
Do You Love Muhammad (PBUH)?

A man from the unbelievers said: “Islam is a religion, if only it had men.”

“Islam is a religion if only it had men!” And by Allah! He did not lie!Love.jpg_595+copy

Today they scorn our Islam and our Qur’an, and ridicule our Prophet (salAllaho alayhi wasallam), and they ask: “Why are you terrorists?” So what do you want us to be surrendered and defeated?

In their law it is forbidden to mock at all religions except Islam. And they say about Islam that it is the religion of people who are morally cheap. They mean by it our Prophet (salaAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam).

So from where will we find the likes of Mu’awwaz RA and Mu’aadh RA? From where will we get the likes of Bin Unais RA and those people?

Listen to this, and let us cry together on ourselves. The author of Durar al-Makinah narrated, in the third book on page no. 202 exactly, that a group of senior Christians gathered to meet a Mongol king who had become Christian.

One of the Christian scholars started mocking our Prophet (salaAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam) and there a hunting dog was tied. The dog started barking loudly and getting violent toward the Christian.

They moved it away from him with great difficulty. A man from them said: “He did this because of your talk on Muhammad,” but the Christian replied: “No, actually this dog is arrogant. He saw me pointing so he though I wanted to beat him.”

Thus, he returned to the mockery of the Prophet (salaAllahu ‘alayhi wa salam) impudently in a fiercer manner. At this the dog broke his bonds and jumped on the neck of the Christian, and tore his throat at the instance. He died immediately and at that 40,000 Mongols accepted Islam.

The dogs envied and were angered. The dogs envied and were angered.

So where is our anger?

The trees and the plants longed for you O Beloved of Allah, so where is our longing?

Al-Hasan al-Basri (rahiimahullah) whenever he heard of the hadith of the crying of the stem of the tree on the parting of the Prophet (sala Allahu ‘Alayhi wa salam), he would cry and say “O Community of Muslims! The trees and the plants were affectionate to the Messenger of Allah. The trees and the plants were affectionate to the Messenger of Allah (sala Allahu ‘Alayhi Wa Salam) do you not feel affection to his memory?”

The Prophet (sala Allahu ‘Alayhi Wa Salam) always used to tell his Companions: “I am longing for my brothers. I am longing for my brothers.”

So they said: “Are we not your brothers?”

He said to them: “You are my Companions. My brothers are those who will have faith in me and will believe in me and follow me without seeing me.”

So what will we tell him when people will gather and reach his pond and he will say to us: “They mocked at me and ridiculed me and hurt me, so what did you do to defend me and my honour?”

An eye-opener!

A friend of mine rang me weeping, I know him well.
He said, ‘An old man saw the Prophet SAW in his dream. This man fears Allah! The Prophet was sad (may my parents be sacrificed for him). He SAW said, “Tell my Ummah and those who follow me… Don’t I have the right that they should sacrifice themselves for my sake?”
Didn’t Allah say: ‘The Prophet is dearer to the believers than themselves’.”
Shaykh Khaled Rashid (Allah hasten his release from Saudi prison)
His name was Muhammad SAW, from the root word ‘hamd’ to praise.
His father’s name was Abdullah RA, from the root word ‘uboodiyyah’ to worship.
His mother’s name was Aminah RA, from the root word ‘Amn’ peace.
His wet-nurse was Halimah RA, from the root word ‘hilm’ forbearance.
His carer was Umm Ayman RA, from the root word ‘yumn’ barakah and blessings.
If these were the people around the Messenger SAW then imagine the honour and dignity of such a noble being.
Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

Love and Reverence for the Prophet Sallallāhu ‘Alayhi Wasallam

by Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

Whenever the blessed name of our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is mentioned, the one who is fortunate to utter this name and also the one who is fortunate to hear his name should, with utmost love and reverence, say, ‘sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.’ Nowadays, there is great negligence amongst youth in this regard. Some years ago, with the now older generation, we would see such great love and enthusiasm in reciting salāh ‘alan nabī (durūd); whenever the following verse would be recited in the khuṭbah, everyone would read some formula of salāh ‘alan nabī:

Truly, Allāh and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet; O you who believe! Send salutations and abundant greetings upon him (too). (33:56)

This verse contains a command from Allāh ta‘ālā to send salāh ‘alan nabī as this is an action performed by both Allāh and His angels. However, for the youth nowadays this verse doesn’t bring any response. When it is recited we do not see anyone reading salāh ‘alan nabī audibly or even silently.

The ‘Ulamā have deduced from this verse that it is fard (compulsory) to send salutations and greetings upon the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam at least once in a lifetime. Thereafter, whenever one participates in any gathering, be it a dars (lesson) on the Qur’ān or ahādīth, a lecture or even an informal gathering, then the first time the blessed name of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is mentioned it is wājib (obligatory) to read salāh ‘alan nabī; thereafter, every time, in the same gathering, whenever the blessed name is mentioned it is mustaḥab (desirable) to read salāh ‘alan nabī each time.

What Love Dictates

Remember, love and reverence for the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam dictates that even if the sharī‘ah had not stipulated that salāh ‘alan nabī be read when his blessed name is mentioned, we would still send salutations and greetings upon him in abundance.

So, whenever we hear the verse above read in a khutbah, we should read salāh ‘alan nabī. There are many formulae for salāh ‘alan nabī. The most virtuous is the formula that we read in salāh. The shortest formula is ‘sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam’. This is the formula commonly used by the Muhaddithūn and is probably the most frequently recited form.

Our love for the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam should be such that we should not think of it to be a burden; rather, we should be eager to read it whenever we can. If, during a lecture, the scholar is explaining a point and happens not to mention the name of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam for some time, we should feel that something is missing and eagerly await the mentioning of the blessed name so that we can say salāh ‘alan nabī.

Love and reverence for the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam also dictates that we do not shorten his name when writing it. Many, instead of writing ‘Muḥammad’ in full, suffice with writing ‘Mohd’. We write an article or letter of many pages and the only word that we find that we can shorten is the blessed name of the beloved of Allāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam! Similarly, many do not write, for example, ‘sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam’, sufficing with ‘s.a.w’. Again, in the whole letter, article, etc. are these the only words that we can find to shorten? There is a similar trend in the Urdu language where the letters ‘Sād’ or ‘Sād, Lām, ‘Ayn and Mīm’ are used to represent ‘sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam’. Ponder for a while that who is planting these thoughts in your mind about shortening the name and salutation for our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. What does this show regarding our love and reverence for our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam?

Writing the Durūd

I remember when I was a student in Dār-al-‘Ulūm, the way we were taught by our elders and the culture in the Madrāsah was such that as the blessed name of the Prophet Sallallāhu ‘Alayhi Wasallam was mentioned again and again, it was very difficult to take down all the notes from the lectures and also write the name of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam with salutations. Therefore, in our notes, wherever we had to write the blessed name of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam and salutations, we would leave out a blank space and after class, in our own time, with our best handwriting we would write the salutations in our note books.

I would also like to bring an important point to the attention of many lecturers, who speak with the most eloquent language and accents, yet, when it comes to salāh ‘alan nabī they quickly mumble the words, void of love and reverence. Is this the level of our love and reverence for our Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam?

Nothing but Benefit

In reading salāh ‘alan nabī there is nothing but benefit for us:

1.     Allāh ta‘ālā sends ten mercies upon a person who recites salāh ‘alan nabī once.

2.     Ten sins are forgiven.

3.     The person’s rank is raised by ten degrees.

4.     Ten rewards are written for him.

5.     There is acceptance of du‘ā where salāh ‘alan nabī is recited at the beginning and at the end.

6.     The person will be blessed with the intercession of Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.

7.     Allāh will forgive his sins.

8.     Allāh is pleased with him.

9.     The person will be nearer to the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam on the Day of Judgement.

10.   The person will have all his worries removed in this world and the Hereafter.

The great luminary in the field of tazkiyah and ihsān, Shaykh-al-Hadīth, Shaykh, Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariyyā rahimahullāh would often receive letters regarding different problems, and he would reply with appropriate answers. However, one point he would emphasise on in every reply was to be punctual in the recitation of salāh ‘alan nabī.

“There is a solution to every problem in sending salutations upon Muhammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.

Daily Practice

Finally, the great shaykh, Shaykh Mawlānā Rashīd Aḥmad Gangohī rahimahullāh would instruct that salāh ‘alan nabī be read a minimum of 300 times daily by every Muslim. In the beginning, we could read the shortest formula of salāh ‘alan nabī mentioned above. After that we should try to recite salāh ‘alan nabī with the most virtuous salāh ‘alan nabī mixed in after every 10-15 of the shortest formula. This figure of 300 should be increased on the day of Friday, as the day of Friday has a special affinity with the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.

May Allāh ta‘ālā enable us to read salāh ‘alan nabī in abundance and have true love and reverence for our beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.


An Ode to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)


اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى سَيِّدِنَا وَنَبِيِّنَا وَ شَفِيْعِنَا وَحَبِيْبِنَا وَ سَنَدِنَا وَ مَوْلَانَا  مُحَمَّدٍ وَ بَارِكْ وَ سَلِّم 

May The Choicest Blessings and the Mercy of God Be Upon Muhammad – A Mercy To Mankind.

Year 570 CE you were born in the holy city of Makkah,

Wherein lies the beauty built by Ibraheem (AS) and Ismaeel (AS) – the exalted Ka’bah.

It had been 600 years since the Prophet Eesa (AS), this period is also known in the Qur’an as ‘Fatrah’.

You came at a time when the world was in darkness, people were lost, misguided and swimming in ignorance.

How auspicious that moment was for us all,

When the beloved Aminah (RA) conceived and gave birth to such a blessed soul.

The world was illuminated brightly, and the 1000-year-old fire was extinguished suddenly.

The extravagant castles of Shaam could be seen, Oh, what a time this must have been.

The shadow of your father, the honourable Abdullah (RA), had already left this world.

This was the just the start of your hardships, through which you were tumbled and turned.

It was at the tender age of six, your mother’s gentle touch was no longer felt,

Heart-wrenching. Heartbreaking. Heart left to melt.

Then came along the gallant Abdul Muttalib who took you into his care,

Oh, Muhammad! Such an upbringing of pain and grief is seldom and very rare.

But Allah gives the most difficult of battles to those,

Who are selected by Him and for his mission He chose.

After a year or two Abdul Muttalib met his Lord – ache upon ache.

Such pain left you lonely and full of tears,

But this was part of Allah’s plan; to make you strong and without fears.

Now you stayed with your uncle, an orphan, aged eight,

Abu Talib was his name, he loved you and the affection he showed was great.

You herded sheep and became a shepherd,

You became known for truthfulness and honesty – a man of his word.

You later grew into a fine man and started to trade,

Which attracted the attention of Khadeejah (RA) – whose husband you were later made.

You lived happily and had six children,

Four blessed daughters; two beloved sons who died as infants.

Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, Fatimah (RA),

Little Qasim, and how can we forget Abdullah? (RA)

As time went by, and evil began to spread,

A lot of thoughts started going through your head.

You looked at people, as they worshipped idols carved from their own hands,

And over trivial issues, how a clan would fight with other clans.

The people of Arabia mercilessly buried their baby daughters alive,

And they did not ever fulfil the rights of their children and wives.

People deprived the poor and didn’t give the weak their rights,

Men merrily drank wine and gambled throughout the night,

Shedding blood and killing was prevalent,

The sanctity of human life had become totally irrelevant.

Little did they know how their lives were about to be turned,

As the light of Prophethood shone, glimmering bright, like a lantern you burned.

One day in Mount Hira as you were meditating,

An angel descended and started communicating.

“Read! O Muhammad, Read!” Were the first words said,

You were scared and frightened and quickly rushed ahead.

Upon reaching home, sweating and panicking you screamed,

“O Khadeejah! Wrap me quick”; a large blanket, warm and thick.

Alarmed, petrified and terrified, as any wife would be,

She obeyed instantly, as she was first the believer (in Islam) to be.

(To be cont…)

Ismail Ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s Forgiveness, Mercy and Pleasure).

12th Rabiul Awwal 1436 – Written in memory of the Beloved (Sal Allahu Alayhi Wasallam) on the date of His SAW demise.

The eyes weep, the heart bleeds, but our love for you, O Rasool Ullah SAW will never die. In Sha Allah. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is always in our hearts and on our mind. His SAW’s remembrance keeps our tongues moist.
