan takes to his heels and passes wind with noise during his flight in order not to hear the Adhan. When the Adhan is completed he comes back and again takes to his heels when the Iqamah is pronounced and after its completion he returns again till he whispers into the heart of the person (to divert his attention from his prayer) and makes him remember things which he does not recall to his mind before the prayer and that causes him to forget how much he has prayed.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Book 10, Hadith 6)
Finally, from my own experience going for Hajj/Umrah benefits greatly. Makkah Sharif and Madinah sharif are such blessed places, just visiting them can cure a person. Remember, they are surrounded by angels and the rahmah of Allah is constantly descending in plenty-fold. Also, giving Sadaqah/charity is powerful. It breaks the backbone of Shaytan.
Notetaker – Ismail ibn Nazir (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)
21 Rajab 1438
Listening Attentively
A Requisite for ‘Ilm and Hidāyah
By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
The great muhaddith and faqīh, Sufyān Ibn ‘Uyaynah rahimahullāh states:
The first step towards acquiring ‘ilm is istimā‘ i.e. listening attentively, then to understand, then to memorise/remember, then to act upon it and propagate.
The importance of listening with full attention is the first step and an essential requisite for success in acquiring ‘ilm, which is the prerequisite to acting according to the Wishes of the Creator. It is for this reason Allāh ta‘ālā used the word istimā‘ (listening with intent) instead of sam‘ (merely to listen with or without intention), followed by the word insāt (to become silent), when stating the adab of listening to the Qur’ān in the following verse:
When the Qur’ān is recited, listen to it attentively and be silent, so that you may be showered with mercy. (7:204)
Allāh ta‘ālā has promised to bestow His Mercy upon those who listen attentively, which will manifest in the form of the ability to abstain from wrong and engage in good deeds. Allāh ta‘ālā states:
..those who listen to the word attentively (of Allāh ta‘ālā and His Rasūl sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam, and follow (it, knowing that it is) the best of it (of all speech). These are the ones whom Allāh has guided, and these are the ones who possess (true) intelligence (wisdom). (39:18)
The importance of istimā‘ can be further understood by how Allāh ta‘ālā addressed Mūsā ‘alayhis salām when sending revelation to him. Allāh ta‘ālā states:
I have chosen you (for prophethood), so listen attentively to what is revealed. (20:13)
The commentators of the Qur’ān have mentioned that when Mūsā ‘alayhis salām was commanded that he should listen attentively to what is revealed to him, he stood on a rock, leaning against another, placed his right hand over his left, dropped his chin on his chest and stood listening attentively.
From the above it is clear how important it is to listen attentively when seeking knowledge or listening to a discourse: only those people will genuinely benefit who listen attentively with sound understanding.
How to Listen Attentively
The pious predecessors have defined the term istimā‘ in detail. Wahb Ibn Munabbihrahimahullāh further explains the essence of istimā‘ by stating that it comprises of the following:
a. Keeping the body motionless.
A person should not engage any part of his body in anything whilst listening. He should become motionless. Fidgeting, playing around with clothes and other such actions dilute the concentration one needs when listening to religious discourses and lessons. The Sahābah radhiyallāhu ‘anhum, when in the company of Rasūlullāhsallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam, would sit so still that they were described with the phrase, “as if birds were sitting on their heads.” If a bird was to sit on a person and he desired that it does not fly away, he will need to be extremely still. This was the condition of the Sahābah radhiyallāhu ‘anhum whilst sitting in the company of Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam and listening to him.
b. Lowering the gaze.
In essence, lowering the gaze means that one should not be distracted by anything and be totally focused towards the lesson being imparted. Hence, a person needs to abstain from looking here and there. Focussing in a manner which will prevent one from being distracted is essential to listening attentively. This can be achieved by either looking down or at the speaker. Furthermore, it portrays interest to the speaker which will further enhance the quality of delivery.
c. Attention of the ears.
During the discourse or lesson, a person should lend his ears only to the speaker.
d. Attention of the mind.
Whilst listening, the mind should also be alert and attentive. Being preoccupied or thinking about other things will be a hindrance in giving the required attention. It is for this reason students are advised to disengage from all such activities and devices which occupy the mind.
e. Firm intention to act.
If a person does not intend to act upon the knowledge being imparted, his attention will not always be completely focused. Having a firm intention to practice will motivate a person to focus on everything being said.
When a person adopts such a manner of listening then he will fulfil the requisites of istimā‘ and gain the Pleasure of Allāh ta‘ālā. Allāh ta‘ālā will in return, grant him the correct understanding of knowledge and enlighten his heart with a special Nūr. Consequently, he will become from those who have been guided and granted a deep level of understanding, i.e. wisdom, as stated in the verse of the Glorious Qur’ān:
..those who listen to the word attentively (of Allāh ta‘ālā and His Rasūl sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam, and follow (it, knowing that it is) the best of it (of all speech). These are the ones whom Allāh has guided, and these are the ones who possess (true) intelligence (wisdom). [39:18]
May Allāh ta‘ālā grant us the tawfīq to implement the act of listening attentively so that we may acquire true benefit from religious discourses and lessons. Āmīn.
© Riyādul Jannah (Vol. 25 No. 9, September 2016)
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By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
It is very important for every Muslim to make sure that his choice of friends and the company he keeps is correct. It has been proven through experience that the habits and behaviour of friends and associates slowly enter into an individual. Without realising, a person begins to adopt the style and behaviour of his friends. We are all witnesses to this fact. Sadly, I can recall many incidents where those who were pious, religious and good in character lost all of their good qualities because they kept bad company and associated with an inappropriate circle of friends. I have also seen others who were drowning in sins and evil, who underwent a complete revolution in their lives after adopting the company of a pious person of high moral standards. Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam advised,
A person is on the way of his friend. Therefore he should think very carefully whom he is making a friend. (At-Tirmidhī, Abū Dāwūd, Ahmad)
Sincere Friends
We need friends who are sincere, genuine and, true in their friendship. Those who care for our well-being from every aspect are true friends. Those who have concern not only for the needs of this temporary life but also for the requirements of our everlasting life are our real friends.
Allāh is Sufficient for Love
There is only one Supreme Being Who is worthy of ‘true’ love and friendship and this is Allāh ta‘ālā. For love and friendship, He alone is enough. Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam commented,
If I were to take a khalīl (intimate friend) other than my Lord, I would have taken Abū Bakr. (Al-Bukhārī)
Here, despite such close ties and such a strong bond of friendship with Sayyidunā Abū Bakr radhiyallāhu ‘anhu, Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam explains that the highest level of intimacy is reserved only for Allāh ta‘ālā. However, when one becomes engrossed in Divine love and then in the light of this love, one befriends and loves somebody, then inshā’allāh this form of friendship will prove beneficial in both worlds.
This is an extract from the booklet ‘Friendship & our Young Generation’
published by the Islāmic Da’wah Academy
An extremely beautiful clip from one of the most amazing scholars and worshippers of our time, Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqiti (Hafidhahullah), from the holy city of Madinah. A translated extract from his lecture “Al Hayaat At-Tayyibah” (“The Goodly Life”), in which he discusses the realities of the life of this temporary world and man’s relationship with it, and most importantly his relationship with his Creator.
Translation: The Goodly Life
“The Goodly Life”
Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqiti
Life, is either for a person, or against him
It’s hours and seconds, days and years pass him by
Leading him (by his actions) to the Love and Good Pleasure of Allah
until he is amongst the people of Ultimate Success and the Gardens of Paradise
or they are against him, leading him (by his actions) to the Fires of Hell
and to the Anger of the One, the Just Ruler [Allah]
Life, either it will make you laugh & rejoice for an hour
over which you will cry for an eternity (in the Hereafter)
or it will make you cry for an hour
over which you will laugh & rejoice for an eternity (in the Hereafter)
Life, is either a great blessing for a person,
or an adverse affliction against him
This is a life which was lived by the earliest generations
by our fathers and forefathers
and by all those who preceded us
All of them, returned to Allah with what they used to do [their deeds]
“Life” refers to every single moment that is lived within it
and every hour spent within it
And within all of these, we live a life that is either for us or against us
Thus, the successful and happy person
is the one who sees life, and recognises it’s reality and true nature
For by Allah, it is a life that frequently causes some people to weep, their tears never drying
and frequently makes others laugh, their laughs and joys then never to return
My beloved, Allah has made this life as a trial, a test,
an exam, in which is made apparent the true nature of His slaves
Thus happy is the one who is made successful (in this exam) by the Mercy of Allah
while miserable & banished (from salvation) is the one upon whom the Pleasure of Allah becomes forbidden (through this exam)
(Know) for every hour that you live, either Allah is pleased with you in this hour (by your deeds)
or the opposite, we seek refuge in Allah from that
Therefore (by this hour) either you come closer to Allah
or you stray further from Him
Thus it may be, that you live a single moment of love and obedience to Allah (by your actions)
by which are forgiven the inequities of your life
and a lifetime of sins
And it may be that you live a single moment in which you deviate purposely from the Path of Allah
distancing yourself from His obedience
which then becomes a cause of misery & distress, for the rest of your life
We ask Allah for His Safety and Pardoning
In this life there exist two seperate ‘callers’
The first, is anything that calls to the Mercy, the Good Pleasure and the Love of Allah (be they thoughts or actions)
The second type of caller, is anything which invites to the opposite of that
(Such as) a desire or lust that incites one to evil
or a sudden sinful whim that may result in an evil ending (dying in bad or sinful circumstances)
Thus it may be, that a person within a moment of his life, weeps;
a weeping of regret and repentance over his negligence towards his Lord;
and by (these tears) Allah changes his evil deeds into good deeds (on his record)
But how many a people continue to commit sins?
how many a people still indulge in evil?
how many a people continue to distance themselves (from Allah),
frequently travelling away from their Lord (by their actions)?
Thus all of them are distant from the Mercy of Allah
unbeknownst to them, strangers to the Good Pleasure of Allah
Then comes upon them that hour, that exact moment (of penitence),
which is what we are referring to, by “the goodly life”,
in order that they shed tears of regret and remorse,
and that a reason for anguish in the heart may be ignited,
Such that the person realises how long his alienation from Allah has been
and how long his absence from his Lord truly has been
so that he may then say, “Indeed I am turning to my Lord repentant, remorseful,
and in hope of His Mercy and Good Pleasure!”
This time (of penitence) is a person’s key to happiness and contentment,
the time of regret.
It is as the scholars say,
“Indeed man sins a great deal,
but if he is truly sincere in his regret and repentance,
Allah will change his sins into good deeds”
Thus his life too then becomes pure and goodly,
by the purity and truthfulness of that regret and repentance
and by the sincerity in the very distress and pain felt within himself
We ask Allah the Greatest, Lord of the Honourable Throne,
to give life to this blessed caller to His Mercy, within our hearts
and to the pain we should feel when we are neglectful towards Allah and His Commands
My beloved, every single one of us needs to ask themselves a question,
we need to ask ourselves day and night,
How many nights are spent awake in activity?
and how many hours are passed (in this way)?
How many have laughed in this life?
And (most importantly) was Allah Pleased with this laughter?
How much of this time was spent in entertainment and enjoyment in this life?
Was this enjoyment one that Allah was Pleased with?
How many nights were spent awake (in activity)?
Was this staying awake (and what you did in those nights), pleasing to Allah?
And so on and so forth,
(These are) questions that he should be asking within himself
But a person might wonder why he should be asking these questions (i.e. what’s the point)?
Yes! You must ask yourselves these questions
as passes not the instant of a blinking of an eye,
nor a fleeting moment in your life,
except that you are living in and experiencing the Blessings of Allah!
Thus it is from great respect and humility towards Allah
that a person remains constantly aware of the greatness of the Blessings bestowed upon him
From this humility is to truly feel and acknowledge that the food we eat,
belongs to and is provided by Allah
And that we quench our thirst with a drink created by Allah
And that we are shaded and sheltered by a roof provided by Him
And that we walk forth upon a ground provided by Him
And that without doubt we are living in and experiencing His every Bounty and Mercy
So what could we possibly have to offer Him in return?
(So it’s important) a person asks himself these questions.
(For example) doctors say that there exists a substance in a person’s heart,
that if it were to increase or decrease by 1%
he would die instantly…
So (think) in which courtesy and kindness,
which mercy and compassion from Allah does mankind enjoy, experience and live in!
(Even if) a person asks himself about the Mercy of Allah alone,
When he wakes up in the morning,
possessing his hearing
possessing his sight
possessing his physical strength,
who is the one safeguarding his hearing?
Who is the One safeguarding his sight?
Who is the One safeguarding his intellect?
Who is the One safeguarding his very soul?
He must ask himself, who is the One protecting all of these things?
Who is the One who Bestowed him with good health and wellbeing?
(Think of) those who are sick, lying on white beds (in hospital)
those who are sighing and in pain (from illness),
By Allah, through these great blessings Allah conveys His Love for us,
The great blessings of good health, wellbeing, security and safety
All of these are provided purely so that we may live a goodly life
Allah, praised & exalted is He, desires two things from His slave:
The first is that he carry out his obligatory duties (e.g. prayer)
and the second, is the abandonment of all Allah has forbidden and held him back from
As for the one who claims that closeness to Allah
entails a life of suffering or limitations
Then such a person without doubt has erred greatly in how he perceives Allah
For, by Allah, if you do not purify and make good your life by closeness to your Lord,
you will never be able to do so by way of anything else
And if you do not purify and adorn your life by carrying out your obligatory duties to Him,
and abandoning all that He has forbidden,
Then by Allah, you will never be able to so by way of anything else
A person may experience every single pleasure life has to offer
but by Allah, he will never experience anything more pleasurable,
more beautiful than servitude to Allah
by carrying out his obligations to Him
and leaving all that He has forbid him from
(In life) you are subjected to two choices,
whenever you are faced with a matter,
you have the choice to either do it or not do it
If you decide to go forth and do anything in this life,
ask yourself, “Has Allah permitted you to do this thing, or not?”
Since the human being himself is owned by Allah
the hearts are all owned by Allah
and the souls are all owned by Allah
Thus a person should,
whenever he wants to do something or hold back from it,
ask himself, will Allah be pleased with you (by this action)?
If so, then let him proceed
Or, will Allah not be pleased by this action?
If not then he should hold himself back.
For, by Allah, a person does not proceed with an action nor hold back from it,
requesting Allah’s Mercy (and counsel in the decision),
except that he pleases his Lord in the process
Therefore true happiness and a goodly life are only to be found in closeness to Allah
Closeness to who?
To the King of Kings
the Controller of the Heavens & the Earth
To whom belongs the Ultimate Command, all creation
and the perfect arrangement and measure of all that exists
Thus you may find that man is always
in a state of anxiety and weariness
You may find an individual who has everything he desires
But by Allah, you will find most of those who have all they desire
suffer from mental or psychological problems,
from anxiety and depression,
most of them are extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives
Go and look for the wealthiest person
and you’ll most likely find him to be from
the most miserable people in life
And has made the sweetness and savour of life to be found,
in being close to Him
And has placed the key to a pleasurable, amiable life,
in a pleasurable, amiable relationship with Him
(If we look at just) one prayer that a person performs
from the 5 obligatory daily prayers;
at the moment of completing his bowing and prostrating
and completing his servitude to his Lord,
then at leaving the place of prayer,
he feels a great sense of ease and peace within himself!
By Allah, even if he were to spend all the wealth on the earth
(in attempt to buy this feeling)
He would be unable to seek a way to it.
Thus the goodly life is found only in closeness to Allah
A pleasant, comfortable life will only be found by a closeness to Allah
If a person does not purify and make good his life
through this close relationship,
then by who (or what) will he….?