Current Affairs articles

We Need One Ummah, Not One Eid

Every Eid same drama, same “unity” palaver. But hang on unity is from the Sunnah? The Quran endorses unity! The Qur’an and Sunnah teaches us a lot of things… tazkiyah and purity of the heart being number 1. 

What is the point of one Eid when the hearts aren’t one? The hearts aren’t united?

What is the point of one Eid when we pray Salah shoulder to shoulder but the Ummah isn’t one? 

What is the point of one Eid when our marriages aren’t unified? Surtis don’t marry bharuchis and Indians don’t marry Pakistanis? 

What is the point of one Eid when your masjids don’t allow all Muslims to be members? When your Islamic schools give preference to the four holy Masjids because they are ‘from the ghom’?

Can someone tell me what really is the point? I don’t understand. 

Have one Eid or a dozen Eids, but this Ummah will always be fragile until we learn to live like brothers.

Allah purify our hearts from jealousy and malice and unite this Ummah on the best day of the year. Ameen.

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s mercy, forgiveness and pleasure)

1 Shawaal 1443


We can truly celebrate Eid…

ras malai
When Muslims will unite,
They will no longer bicker and no longer fight.
When Palestine (and all Muslim lands) will be liberated,
And Muslims will no longer be incarcerated.
When the recipients of Zakah will no longer be eligible,
Because people in power will be fair and responsible,
When youth will repent and do sincere Tawbah,
We won’t see them drunk and intoxicated, just see them sensible and sober. 
When injustice and lies will be extinct and dead,
Fairness and truth will be widely spread. 
We can truly celebrate Eid when we have pleased Allah,
And entered that first step in Jannah…in alFirdaws al-A’laa!
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure).
10th Dhul Hijjah 1438


thomas-young-632972-unsplash.jpgAlhumdu Lillah. . . For another Ramadhan made easy by Allah.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the long summer fasts, parched lips and dry throats.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For reciting the Qur’an day and night.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For being kissed by the angels on completing the Qur’an.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the eyes that weeped at dawn in prayer
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the charity given with the right hand, that the left hand didn’t know.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the tiring, aching legs that stood all 20 Rakats in Taraweeh (may these legs carry us to Jannah).
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the sweet feeling at Iftar, quenching our thirst.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the unity and brotherhood in the Masajid.
Alhumdu Lillah. . . For the young children who fasted for the first time.
Alhumdu Lillah, thumma Alhumdu Lillah for the Day of Eid. A day of celebration and happiness.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, preserve your Ramadhan reward. Do not lose it by sin; backbiting and causing inconvenience.
Eid mubarak from Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)
1 Shawwal 1438
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال، وجعلنا وإياكم هداة مهتدين، وثبتا الله وإياكم على الطاعات
Shaykh Saleem Dhorat


By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

The Night of ‘Īd
The nights of both ‘Īds are described in the hadīth as amongst the great and sacred nights in the Muslim calendar. To remain awake on the nights of ‘Īd and perform ‘ibādah is a source of great virtue and reward.

1. Abū ‘Umārah radhiyallāhu anhu relates that Rasūlullāh sallāllahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

Whoever stays awake and performs ‘ibādah on the night of the two ‘Īds, with hope for abundant reward (from Allāh ta’ālā), his heart will not die on the day (i.e. Qiyāmah) when all hearts will be dead. (Targhīb)

2. Mu‘ādh Ibn Jabal radhiyallāhu anhu relates that Rasūlullāh sallāllahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

Jannah is wājib (incumbent) for those who stay awake with the intention of making ‘ibādah on the following nights: 8th, 9th, 10th, of Dhul Hijjah, the night of ‘Īd-ul-Fitr and the night of the 15th of Sha‘bān. (Targhīb)

3. Imām Shafi‘ī rahimahullāh said: “Du‘ās are answered on the nights of Friday (the night between Thursday and Friday), the nights before the two ‘Īds and the 15th night of Sha‘bān.”

Sunnats of the Day of ‘Īd
1. To rise early.
2. To clean the teeth with miswāk.
3. To have a masnūn bath.
4. To dress in one’s best garments in an Islamic manner.
5. To use ‘itr (apply fragrance).
6. To eat dates or any other sweets before going for the ‘Īd-ul Fitr Salāh.
7. To go early for ‘Īd Salāh.
8. To go walking for ‘Īd Salāh.
9. To read the Takbīrāt of Tashrīq in a low voice while going for the ‘Īd Salāh.

Allāhu akbar Allāhu akbar lā ilāha illallāhu wallāhu akbar
Allāhu akbar wa lillāhil hamd

10. To use different routes to and from the place of ‘Īd Salāh.
Mas’alah: It is harām to fast on the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul Ḥijjah, (i.e. on ‘Īd-ul-Ad’hā and three days after) and the day of ‘Īd-ul-Fitr.

The Method of ‘Īd Salāh

1. Make niyyah (intention) of performing two raka‘āts wājib of ‘Īd-ul-Fitr behind the imām, with six wājib takbīr.
2. The first takbīr in the first rak‘ah is the takbīr tahrīmah which is followed by three wājib takbīr. Raise your hands to the ears in all four takbīr (saying the takbīr). However, after the first takbīr fold the hands under the navel and read thanā (sub’hānakallāhumma…). Thereafter, in the following two takbīr raise the hands up to the ears and drop them on the sides and after the fourth takbīr fold them again.

3. The imām will recite Sūrah-al-Fātihah and another sūrah and go into rukū‘ and sajdah etc. as usual.

4. In the second rak‘ah, after the recitation and before rukū‘ another three takbīr will be called. In all three takbīr raise the hands to the ears and drop them on the sides and go into rukū‘ when the fourth takbīr is called.

NOTE: Four takbīr are said together in each rak‘ah; at the beginning of the first rak‘ah and before going into rukū‘ in the second rak‘ah. The easy method of remembering when to drop the hands and when to fold is mentioned hereunder:

(a) Remember the following words: Fold, drop, drop, fold, for the first rak‘ah and drop, drop, drop, rukoo‘, for the second rak‘ah.
(b) Or keep the following general rule in mind: when there is something to be recited after a takbīr; the hands should be folded and when nothing is to be recited the hands are to be dropped to the sides.

Mas’alah: It is makrūh to offer any salāh in the masjid where the ‘Īd Salāh is to be performed, before or after the ‘Īd Salāh.

Mas’alah: It is also makrūh to perform any ṣalāh at home before the ‘Īd Salāh, but it is not makrūh after the ‘Īd Salāh. Hence, we should not perform nafl Salāh such as Ishrāq on ‘Īd day.

Mas’alah: If anyone missed the ‘Īd Salāh then he cannot offer it individually.

Mas’alah: Khutbah after the ‘Īd Salāh is sunnah. However, the listening of the khutbah is wājib.

Mas’alah: If anyone joins the ‘Īd Salāh after the imām has said the three takbīr in the first rak‘ah he should say his three takbīr immediately. If he joins while the imām is in rukū‘, then if he feels and has strong hope that he will say three takbīr and join the imām in rukū‘ then he should complete the takbīr before going into rukū‘. Otherwise he should join the imām in rukū‘ and say the three takbīr instead of the tasbīḥ of rukū‘.

NOTE: Whilst saying the takbīr in rukū‘, he should not raise his hands.

NOTE: If the imām rises from rukū‘ before one’s takbīr are completed, one should also rise with the imām and his takbīr will be remitted for him.

Mas’alah: If anyone missed the first rak‘ah and joined the imām in the second rak‘ah, he should say the three takbīr of the first rak‘ah after the recitation when he gets up to complete the missed rak‘ah. 

Mas’alah: If anyone joined the imām in the second rak‘ah after rukū‘, then he should perform two raka‘āts as mentioned above.

© Islāmic Da’wah Academy

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Another Year… Another Eid. . .


“If the hearts of the Muslims pronounced the takbir as much as their tongues do on ‘Eid, then the face of history would have changed.

If they always gathered as much as they do for Salat ul-‘Eid, then they would have defeated the enemy legions.

If their souls embraced as much as their hands shake one another, then they would have been able to deal with their differences.

If their souls smiled as much as their lips do, then they would have been with the people of the heavens.
If they sacrificed their ego and selfishness as much as they sacrificed their animals, then all of their days would have been ‘Eid.

And if they had worn the garments of good character like they wear the best of clothes, then they would have been the most beautiful nation on the face of this earth.”
(Dr. Mustafa as-Siba’i)

“Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum.”
“May Allah accept it from you and us”

May Allah allow all those who suffer in this life for the sake of Allah to enjoy the company of His Messenger (sall Allaahu’alayhi wa sallam)  in the highest level of Jannah, where every day will be an Eid In Sha Allah.

??عیدکم مبارک??
لَیْسَ الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ لَبِسَ الْجَدِیْدِ
اِنَّمَا الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ خَافَ بِالْوَعِیْدِ
لَیْسَ الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ تَبَخَّرَ بِالْعُوْدِ
اِنَّمَا الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ تَابَ وَلَا یَعُوْد
لَیْسَ الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ نَصَبَ الْقُدُوْرَ
اِنَّمَا الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ سَعَدَ بِالْمَقْدُوْرِ
لَیْسَ الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ تَزَیَّنَ بِزِیْنَةِ الدُّنْیَا
اِنَّمَا الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ تَزَوَّدَ بِزَادِ التَّقْوی
لَیْسَ الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ رَکِبَ الْمَطَایَا
اِنَّمَا الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ تَرَکَ الْخَطَایا.
لَیْسَ الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ بَسَطَ الْبَسَاطَ
اِنَّمَا الْعِیْدُ لِمَنْ جَاوَزَ الصِّرَاطَ