Dhulm/Oppression Poems

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak…

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

I am not Palestinian, I am not Arab, I am Muslim but it is the duty,

Of every Muslim to make me free.

Where are your men, where are the armies?

That is what I need in times of atrocities.

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

Your speeches are empty and your words are weak,

I wish the truth had a tongue and my walls could speak.

To the tyrant rulers I don’t need your false lies,

I don’t worry about the merciless Zionists but I worry for the Muslim hypocrites and spies.

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

I don’t worry about tanks and planes,

I don’t care about the tractors and cranes.

I worry about the Takbeer inside me and the echoes of the Adhan,

I worry about the Tasbeeh in my corners and the melody of the Qur’an.

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

I want to hear the name of Allah, My Master,

He will free me from this calamity and disaster.

I no longer have any patience, the time has come,

Please! I beg you march and roll the drum.

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

To the Muslim rulers, come and liberate me,

Otherwise don’t you dare visit me.

O Muslims! Why don’t you feel my pain?

Don’t see you see the bombs and rockets that daily rain?

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

Where is NooruDeen? Where is SalahuDeen?

Nowhere are they to be found, nowhere are they to be seen?

O Ummah! Rescue me, I am shackled and tied,

You say you are 1 billion, but I feel like you have already died (spiritually).

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

They are weak and known to be cowards (Israelis),

But what has happened to you, you seem to have spiralled downwards?

Even a small army is sufficient, it would certainly conquer and win,

But you fear your enemy more than you fear your sins.

If al-Masjid al-Aqsa could speak… it would say

I know you will not come, I know you are afraid,

I await the Khalifah the one who must be obeyed.

I shall return to the Muslims, I will be free one day,

This has been prophesised and it is not just hearsay… (In Sha Allah).

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

15th Shawwal 1442

Audio recital of the poem


A Message From Me to Humanity

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Silhouette of depressive man
I don’t want to be a part of the stats anymore,
A member of the unlucky ‘1 in four’,
They all think If I don’t want to, I don’t need to be,
They just don’t understand mental illness you see.
‘Cheer up, snap out of it, be more positive’ they say,
As though I could just wish my depression away,
Or ‘u need to see a Mawlana and get checked out’
Yes, black magic’s probably the reason for all that self doubt!?
The best one though is ‘you need to pray more’,
Cause mental illness is Allah’s punishment for sinners don’t you know??
Ask yourself this though- If it was so easy, would I choose to suffer?
And put myself through having meds, whose side effects make me feel rougher?
And would you really say all these things to someone physically ill?
Or would you encourage them to rest and take a pill?
It’s like saying someone that has cancer it’s because of a fault of their own,
And they should just snap out of it without any signs of distress being shown!
We need to be kind with our words and rid society of the stigma and shame,
And realise that sufferers themselves are not to blame!
So next time you speak to someone suffering from depression think about what you say,
You never know what kind of impact you can make on their day!
This poem was written to create awareness for mental health illnesses.