Every single time, I open you up, with an issue on my mind, and you answer it, and you blow me away. It’s like I don’t read you, its like you read me.
You shatter each doubt, you break each barrier, you wipe away each tear, and you comfort like no one else. Sometimes I’m terrified to open you up, and set my eyes upon your lines, because I know, I know it’ll be like uncovering my soul, I know it’ll be out of my control, I know my heart will melt, and my eyes overflow, so I fear opening you, until, until I’m completely alone, just you, and I and my Rabb.
It’s like you read me, You see right through the facade, You address each subconscious thoughts, You answer each unanswered questions, You shatter each doubt, and break each barrier, You wipe away each tear, You uncover the soul and heal each wound, Every single time. Sometimes it’s too intense to bear, Sometimes the uncovering of the faults and flaws hurt, Sometimes you advice with words that I don’t want to hear, But you’re never wrong. And although before I open up to you, Sometimes I feel scared, It’s always worth it in the end, Dear Quran, how do you always know what I need to hear? Dear Quran, how do you console so beautifully? So completely? You leave me so intrigued.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Do good all the time, and seek to be recipients of the ‘outpouring’ of Allah’s mercy. Indeed, Allah showers down these (special) ‘outpourings’ of His mercy to whomsoever He wills from His slaves.” (Tabrani)
Allah’s mercy is constant throughout the entire year. But there are special periods and times in which Allah is even more generous to me and you, in which one can achieve his proximity, gain his pleasure, earn his forgiveness and be blessed with Jannah and be saved from the fire of hell.
This is the special period, this entire month of Ramadan is filled with the extreme generosity, forgiveness and love of Allah.
I pray to the Almighty Allah that he blesses the entire ummah with his forgiveness, Ameen. But, before continuing it is time to self reflect and evaluate how this special time of Ramadan has been spent.
Self Reflection
Let us all self reflect and contemplate over the past 20 days of this blessed month of Ramadan. We must all ask ourselves “have I fulfilled the rights of the nights and the days of Ramadhan? Have I reaped as much reward as possible? Have I made changes, new resolutions and intentions to make my spiritual life better?” You may have made mistakes and lacked in your journey but do not despair.
All is not lost
We may be feeling a sense of regret that Ramadan is passing by and we have not taken advantage this month. Some of us may also be feeling “it’s too late now.”
Do not lose hope in the mercy of the Almighty Allah, all is not lost and I would like to remind you that this feeling of regret and remorse is most definitely a strong sign of our Imaan.
Embrace this feeling of regret and let us do something that will boost our Imaan and change our lives for the better. Mistakes may have occurred along the way but it is never too late.
Grab this opportunity and make it special
Ten days and ten nights, the clock is ticking. Grab this opportunity and take each day as it comes making them better than the last. These are the special nights in which one will be rewarded with a thousand months of worship.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When it is the first night of the month of Ramadan, the devils and the rebellious jinn are tied up; the doors of Hell-fire are closed, and none of its doors are opened. The doors of Paradise are opened, and none of its doors are closed. A caller calls out: ‘O seeker of good, come forward! O seeker of evil, stop!’ And every night, Allah frees slaves from the Hell-fire.” (Tirmidhi)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Seek out Laylat Al- Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten (days) of Ramadan.” (Bukhari)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “indeed there are more Angels on the earth on that night (Laylat Al-Qadr) than the number of pebbles (on the earth).” (Ibn Khuzaymah)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever stands in prayer at night in the night of decree (Laylat Al-Qadr) with Imaan and hoping for reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Bukhari)
Do little but be consistent
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.” (Ibn Majah)
The messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small.” (Bukhari)
We must always seek the help of the Almighty Allah and make dua to him to bless us with the strength and the willpower to worship him and gain his proximity and closeness.
Along with dua, we must also take action and devise a timetable for ourselves for the remaining 10 nights of this blessed month of Ramadan. Insha Allah with the help of the Almighty Allah you WILL be able to complete your targets for the last 10 days with ease.
Below is a suggested timetable:
Perform all 5 salah on time with jamaat
Recite one Juz (if not one Juz any amount regularly)
Give charity e.g. £1 Sadaqah
Istigfaar and Durood Shareef (x100)
Perform 2 rakaats of Nafil Salah/Tahajjud
Educate yourself by reading 1 Hadeeth a day
Fix a specific time just for dua (me time with Allah)
Before the month of Ramadan comes to an end we must all seek the forgiveness of Allah. Hence, I would like to advise everyone to learn the following dua and turn to the Almighty Allah in abundance with this dua
O Allah, You are the Ever-Pardoning, the Generous; You love to pardon so pardon me. (Tirmidhi)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “…May his nose be soiled in dust! (i.e. may he be humiliated) – the man upon whom Ramadan enters, and then ends before he is forgiven!” (Tirmidhi)
Spend these last ten days as though they are the final ten days of your life, make it such that Eid day is the day you meet your Lord.
What a great reminder in these uncertain times, I have seen a few versions of this but this one was the best and it’s worth sharing and reminding all our families and friends.
The deceased Kuwaiti writer Abdullah JarAllah (RH) said:
I will not worry about my death nor be unduly concerned about my body for my Muslim brothers will do the needful. 1- يجردونني من ملابسي…They will disrobe me 2- يغسلونني…And wash me 3- يكفنونني …And enshroud me 4- يخرجونني من بيتي …And take me from my home 5- يذهبون بي لمسكني الجديد ( القبر ) …And they will carry me to my new abode (the grave) 6- وسيأتي الكثيرون لتشييع جنازتي…And many will come to participate in my Janaaza بل سيلغي الكثير منهم أعماله ومواعيده لأجل دفني …Many of them would have taken time off their jobs or cancelled appointments in order to attend my burial. وقد يكون الكثير منهم لم يفكر في نصيحتي يوما من الأيام …And most of them would not have reflected a day over my advice… 7- أشيائي سيتم التخلص منها …My belongings will be disposed of… مفاتيحي …my keys كتبي …my books حقيبتي …my briefcase أحذيتي …my shoes ملابسي وهكذا…my clothes and so on وإن كان أهلي موفقين فسوف يتصدقون بها لتنفعني … And if my family are amenable, they will donate it (my things) to benefit me.. تأكدوا بأن الدنيا لن تحزن علي…rest assured, the world would not mourn my passing ولن تتوقف حركة العالم …and the movement of the world wouldn’t stop واﻻقتصاد سيستمر …and trading will continue ووظيفتي سيأتي غيري ليقوم بها …and someone else will do my job وأموالي ستذهب حلالاً للورثة …and my wealth will be lawfully inherited by my heirs بينما أنا الذي سأحاسب عليها !!!whilst I will be taken to task for it: a little, or a lot, nothing unaccounted for القليل والكثير …النقير والقطمير … و إن أول ما موتي هو اسمي !!! The first thing I will lose upon death will be my name; that is why upon my death they will ask: “where is the body?” لذلك عندما اموت سيقولون عني أين ” الجثة “..؟ولن ينادوني باسمي ..!and they will not call me by my name وعندما يريدون الصلاة علي سيقولون احضروا “الجنازة” !!!When they want to perform the salat they will say: “bring the bier”, and they will not call me by my name! ولن ينادوني باسمي ..!وعندما يشرعون بدفني سيقولون قربوا الميت ولن يذكروا اسمي ..!And when they are ready to bury me, they will say “bring the deceased…” and they will not mention my name… لذلك لن يغرني نسبي ولا قبيلتي ولن يغرني منصبي ولا شهرتي …Due to this I will not be deceived by lineage, or my tribal affiliation and neither my status nor fame will beguile me… فما أتفه هذه الدنيا وما أعظم ما نحن مقبلون عليه …How insignificant this world is, compared to what we will face فيا ايها الحي الآن … اعلم ان الحزن عليك سيكون على ثلاثة أنواع:O, YOU WHO ARE ALIVE RIGHT NOW, KNOW THAT SORROW FOR YOU ARE OF 3 TYPES: 1- الناس الذين يعرفونك سطحياً سيقولون مسكينThose who really knew you, and they will say (miskeen) 2- أصدقاؤك سيحزنون ساعات أو أياماً ثم يعودون إلى حديثهم بل وضحكهم 2. Your friends who will remain sad for hours or days, then they will return to their discourses and entertainment 3- الحزن العميق في البيتسيحزن أهلك أسبوعا… أسبوعين شهرا… شهرين أو حتى سنةوبعدها سيضعونك في أرشيف الذكريات!!!3. Deep sorrow at home. Your family will be sad for a week or two, a month, two months or even a year after which you will be but a memory… انتهت قصتك بين الناسوبدأت قصتك الحقيقيه وهي الآخرة Your story ended amongst people, but your real story just began, and its the hereafter… لقد زال عنك: 1- الجمال …2- والمال …3- والصحة …4- والولد …5- فارقت الدور…والقصور6- والزوج …You have been divested of beauty, wealth, health, children, houses, castles and wife… ولم يبق معك الا عملكوبدأت الحياة الحقيقية And nothing remains with you except your deeds (that you used to do). And you have now begun the “real” life… والسؤال هنا :ماذا أعددت لقبرك وآخرتك من الآن ؟؟؟The question here is what have you PREPARED for your grave and your hereafter FROM NOW? هذه حقيقة تحتاج الى تأمل … This reality needs some deep reflection لذلك احرص على :so safeguard 1- الفرائض …the fard prayers and duties 2- النوافل …nafl/ voluntary works 3- صدقة السر …secret charity 4- عمل صالح …Good deeds 5- صلاة الليل…the tahajjud لعلك تنجو so that you may be saved ان ساعدت على تذكير الناس بهذه المقالة وانت حي الآنستجد أثر تذكيرك في ميزانك يوم القيامة بإذن الله…If you helped remind people through these utterances, while you are alive presently, if Allah wills, you will find the effect of your reminder in your scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgement. (وذكّر فإن الذكرى تنفعُ المؤمنين) And remind, most certainly, reminding is fruitful for the believers لماذا يختار الميت “الصدقة”لو رجع للدنيا why do you think the dead wish to perform charity if they return to the Earth? As Almighty has stated: “Oh my Lord if only you gave me a little respite, I would surely give in charity كما قال تعالى( رب لولا أخرتني إلى أجل قريب فأصدولم يقل : He didn’t say لأعتمر I’ll perform umrah او لأصلي Or so I could pray أو لأصوم Or so I could fast قال العلماء : ما ذكر الميت الصدقة إلا لعظيم ما رأى من اثرها بعد موتهThe ulema said that the dead mentioned charity due to what (s)he saw of its great effect after his / her death فأكثروا من الصدقة SO GIVE PLENTY CHARITY ومن افضل ما تتصدق به الآن 10 ثوان من وقتك لنشر هذا الكلام بنية النصحفالكلمة الطيبة صدقة.And the best of charity you could possibly do at this moment is to spend 10 seconds to forward this advice as a reminder; after all a good word is a charity.
Ramadhan is over And we need to continue the spirituality, But we all know the reality, Just look at the Masjid in your nearest locality, Ramadhan is over and so is its hospitality,
Did you change and improve your personality? Is Islam in your blood, is it a practicality? Will it remain another 11 months, what is the possibility? Or have you already exhaled all your spiritual oxygen, is that a probability? So before you return to normality, Remember that in your grave only good deeds matter, not your wealth or financial stability.
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)
The first and most important point is to make sure the charity is Shariah Compliant. Let us not be naïve and think everything that has the words “Islam” or “Islamic” before it, is according to Qur’an and Hadith. Many charities do activities which are violating the laws of Allah SWT, you do not need to be a Mufti/Scholar to know this. For example, mixed events, music in their videos, qawwali is becoming common, fashion shows and makeup tutorials… the list goes on. Every sane Muslim knows these things are totally wrong in the name of Islam.
Make sure the
charity is under the supervision of at least one Alim or a group of qualified
scholars. We see charities opening on every street corner, many of these
brothers and sisters do not have knowledge of the basics of Islam. They are
collecting our Zakah and Sadaqah, how can we guarantee it will be distributed
correctly and accurately?
Give to needy charities and not the GREEDY ones! You should be giving your money to the neediest places and the neediest charities. Some charities accumulate 40-50 million pounds a year, others are very close. Check their annual reports or search on the Charity Commission Website. Check to see how much of that money is being spent, why give your Zakah to a charity that still hoards last year’s Zakah?
Ask your charity
if they take admin costs for Zakah and Sadaqah, some charities take
astronomical amounts! Although it is permissible to take from Sadaqah, one must
ask a local Mufti if it is permissible to take admin costs from Zakah: https://islamqa.org/hanafi/qibla-hanafi/37024
Ask your charity how quickly they distribute Zakah. As mentioned in point 3, some charities get millions every year. A lot of this money is hoarded in their bank accounts as they are unable to spend this money instantly. Which could mean your charity still has last year’s Zakah gathered up! Do you really want to give them this year’s Zakah? Some charities have a 30-day policy i.e. they distribute your Zakah within 30 days, I personally think this is an excellent idea.
Don’t be ashamed to ask how much they pay their employees, their PR managers and the CEO. We hear about charities taking ridiculous wages due to help from Gift Aid etc. Unfortunately, the concept of kindness and consideration is disappearing from some charitable people.
“You donate for the sake of Allah!” I am sure you have all heard this one before? Some defensive charity workers reply with the above statement when questioned about their practises and money management. The statement is incompetent and uneducated. Just because we donate for Allah does NOT mean in any way, shape or form we cannot question people. It is our God-given right, we are living in 21st Century Britain.
Now we come on to charities collecting door-to-door. Most of us, unfortunately, donate blindly, we do not ask for a receipt, nor a charity reg number. Some of these people are not even Muslim, they just grow a beard and wear a hat or hijab for women. We must follow protocol, and ask for a certificate where it applies. We need to get rid of our ignorance and stop saying, “We donate for Allah and it is all in his hands” Definitely, you donate for Allah, but does that mean you donate to thieves and crooks because of your sheer naivety? Learn to ask a few questions, ask for their website (give it a quick google search on the doorstep), their head office location, which countries they work in etc.
Make an intention, The intention is important for Zakah. AS for Sadaqah/Lillah most of us give Ma Sha Allah, very generously. But we do not make an intention, for esale thawab, for Shifa, safety from calamities, multiple intentions can be made In Sha Allah. Allah accept from one and all. Ameen.
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia(one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)
Zakah is not just any form of voluntary charity, almsgiving, tax or tithe. Nor is it simply an
expression of kindness or generosity. Zakah is all of these combined and much
more, for it also includes Allah-consciousness as well as spiritual, moral and
social objectives. Zakah is a Divine injunction and an ordinance from Allah
Himself. It is not a personal matter or a voluntary contribution; rather, it is
an obligation for which one will be called to account before Almighty Allah
SWT. Zakah is indispensable as it helps achieve reform, both financially and
spiritually. It eliminates misery and greed from hearts and consolidates the
Islamic economy, leading to its stability and prosperity.
The Qur’an describes Zakah as 1. The means by which to attain Allah’s mercy: “With My Punishment, I visit whom I will, but My Mercy extends to all things. That (Mercy) I shall ordain for those who have God-consciousness and give their Zakah and those who believe in Our Signs.” (Surah Al-A`raf 7:156).
2. A precondition to achieve victory: “Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (Able to enforce His Will). (They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give their Zakah, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the outcome of all affairs.” (Surah Al-Hajj 22:40-41).
3. A sign of brotherhood in religion: “But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and give their Zakah, they are your brethren in Faith.” (Surah Al-Taubah 9:11). 4. A distinctive feature of the faithful community: “The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, pay their Zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” (Surah Al-Taubah 9:71).
The word Zakah is the infinite form of the verb “zaka”, meaning to grow, to increase and to purify. When said about a person, it means to improve or to become better. Consequently, Zakah means, blessing, growth, cleanliness and betterment.
In the Shari’ah, the word Zakah refers to the determined
share of wealth prescribed by Allah to be distributed among the deserving
categories of those entitled to receive it. Zakah is a divinely ordained
institution and is regarded both as a right of Allah as well as the right of
the poor. In fact, an Islamic government can forcibly take Zakah from the rich
if the rich withhold it.
Zakah in the Qur’an The word Zakah is mentioned thirty-two
times in the Qur’an. In thirty from these thirty-two, Zakah is in its technical
meaning of paying Zakah. From these thirty, Zakah has been interlinked with
Salah, the obligatory prayer, twenty-eight times.
It is important to have a fixed date (in the Islamic calendar) when you pay your Zakah annually to avoid late payment. If you cannot remember the date you first became the owner of the Nisab, then the date should be estimated. If this is not possible, then a specific Islamic date should be selected arbitrarily and adhered to annually.
Zakah is not due on children who are minor and prepubescent in the Hanafi school. However, according to the Shafi’i, Maliki and Hanbali schools, Zakah is obligatory on the wealth of minor children also.
Zakah on buy-to-let property Zakah is not due on the market value of one’s buy-to-let property. It is only payable on the net rental income on one’s Zakah anniversary.
If you have borrowed money, you can deduct the forthcoming 12 months’ worth of repayments from your total balance of Zakatable assets, the same applies for a mortgage. The reason for this is to ensure a Zakah payment doesn’t impact your ability to repay the debt owed to others.
Zakah on money lent to others. Money lent to others is still Zakatable. Zakah is due on it yearly whilst lent. However, you can pay yearly for it, or pay for all previous years once you get money back.
Zakah on home businesses & home catering. If you run a catering business from home or even sell small items such as cakes and biscuits, Zakah is payable on the price you sell these items.
Zakah on a joint account. If the share of one partner can be determined in a joint account, they will be liable to pay that amount. Otherwise, a couple can treat their joint account as 50:50 and pay accordingly.
Liability deductions for Zakah. If you’ve booked to go for Hajj and owe the travel agent, you can deduct the amount owed from your Zakah calculation. Zakah is not payable on that amount – it is as if it doesn’t exist as it is engaged with a current expense.
Zakah is not due on personal belongings regardless of their value such as one’s house, car, clothes, phones, laptops, appliances and furniture.
The Hanafi School treats all gold and silver jewellery as Zakatable, regardless of whether it is worn or stored. However, the other schools of Fiqh treat gold and silver for personal use as exempt from Zakah.
Zakah for gold stores: Have you ever wondered how much Zakah is due on a gold store?? Every gold/silver item in the store is Zakatable at their retail price. A goldsmith may give the gold in Zakah if he does not have that sufficient cash flow.
Zakah is not payable on unlawful earnings from non-Shariah compliant avenues. 100% of the earnings must be dispensed in charity as a relinquishment of unlawful wealth & not as a rewarding act.
Zakah can be paid in advance of one’s Zakah anniversary. Once, Al-Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the Prophet ﷺ and asked if he could pay Zakah in advance. The Prophet ﷺ permitted paying in advance. Al-Tirmidhi) A business may set up a monthly direct debit of Zakah to spread their Zakah payments across the year. However, these instalments should be in advance for the following year & not in arrears.
If Zakah has not been given for several years, then it still must be given. The person must think carefully about how much money the person had every year and then give Zakah accordingly. It is better to give a little extra as a precaution.
Zakah is not payable on the value of diamonds, other precious stones in one’s ownerships and in jewellery.
It is an obligation to pay Zakat on one’s business stock. Samurah bin Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘’The Messenger of Allah ﷺ commanded us to give Sadaqah (Zakah) on what we intended to trade.’’ (Abu Dawud)
One month’s worth of council tax can also be deducted and if your phone bill falls within your Zakah anniversary date you can deduct one month’s bill.
It is wrong to estimate Zakah e.g. Last year I gave £200, so this year it must be the same. As you may have cash in the house which is extra and sometimes a person has £200-£300 in his/her house including their wallet and purse. This must be added to the Zakah assets.
Interest money must ALL be given to the charity without hope for reward/.
Zakat al-Fitr/Sadaqah al-Fitr has the following benefits: 1) It’s an atonement for any shortfall in Ramadhan of the payer 2) it’s a means of happiness & a provision for the recipient on Eid day.
Approved by Mufti Ibrahim Saheb Raja (Ustadh of Hadith at Bury Darul Uloom)
Without Zakah, there can never be profit in business. Sayyidah Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates: “Sadaqah (Zakat) is never intermingled with any amount of wealth without destroying and rotting it.” (Al-Bayhaqi)
Zakah payments preserve your wealth, they do not destroy nor deplete your wealth. Interest income depletes your wealth. “Allah destroys interest and increases charity. And Allah does not like every sinning disbeliever.” (Quran 2:276)
Give Zakah & Sadaqah to help the needy people & the suffering Ummah with a firm conviction of the promises of Allah for you in this world & Hereafter for spending your wealth.
When Zakah is not paid, a business portfolio is exposed to loss of blessings & the displeasure of Allah. Therefore, despite an annual turnover of millions & a high-profit margin, a business person is exposed to loss in this world and the Hereafter.
Imam al-Sarakhsi states that a Zakah payer receives more reward in giving Zakah to his needy, eligible relatives in another town as it entails maintaining family ties together with discharging their obligation.-(Mabsut)
Ibn RH said, “The best of charity [and zakah] is that which the greatest need, or is a means to the greatest benefit.” [Hashiya Ibn Abidin] Make your Zakah revive & resuscitate the Ummah.
The four mainstream schools of Islamic jurisprudence all agree that Zakah is due immediately. Zakah is an immediate obligation as Allah has instructed us to pay immediately in the following verse: “And give its due on the day of its harvest.” (Qur’an, 6:141)
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)
Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship (2:185)
The Rihal on the motorway, which indicates you have entered Makkah
Alhumdu Lillah, I have just returned from my trip to Umrah for the month of Ramadhan. As always an amazing, joyous, marvellous and memorable experience! I thought I would pen down some of my thoughts and recollect my memories and experiences as guidance and advice for the benefit of the Ummah, in sha Allah. Many of the pieces of advice can be used for Hajj as well, as you will read in sha Allah. A wise man once said, “The best gift you can present to someone is good advice.” Feel free to add comments below and make any corrections, I am no expert of Hajj/Umrah or of the Haramayn. This is not a guide to Hajj/Umrah, it is just advice which I feel will help you and lighten your burden hopefully. And there is some fiqh/masail, because I feel knowledge is extremely important, especially in Hajj and Umrah.
Travelling and Hardship
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ “ السَّفَرُ قِطْعَةٌ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ يَمْنَعُ أَحَدَكُمْ نَوْمَهُ وَطَعَامَهُ وَشَرَابَهُ فَإِذَا قَضَى أَحَدُكُمْ نَهْمَتَهُ مِنْ
وَجْهِهِ فَلْيُعَجِّلْ إِلَى أَهْلِهِ
From Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Travelling is a portion of the torment. It denies you your sleep, food, and drink. When you have accomplished your purpose, you should hurry back to your family.” (Muwatta Malik).
Normally, we are in our daily routine, we do the same thing every day. We do not realise things about ourselves, our habits and temperaments etc. When we travel on a journey, especially with others these habits come out. As we can see from the above Hadith, travelling deprives us of our food, sleep and drink etc. We all know what happens when we take a man’s sleep or food away. The quote of Umar (Allah be pleased with him) is famous, how you truly know a person once you have travelled with him.
Umar (Allah be pleased with him) asked about a man who had given testimony, wanting to find out whether anyone could vouch for him. A man said to him: “I will vouch for him, O’ Ameer al-Mumineen, ‘Umar asked, “Are you his neighbour?” He said, “No.” He then” asked, “Did you mix with him for a day and come to know his character?” He said, “No.” He asked next: “Did you travel with him, for travelling and being away from home reveal a man’s true essence?” He said, “No.” ‘Umar said, “Perhaps you saw him in the-mosque, standing, sitting and praying?” He said, “Yes.” ‘Umar said, Go away, for you do not know him.”
Source: ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab His life and times (‘Umar ibn al-Khattab shakhsiyatuhu wa ‘asruhu), Volume 1, page 272-273 Written by Dr. ‘Ali Muhammad as-Sallabi, Translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab
A very profound saying, when travelling with others, especially in a group, our true colours are revealed through our conduct as:
Much patience is required because people desire & think differently.
Whilst we should neither keep others waiting nor impose our views on the rest, we should be prepared to be delayed by others as that is part of group travel.
We should be ready to serve the rest.
We should abstain from petty complaints.
We must be considerate of others esp. the weak, the elderly & children.
Pray the Travel/Safar Duas and memorise them for the plane and coaches etc.
My advice first and foremost is to select your companions carefully and wisely. He/she should be smart, decisive and sharp. The journey is a blessed one but not an easy one, I like to give a true picture and not make it sound like a walk in the park. At times you have to make difficult decisions on the spot, a good companion will help at such times. People reading this blog will be from different spheres of life, some may never have travelled abroad before. Or they have travelled, but not to Haramayn Shareefayn. It is not like a visit to the local mosque, where you have 200-300 people praying. Brace yourself! You can get pushed in Salah, and knocked about in Tawaf, it can be extremely hot, things go missing and your possessions can get stolen, which I will elaborate on later. Going to such a beautiful and holy place with the wrong companions can sometimes make the whole journey a tedious and terrible one. This is why I have inserted the quote of Umar (Allah be pleased with him) above. Even if they are family members or relatives or old friends, travelling brings out a lot of “true” qualities in a person, Hajj and Umrah expose people to another level, be warned!
Allah tests us in different ways, the greater the trial the greater the reward. It was narrated from Mus’ab bin Sa’d RA that his father, Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas RA, said: “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, which people are most severely tested?’ He said: ‘The Prophets ﷺ, then the next best and the next best. A person is tested according to his religious commitment. If he is steadfast in his religious commitment, he will be tested more severely, and if he is frail in his religious commitment, his test will be according to his commitment. Trials will continue to afflict a person until they leave him walking on the earth with no sin on him.’” (Ibn Majah)
Hadhrat Sahl Bin Sa’d (Radi Allahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: “Calmness in affairs is from Allah and haste in affairs is from shaytan.” (Tirmidhi)
No matter what happens, do NOT panic. There is always one “panic button” in the group, who makes a mountain of a molehill for every bit of drama. My advice when things go wrong is, “What is the worse that can happen?” Always analyse the situation, and don’t overreact. Remember, you are the guests of Allah, He SWT is the host, and He SWT will not let you down. You are in a different country, there are thousands of people, and the heat can get extreme at times as well. If problems arise or you fall ill, bear in mind your reward is with Allah. The more pain, the more reward.
Be ready, mentally, physically, spiritually…
Makkah is the best place on earth and the most beloved to Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. At-Tirmidhi authentically reports in his Sunan (3925) from `Abdullah Ibn `Adiyy (Radi Allahu Anhu) that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said whilst addressing Makkah: “By Allah! You are the best of the lands of Allah, and the best land of Allah to Allah! And were it not for the fact that I was expelled from you, I would never have left you.”
Rectify your intentions, you are going to Hajj/Umrah to please Allah and fulfil an obligation. Not to show off, therefore try staying off social media and taking pictures at every juncture. This leads to Riyaa (showing off) which is Haraam in Islam and spoils the whole journey. I will talk about photography later on.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “What I fear for you the most is the minor shirk, that is al-Riya (showing off). Allah will say on the Day of Judgement when He is rewarding the people for their actions: Go to those for whom you did Riya for in the world then see if you find the reward with them.” [Related by Ahmad (5/428, 429) and al-Baghawi in Sharh as-Sunnah (4135) from the hadith of Mahmud bin Lubayd, Radi Allahu Anhu, with an authentic chain upon the conditions of Muslim]
Repent from all sins, major and minor. Make a firm intention, when I return I will NEVER sin again. Pray your Qadha Salah or fulfil Qadha fasts beforehand. Remember, Huqooqul Ibaad (rights of servants) and Huqooqullah (rights of Allah). So the rights of servants are fulfilling debts, asking for forgiveness from people who you have hurt and offended etc. Do not merely say sorry, rather make it genuine and have a firm resolution never to hurt anyone again
Look for a reliable tour operator, don’t just ask one or two people. Do thorough research, check online and look at reviews etc. Find out exactly how far the hotels are from the Haram, rather than believe the standard “5 minutes.” See if you can get pictures of inside the hotel online, Mr Google is more useful than some of us can imagine. Ask what sort of food is served. On such a strenuous journey you need to eat well.
As Hajj/Umrah consist of a LOT of walking, whether it is Tawaf or walking to the Haram it is good to be prepared beforehand. Try walking a mile or two daily before you go for Hajj in sha Allah. You will see the benefits, especially for those who don’t exercise regularly.
I was given a list of things to take when I went to Hajj in 2012, Alhumdu Lillah – I have passed the same list to many friends and family over the years who have added and edited the list:
In addition to those above:
Small Qur’an (13 lines are not available in Haram)
Take spare dua books if you can (a few times in tawaf I was asked for books from other Hajis)
Recite Talbiyah as much as possible in the state of Ihram
On the way to Makkah keep reciting first kalimah (tayyibah), at least 1,000 times.
Virtues of Makkah
From the places of virtue that Allah has extolled and mentioned their excellence to the exclusion of others is the city of Makkah: the place of safety, and security, the place where revelation to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ began, and from where he was appointed as the Messenger to mankind. It is the city which Allah swears by in the Qur’an:
لَا أُقْسِمُ بِهَٰذَا الْبَلَدِ “I swear by this city, Makkah”
وَأَنتَ حِلٌّ بِهَٰذَا الْبَلَدِ “And you, [O Muhammad], are free of restriction in this city.” (Al-Balad: 1-2)
Imam Ibn Katheer (rahimahullah) said: This is an oath of Allah (the Most High) by Makkah “Umm al-Quraa” (the mother of all towns), due to the fact that living in it puts one in a state that indicates the greatness of the city itself wherein the people are in a state of Ihraam, living in a sanctity. Allah stated:
وَهَٰذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِين “And by this city of security (Makkah).” (At-Teen: 3)
Within Makkah is the Ancient House (Al-Bayt Al-`Ateeq) for the worship of Allah alone. It was the first place of monotheistic worship built for mankind. Allah stated:
إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكًا وَهُدًى لِّلْعَالَمِينَ “Verily, the first House of worship appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for all of creation.” (Aale `Imran: 96)
It the place from where Allah took His Prophet into the Heavens on the night of the Journey. Allah (Most High) said:
“Glorified and Exalted be He above all that they associate with Him who took His slave for a journey by night from Al-Masjid-al-Haraam (at Makkah) to the farthest mosque (in Jerusalem), the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him of Our signs. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.” (Al-Israa: 1)
“There is no city on earth to which all the prophets, the angels, the holy messengers and all the pious servants of Allah, who reside in the heavens and on earth, including the jinn, flocked to, except Makkah.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)
“Around the Ka’bah lies the graves of three hundred prophets.” (Sahih Muslim/Bayhaqi)
“Anyone who falls ill in Makkah for one day, Allah renders his body and his flesh haram (forbidden) from the fire of Jahannam.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Sayyiduna Abu Umamah (Radiyallahu’anhu) reports that Rasulullah ﷺ said: ‘The doors of the sky open and du’as are accepted on four occasions;
a) When the armies clash in war
b) When rain falls
c) At the time of iqamah [for salah]
d) When looking at the Ka’bah.’
(Al-Mu’jamul Kabir, Hadith: 7713 & 7719 & Sunanul Kubra of Bayhaqi, vol.3 pg.360 with a weak chain. Also see Majma’uz Zawaid, vol.10 pg.155, Nataijul Afkar, vol.1 pg.383-384, Al-Futuhatur Rabbaniyyah, vol.4 pg.369 & footnotes on Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith: 19861) https://hadithanswers.com/duas-accepted-upon-seeng-the-kabah/
From this Hadith, Ulama deduce when your first sight falls on the Ka’bah your Duas are accepted. Try and find a good spot to sit/stand for a long time so you can make a lengthy Dua (please pray for me too). When walking in Masjid Haram for the first time keep your gaze low so it doesn’t fall on the Ka’bah, once you find a spot sit and make Dua.
Make dua seriously, not half-heartedly. There is a story of Hajjaj ibn Yusuf RH who saw a blind man making Dua in front of the Ka’bah, but he wasn’t paying attention in dua. Hajjaj said to him, “I am going for Tawaf, after seven rounds if your eye sight is not returned I will kill you!” The man panicked and started making Dua passionately and fervently like a man who is drowning! Before Hajjaj finished, the man’s eyesight was returned. Subhan’Allah!
Try to make sure your Ihram is tightly fastened, and use safety pins if necessary. Try not to let the bottom piece drag too low as people tend to step on it (which may lead to embarrassment!). Same for sisters, which is a bit more difficult as women tend to wear more loose clothing and it drags along the floor. But if someone steps on your abayah it can cause a lot of inconvenience especially if you wear the long abayahs from head to toe! All I can say is be careful because in Tawaf you are very close together especially in the Mataf (the area around the Ka’bah). Men should also, use a belt if necessary. Very handy to keep your money in as well.
I love a man with Gheerah/Ghayrat! But we also need common sense with Gheerah (protective jealousy), many men do Tawaf with their wife (ves)! And they form a ring around their womenfolk, which is all good and well, but you can’t do Tawaf right next to the Ka’bah and not expect anybody to push or touch your womenfolk (accidentally), it is sure to happen in those areas. Then some men go one step ahead and push and shove anyone who comes close to their wife/daughter. It is ridiculous! As I said, I admire their Ghayrat, but these couples need to do Tawaf on the outskirts of mataf or on the upper floors, where it is less busy! The Mother of Believers, ‘Ā’ishah (Allah be pleased with her) used to do ṭawāf in an area away from the men, and she did not touch the Black Stone or the Yemeni Corner if there was crowding. It was narrated that ‘Ata’ said:
‘Ā’ishah used to do ṭawāf far away from the men, not mixing with them.” A woman said: “O Mother of the Believers, let us go and touch the Black Stone!” She said: “Go yourself,” and she refused to go.
In my opinion, the best place for women to do ṭawāf is on the roof of the Masjid. Now it may seem like a big distance from far, but I promise you, all it takes is an hour and 10 minutes, to be precise, to complete a ṭawāf, walking at an average pace. Now the Shayṭān may play with your mind and make it seem like a lot. But then ask yourself this…don’t you easily, easily, walk an hour ten minutes in the shopping mall?
Tawaf starts from the area in line with Hajr Aswad (black stone), opposite the black stone there is a green light which can also be used to indicate where the Tawaf starts. In previous times there was a thin piece of marble which went all the way down the Mataf, this also indicated the start of Tawaf as it is good to be precise.
As far as I know, wheelchairs are not allowed in the Mataf for Tawaf. Apparently, now there are scooters available for Tawaf on certain floors.
You can read any form of Dhikr/Dua looking in a book or off by heart in Tawaf or even Qur’an and Surahs you know by heart. If you are reading from a book, it is safer to do Tawaf on the outside, as reading books slow people down. Which doesn’t help people behind you.
When people are on the last Tawaf (seventh one) they struggle to get out of the Tawaf congregation because it is choc a block, especially if you like to do Tawaf close to the Ka’bah. A good tip for you is, as you do the seventh Tawaf start walking out slowly i.e. do the seventh Tawaf on the outskirts of the Mataf. So as soon as you finish, kiss the Hajre Aswad then you can leave the Mataf and pray your two Rak’ahs for Tawaf. Also, stick out your hand as a gesture that you are leaving, not barge your way through as some people do.
Also, the correct method of kissing the Hajre Aswad is to kiss your palms not your fingers as people tend to do. (Women’s guide to Hajj and Umrah – Mufti Faruq Saheb)
The multazam (place of clinging) is the part of the Ka’bah that is between the Black Stone and the door of the Ka’bah. What is meant by iltizam (clinging) is when the supplicant (person making du’aa’) places his chest, face, forearms and palms against it and calls upon Allah saying whatever du’aa’ he wishes. Try not to push and hurt others, and leave room for women too at the Multazam.
There is no specific du’aa’ that the Muslim should say in that place. He can cling to the Multazam when he enters the Ka’bah (if it is easy for him to enter) or he may do that before performing the Farewell tawaaf (tawaaf al-wadaa’), or he may do it at any time he wants. He should not cause difficulty for other people by offering a lengthy du’aa’. Similarly, it is not permissible to crowd other people or annoy them in order to cling there. If he sees a space then he should say du’aa’. Otherwise, it is sufficient for him to say du’aa’ whilst circumambulating and when prostrating in prayer.
It was narrated that ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Safwaan (Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Messenger of Allah ﷺ conquered Makkah, I said: I will put on my garments, as my house was on the road, and I will wait and see what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) does. So I went and I saw that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had come out of the Ka’bah, he and his companions, and they were touching the House from the Door to the Black Stone. They had placed their cheeks against the House and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was in the midst of them.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1898; Ahmad, 15124.
Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrates that he heard Rasulullah ﷺ say: “The Multazam is a place where duas are accepted. Whenever a person prays to Allah, at this spot, Allah grants his prayer”.[Al-Hisnul-Haseen, Musalsalaat, Virtues of Haj – page 111]
Multazam is that part which is situated between the black stone and the door of Ka’bah. Multazam comes from the Arabic word ‘Iltizaam’ which means ‘to cling on to something’ or ‘to be attached to something’. It is so called because a person should touch his body to this section and make dua.
Imam Abu Dawood reports that Ibn Abbas (Radiyallahu Anhu) would stand up straight here with chest and face against the Ka’bah, arms stretched out above the head, leaning against the Ka’bah. He then said: “I saw Rasulullah ﷺ doing this”.
Shaykh Zakariyya (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) writes: “It was a common experience of every Ustadh of the above Hadith, from my teacher (Hadhrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri Rahmatullahi Alayhi) to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam that they said: “I prayed at the Multazam in the above manner and my prayer was granted”. Shaykh RH writes: “This has also been my personal experience”.
Note: This dua at Multazam should not be made during the Tawaf, otherwise Tawaf will be affected. It is to be made after completion of Tawaf and preferably after praying two rakats Tahiyyatut-Tawaf.
Hasan Basri (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) wrote a letter to the people of Makkah Mukarramah informing them that there are fifteen places in the vicinity of Haram Shareef where duas are accepted (Mustajaab Places)
During Tawaf 2. At the Multazam 3. Under the Meezabur-Rahmah (the water sprout in Hateem, from where the rain water drops off from the roof of Ka’bah). 4. Inside Ka’bah Shareef 5. At the well of ZamZam (after drinking ZamZam) 6. On Safa 7. On Marwa 8. While walking between Safa & Marwa 9. At Maqaame Ibraheem 10. On the plain of Arafaat 11. At Muzdalifa 12. At Mina 13. 14. 15. At the time of pelting the three Shayaateens in Mina. [Narrated in Al-Hisnul-Haseen]
Shaykh Zakariyya (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) writes: “Some Ulama have added a few more e.g.”
– Inside the Mataaf (where Tawaf is made) – When one’s sight falls on the Ka’bah (especially the first time) – Inside the Hateem (the semi-circle around Ka’bah) – Between Rukne Yamami & Hujare Aswad
[Virtues of Hajj – Page 112]
Great precaution needs to be taken when going to kiss the Hajre Aswad, it is a great Sunnah but saving yourself from harming others is Fardh. The same applies to making Dua at the Multazam and going into the Hateeem. Brothers need to be fair to the women in these areas. We can’t just block them out. I wouldn’t advise women to try and kiss the Hajre Aswad during busy periods I saw one woman trying to kiss it in Ramadhan and her Hijab came off or got pulled off… Astaghfirullah! “Prevention is better than cure.” The Multazam area is between the door of the Ka’bah and Hajre Aswad. There is enough room for men AND women if we can be considerate, the same applies in the Hateem to pray Salah and make dua.
“For verily, anyone who touches the Hajre Aswad is cleansed of his sins just as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him.” (Musnad lmam Ahmad)
It helps to wear thin socks when doing Nafl Tawaf (not in Umrah) as it can help your heels, or the leather ankle ones available to buy in Makkah.
Thursday night, the Tawaf usually gets busier than normal. As local people come for Tawaf because of Jumuah
Women should not be praying loud in Tawaf. This year I saw a lady lead her group praying loud, whilst her group repeats after her. Women cannot be Imams! “Be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire.”(Surah Al-Ahzab Ayah 32) Second is the Hadith found in “Sahih Bukhari” Narrated Abu Hurayrah (Allah be pleased with him)
‘The Prophet ﷺ said, “The saying ‘Subhan Allah’ is for men and clapping is for women.” (If something happens in the prayer, the men can invite the attention of the Imam by saying “Subhan Allah”. And women, by clapping their hands). Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol #2, Book #22, Hadith #295.
Support for this can be found in the book of Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani “Bulugh Al-Maram” in the tafseer of this Hadith it mentions the clapping is for women because the men should not hear the woman’s voice. (Bulugh Al-Maram: Arabic/English Page # 81 Hadith # 174)
Etiquette of the Masjid/Haram
Avoid sin
The companions Umar (Allah be pleased with him) and Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) would say, “I would prefer to commit seventy sins in Rukyah (a place outside Makkah) than commit a single sin in Makkah.”(Kanzul Ummal)
The evidence of Shari`ah (Islamic Law) indicates that good deeds are multiplied in honourable times, such as Ramadhan, and the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, and places like the Two Sacred Masjids (Mosques). They are highly rewarded in Makkah and Al-Madinah, as it is reported in the authentic Hadith that the Prophet ﷺ said: “One Salah (Prayer) in my Masjid (mosque) [i.e. Al-Masjid Al-Nabawy (the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah)] is better than thousand Salahs in any other Masjid, except Al-Masjid Al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah). And one Salah in Al-Masjid Al-Haram is better than hundred thousand Salahs in my Masjid.” (Related by Ahmad and Ibn Hibban through an authentic Isnad [chain of transmission])
Many people tend to leave things in the saff/rows for Salah to reserve their place. This is incorrect. Please see the fatwa below:
Question: What is the ruling regarding reserving one’s position in the front saff between 2 Salahs with one’s scarf, hat or any other item?
Assalamu Alaikum,
The Masjid is the house of Allah and is open to all Muslims who come for Salaah. Whoever comes first and sits in a certain place, then he is deserving of that spot. The Fuqaha (jurist) have written that is Makrooh (reprehensible) for one to reserve a place for himself in the Masjid to perform Salaah on that spot. (Kitabul Fatawa vol. 3 pg. 115 – Al Fatawa Al Hindiya vol. 1 pg. 108).
Based on these explanations, it will not be proper (in fact, it will be reprehensible) for one to fix a spot in the first Saff by putting a scarf, hat etc. to reserve it for his own self. It should also be noted that it is Makrooh (reprehensible) for a person to ask another one to get up from his place (in the Masjid) and sit in that place. Abdullah Bin Umar (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) prohibited that one should make another get up from his place and then sit on it.
With respect to if a person was sitting on a spot and then left to attend to a need (to return) when he returns he will be more deserving of that spot. In this regard, Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w) said, ‘If anyone gets up from his place of sitting and then returns to that spot, then he is more deserving of that spot.”(Abu Dawood – Kitabul Fatawa vol. 3 pg. 113)
Many women like to pray Salah next to men or directly behind them:
The Messenger ﷺ in which he said: “The best rows for men are the front ones and the worst are the back ones, and the best rows for women are the back ones and the worst are the front ones.”
The hadeeth quoted is saheeh, but according to the scholars it is to be interpreted in this manner, which is when there is no barrier between the men and women. But if they are screened from the men, then the best rows are the front ones and the worst ones are the back ones, just as is the case with men, and they have to complete the front rows first, then the next and so on, and close the gaps, just like men, because of the general meaning of the proven hadeeth from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) concerning that. May Allah help us all to do that which He loves and which pleases Him.
Walking in front of someone praying Salah
If you are in Tawaf it is okay to walk in front of someone praying Salah, other than that the ruling is the same i.e. you are not allowed to walk in front of someone praying Salah. I understand at time it can be difficult to get out, but we must still walk with precaution. As both the Masjids in the Haram are large Masjids, you can leave two rows in front of the one praying and cross over. But never walk directly in front of someone praying Salah if they are praying alone; Sunnah/Nafl.
This hadeeth – i.e., the hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhari (487) and Muslim (505) from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (Radiyallahu Anhu) says “If any one of you is praying, he should not let anyone pass in front of him. Let him push him away as much as he can, and if he insists then let him fight him, for he is nothing but a shaytan (devil)” – indicates that it is makrooh to pass in front of a person who is praying if he is praying on his own and without a sutrah. The same ruling applies to the imam if he is praying without a sutrah. But with regard to the person who is praying behind the imam, it does not matter what passes in front of him, just as it does not matter what passes in front of the imam or person praying alone if it passes behind the sutrah. The sutrah of the imam is also the sutrah of those who are praying behind him.
We say this concerning the imam and the person who prays alone, because the Prophet ﷺ said, “If any one of you is praying…” According to the scholars, this means praying on his own, because of the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbas (Radiyallahu Anhu). Hence we say that the person who is praying behind the imaam does not have to push away the person who passes in front of him, because Ibn ‘Abbas (Radiyallahu Anhu) said: “I came along riding on a female donkey one day when I had just reached the age of puberty. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was leading the people in prayer in Mina, without any kind of wall in front of him. I passed in front of part of the row, then I got down and sent the donkey to graze, and joined the row, and no one rebuked me for that.” (al-Tamheed, 4/187)
Drink Zamzam and drink to your full, remember duas are accepted when drinking Zamzam so make dua EVERY time for yourself and for others (and please remember me). For further info on Zamzam click this.
Prophet ﷺ said: “The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for.”(Reported by Ibn Maajah, 2/1018; see Al-Maqasid al-Hasanah by al-Sakhaawi, p. 359).
Photography is totally forbidden in the Masjid. Scholars have given a fatwa permitting video and photography for da’wah purposes and others have said digital images are okay. But the stronger and preferable view will always be to abstain from such things, as it can be a reason for a lack of sincerity and showing off on social media. Most of these actions lead to showing off, the Prophet warned us about this:
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Shall I not inform you of what I fear for you more than the Masih ad-Dajjal? It is the hidden shirk. It is when a man stands up for prayer, then beautifies his prayer for another to look at.” [Related by Ibn Majah (2604) from the hadith of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, radiallahu ‘anhu. The hadith is hasan]
Are you going to Hajj for Allah or for Facebook friends?!
I was really strict this Ramadhan and I actually stood in the way of people taking photos (my Jihad against selfies!) because I received a talk from a scholar of Pakistan, Mufti MahmoodulHassan Shah Mas’oodi Saheb who said:
“Shaykh Abdul Rehman al-Huzayfi (hafdihahullah) – Imam of Masjid Nabwi SAW- gave a Khutbah after Dhuhr Salah (normally there are no Khutbahs after Salah, apart from Jumuah), he told the people to stop taking photographs in the Haram as this causes takleef/inconvenience to Allah SWT and his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), you hurt the angels! Do you want to be cursed? I stand for Salah as the imam, you take your mobile phones out! The muaddhin gives adhan, you take your phone out! People were crying, it was a long Khutbah. After Asr Salah someone explained to us the reason for the Khutbah. He had a dream of the Imam of the Prophets, The beloved of Allah, The leader of creation ﷺ blessed me with his presence in a dream and informed me, “Tell people to stop taking photographs as it hurts me, it breaks my heart.”
Mufti Mahmood saheb explains the enemies of Islam hurt the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), but how can we as the Ummah of the Prophet ﷺ hurt him or cause him pain?
I was once with Dr Abdul Salam Saheb, who is my Shaykh from Pakistan. We were together in Madinah, we came out of the Masjid. Once we had walked a fair distance, an alim who was residing in Madinah said to my beloved Shaykh, “This place is blessed, beloved, very virtuous and lofty in status. But, many people come here then leave and their Iman leaves with them. Because of the sins they do and takleef they cause people.” Allah shows his pious servants and His friends such things through the eyes of the heart!
Now, ask yourself is social media and photography that important? It is like the iPhone is the new Qibla and Snapchat is the new Qur’an. People tend to look at them more, sadly. Please avoid taking a smartphone if there is no need.
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)
Why we read Qur’an in Arabic even we don’t understand it.
This is a beautiful story!
An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Qur’an. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the Qur’an just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur’an do?”
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water..”
The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just not trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would Leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Grandpa, it’s useless!” “So you think it is useless?” The old man said, “Look at the basket.”
The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
“Son, that’s what happens when you read the Qur’an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be Changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives.”
If you feel this is worth reading, please forward to your contacts/friends. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says: “The one who guides to good will be rewarded equally”.