Value Ramadān (Part 1)
Guidance and advice for the Blessed Month from
Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
Valuing Ramadān
The blessed month of Ramadān is a month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. This sacred month will pass without us realising what valuable and precious moments were wasted. What has gone cannot come back, and what has been lost cannot be re-acquired. For one who wishes to acquire the pleasure of Allāh ta‘ālā, even one moment is sufficient.
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam has said in a hadīth that Ramadān is a month, the beginning of which is mercy, the middle of which is forgiveness and the end of which is deliverance from the Fire of Jahannam. (Ibn Khuzaymah)
From the first of Ramadān, the Mercy of Allāh ta‘ālā descends upon those very pious servants who have no sins in their book of deeds. As far as the sinners are concerned, they are of two types: sinners of a lesser degree, and those who are so filthy that were they to die in their present condition they would go straight into the Fire of Jahannam.
As far as the sinners of a lesser degree are concerned, their sins are forgiven after their striving for 10 days. Upon seeing their hard work and effort, Allāh ta‘ālā showers His forgiveness upon them at the end of the first 10 days. For those filthy with sins upon whom Jahannam was wajib (incumbent), after working hard for 20 days, Allāh ta‘ālā’s forgiveness enshrouds them and they are then granted deliverance from the Fire of Jahannam. How merciful is Allāh ta‘ālā!
We ask Allāh ta‘ālā that He grant us Jannat-ul-Firdaws with His eternal Pleasure and save us from the Fire of Jahannam. Āmīn.
Memorable Ramadān
Make this Ramadān a memorable one. Make it a Ramadān you will remember for the rest of your life. Make it such that, inshā’allāh, in Jannah you will say it was this Ramadān from when my life changed forever and in which Allāh ta‘ālā made me His walī (special friend).
To make this Ramadān a memorable one, abstain from disobeying Allāh ta‘ālā, our Creator. Do not even think about disobeying Allāh ta‘ālā throughout the blessed month.
In order to safeguard yourself from disobeying Allāh ta‘ālā; avoid gatherings and mixing with people as many sins such as backbiting and slandering take place when one mixes with people.
Safeguard your tongue by only saying what is good and rewarding. Always think before you speak.
Safeguard your ears and eyes from those things which are disliked by Allāh ta‘ālā.
Value Ramadān (Part 2)
Guidance and advice for the Blessed Month from
Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
Time for Taqwā
The common definition of Taqwā is to abstain from the disobedience to Allāh ta‘ālā be it minor or major. In the initial stages this will seem difficult. However, if one strives and compels his nafs to stay away from the disobedience to Allāh ta‘ālā, then Allāh ta‘ālā will honour him with true Taqwa by enlightening his heart with the nūr (light) of Taqwā. Once this happens, one will no longer have to struggle to avoid sins as before; rather the heart will develop a disliking for them.
His condition will become like that of a person who has to walk through a path with filth all around. He will be repulsed at the very thought and will try his utmost to avoid that route. However, if he is compelled then he will be very careful as not to let the filth dirty him or his clothes. If by chance some filth does dirty his clothing, he will not be able to rest in peace until it is washed off. Similar is the case of that person whose heart is enlightened with the nūr (light) of Taqwā. He will have an aversion to sins, and if he was to slip and commit a sin, he will not be able to rest in peace until he makes Tawbah (repentance) and cleans his heart from the filth of sinning.
There is no better time to adorn ones heart with true Taqwā then the month of Ramadān. The one who values Ramadān and spends his time wisely will become a muttaqī.
Value Time
We should make the most out of this Ramadān as only Allāh ta‘ālā knows who will live to see the next Ramadān. Value every moment by:
Value Ramadān (Part 3)
Guidance and advice for the Blessed Month from
Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
Overtime in Ramadān
When we have the opportunity to do overtime at work and earn time and a half or double pay, we ensure we do not miss out on the opportunity.
In Ramadān, a fard (compulsory) action is worth seventy times its value and a nafl (optional) action is worth the same as a fard action out of Ramadān. Despite the increase in rewards being so huge, we do not find the zeal to do anything extra for our hereafter, in stark contrast to our readiness to do overtime for material gain.
Ramadān Festivals
Sometimes, Ramadān or ‘Īd festivals are organised during the last ten days of Ramadān. As a result, people waste precious moments and lose out on the blessings of the last ten days of Ramadān. Often these events take place at the time of tarāwīh and are for sisters only, resulting in them missing tarāwīh and losing out on the opportunity to find Laylat-ul-Qadr. We should refrain from such events as they divert us from our goal during the month of Ramadān.
Special Offers
Some people frequent takeaways after tarāwīh, attracted by special offers. Such offers deprive them of the great treasures offered by Allāh ta‘ālā in the month of Ramadān. In addition, they get involved in lā ya‘nī (those acts that do not bring any benefit in this world nor the hereafter) and sometimes sin and as a result throw away any spiritual benefits they had gained that day. Worse still, some people start visiting restaurants and takeaways even earlier and miss tarāwīh.
By Hadhrat Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Saheb (hafidhahullah)
Sayyidunā Suwayd ibn Ghafalah radhiyallāhu ‘anhu narrates that when Sayyidunā ‘Alī radhiyallāhu ‘anhu was suffering extreme hunger one day, he suggested to (his wife) Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallāhu ‘anhā to approach (her father) Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam for some food. When she went to Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam, Sayyidah Ummu Ayman radhiyallāhu ‘anhā happened to be there. Hearing Sayyidah Fātimah knocking on the door, Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “That is the knock of Fātimah. She has come at a time that we are not accustomed to having her come to us.”
“O Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam!” Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallāhu ‘anhā said, “The food of the angels is to recite Lā Ilāha Illallāh, Subhānallāh and Alhamdulillāh. What is our food?”
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam replied. “I swear by the Being Who has sent me with the truth! For the last thirty days, no fire (to cook) has been lit in the house of the family of Muhammad. However, a few goats have come to us. If you please, I shall have five given to you. Alternatively, if you so please, I shall teach you five words (of supplication) that Jibra’īl ‘alayhis salām has taught me.”
Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallāhu ‘anhā immediately said, “Do rather teach me the five words that Jibra’īl ‘alayhis salām has taught you.” Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam then told her to say the following words:
Sayyidah Fātimah radhiyallāhu ‘anhā then left. When she came back to Sayyidunā ‘Alī radhiyallāhu ‘anhu, he asked, “What happened?” She replied, “While I left you to get something of benefit in this world, I returned with something of benefit in the Ākhirah.” “This is the best of all your days,” remarked Sayyidunā ‘Alī radhiyallāhu ‘anhu. (At-Tabarānī)
Building Stamina
Right from the onset of the month of Rajab, we should begin to prepare for Ramadhān. By building up slowly over Rajab and Sha’bān, we will be in peak spiritual condition when Ramadhān arrives.
To do this we need to make a programme of ‘ibādah and set daily targets. We then need to fix a timetable so that we are able to achieve those targets. Thereafter, targets should be reviewed every week or every fortnight, and gradually increased until Ramadhān arrives. Then throughout Ramadhān this process should continue.
If we do not set targets and do not fix a timetable early on, we will not be able to progress. Consequently, we will not develop the necessary spiritual stamina required to maintain the level of performance in order to reap the maximum benefit from Ramadhān.
Memorable Ramadhan
Make this Ramadhān a memorable one. Make it a Ramadhān you will remember for the rest of your life. Make it such that, inshā’allāh, in Jannah you will say it was this Ramadhān from when my life changed forever and in which Allāh ta’ālā made me His walī (special friend).
To make this Ramadhān a memorable one, abstain from disobeying Allāh Our Creator. Do not even think about disobeying Allāh ta’ālā throughout the blessed month.
In order to safeguard yourself from disobeying Allāh ta’ālā; avoid gatherings and mixing with people as many sins such as backbiting and slandering take place when one mixes with people.
Safeguard your tongue by only saying what is good and rewarding. Always think before you speak.
Safeguard your ears and eyes from those things which are disliked by Allāh ta’ālā.
Virtues of Ramadhan
As soon as the month of Rajab begins we should commence daily readings from the book “Virtues of Ramadhān” by Shaykh-ul-Hadīth, Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariyyā rahimahullāh. We should motivate ourselves, allocate time and sit daily with the family and read this book collectively throughout Rajab.
Shaykh-ul-Hadīth Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariyyā rahimahullāh was a saintly person and his words have an amazing effect on the heart which will help us spiritually prepare for the blessed month and also benefit from it.
By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
We have all been blessed with the month of Ramadān many times during the course of our lives. For some, the number will be a single figure, and for others double figures. However, for the majority of us, the month of Ramadān is just another month; it comes and goes like any other.
In relation to valuing this great month, there are many questions we need to ask ourselves. We may be well acquainted with all the virtues of the month of Ramadān; but do we take advantage of these virtues? The most important way of measuring whether we value the month of Ramadān or not is to ask the question: Have we acquired the goal of Ramadān during any of the previous months of Ramadān, which is to acquire taqwā?
If we have not yet achieved this goal, then we need to ask ourselves whether we have made it an objective in this coming Ramadān? Remember that in the famoushadīth of Kā‘b ibn ‘Ujrah radhiyallāhu ‘anhu, the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallamand Jibra’īl ‘alayhis salām cursed those who fail to attract the Forgiveness of Allāhta‘ālā during the month of Ramadān. To help us truly value the month of Ramadān, we need to take lessons from the Ramadān of those who did value this blessed month. Let us take a glimpse at how our pious predecessors spent the month of Ramadān:
• Aswad ibn Yazīd rahimahullāh would complete the Qur’ān every second night in Ramadān. (Siyar-A‘lām-An-Nubalā’)
• Sa‘īd ibn Jubayr rahimahullāh would spend the time between Maghrib and ‘Ishā’ [which normally people spend in resting] in tilāwah and would recite the whole Qur’ān in one sitting. (The ‘Ishā’ salāh would be delayed.) (Ibid)
• Hammād ibn Abī Sulaymān rahimahullāh would feed 500 people for iftār during Ramadān. (Ibid)
• Qatādah rahimahullāh would complete the Qur’ān every third day during the first twenty days of Ramadān and every night in the last ten days. (Ibid)
• Ibn Shihāb Zuhrī rahimahullāh would say, “Ramadān is nothing but for tilāwah of the Qur’ān and to feed people.” (Latā’if-ul-Ma‘ārif)
• Imām Abū Hanīfah rahimahullāh and Imām Shāfi‘ī rahimahullāh would complete the Qur’ān twice daily in the month of Ramadān, with the latter completing the Qur’ān one more time during the night of ‘Īd and yet again during the day.
• Imām Mālik rahimahullāh and Sufyān Thawrī rahimahullāh both would leave their everyday engagements and spend the whole time in the recitation of the Qur’ān. (Latā’if-ul-Ma‘ārif)
• Imām Bukhārī rahimahullāh used to complete the Qur’ān 41 times in the Month of Ramadān; once every day, once during the whole month in the tarāwīh prayer, and ten juz daily in Tahajjud salāh.
• Hājī Imdādullāh rahimahullāh never slept in the blessed month of Ramadān. After the Maghrib salāh, two huffāz led him in nafl salāh, reciting one juz each until ‘Ishā’ salāh. After ‘Ishā salāh, two huffāz would recite one after the other until half the night, and then another two huffāz would recite one after the other in Tahajjud salāh. In essence, the whole night was spent in worship.
• Hadrat Mawlānā Rashīd Ahmad Gangohī rahimahullāh, even at the age of seventy, would spend all his time in worshipping Allāh ta‘ālā, fasting – despite the heat, and performing twenty raka‘āt nafl after the Maghrib salāh, reciting at least two juz in them. He would then also spend two and a half to three hours during the night in Tahajjud salāh, amongst his many other devotions during the day.
• Shaykh-ul-Hind rahimahullāh would spend the whole night listening to the Qur’ān. It was common that he would stand in one place and the reciters would change over and take rest.
• Qāri Fatah Muhammad Pānipattī rahimahullāh during his later life would spend the time after tarāwīh salāh until subh sādiq reciting ten juz of the Qur’ān, taking extra care in tajwīd.
• Mawlānā Manzūr Nu‘mānī rahimahullāh states that Mawlānā Ilyāsrahimahullāh daily average of tilāwah in Ramadān was 35 juz, with concentration and understanding of the text. Moreover, the women folk in his home, together with their daily practices of dhikr and tasbīhāt, at times, would complete a whole Qur’ān in one day.
• It is stated about Hadrat Mawlānā Yahyā rahimahullāh that, during one Ramadān which he passed in mīrat, he would recite the Qur’ān once daily and would complete it by the time of iftār.
• Shāh Abd-ur-Rahīm Raipūrī rahimahullāh used to spend the whole night reciting the Qur’ān, and in twenty four hours he would rarely sleep more than an hour.
• Shaykh-ul-Hadīth, Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariyyā rahimahullāh himself completed one Qur’ān daily during the month of Ramadān, and he kept up this practice for more than forty years.
Let us also value this blessed month and make the most of this great opportunity granted to us by Allāh ta‘ālā by making full use of its every moment and by using it to maximise our rewards, acquire taqwā and achieve salvation in the Hereafter. Āmīn.
© Riyādul Jannah (Vol. 23 No. 5, May 2014)
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This is a question on the tongues of many Muslims and in the minds of many already, as we near to the end of the holy month. Eid is a day of happiness and bliss. A festival ordained by Allah SWT, so much so, it is Haram to fast on the days of Eid (1st Shawwal, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Dhul Hijjah). But the question still remains brothers and sisters, “When is Eid?”
The answer to that is not one word or one day. One of the Salaf said, “My Eid is the day in which I do not commit a sin.” Further to this, I recently listened to a talk by his eminence, the honourable, Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Saheb (Hafidhahullah) of Leicester, UK. He explained when the ‘true’ Eid is, it really changed my perspective on Eid and this temporary life we are passing through. Below are a few things I happened to remember:
We do not know when we will depart from this transient and fleeting world, neither you know neither I know. Life and death are not guaranteed, perhaps this is the last advice of mine you will hear (because I no longer remain or you don’t). I plead to you sincerely with advice, cut off from your life of sins. Leave the television, music, lustful glances at Haram, the love of wealth, following your desires, all of this will be left behind (once you die). We have all fasted the month of Ramadhan, Alhumdu Lillah! Don’t you feel proud of yourself? Of course you do! This is the difference between sins and obedience. When you sin, the happiness is temporary, just five or ten minutes. But in obedience it is long lasting e.g. 20 years later you will remember these fasts, the Qur’an you read, the one Subhan Allah you said in the Masjid. And you will feel joy in your heart, this joy is forever and ever.
This is only when you obey Allah SWT, then every hour and every minute is Eid for you.
The moment you die, then your soul is content and happy, ready to return to Allah SWT, this will be Eid for you.
The angels will descend to welcome you, this will be Eid for you.
The moment you are lowered into your grave, like a garden of Jannah, this will be Eid for you.
On the day of judgement, Allah will give you shade under His throne, this will be Eid for you.
When you are given your books of deeds in the right hand, this will be Eid for you.
Crossing the bridge of sirat at the speed of lightning, this will be Eid for you.
Then, your final abode, Jannah! Allah’s angels will great you, “Salam! Salam!” This will be Eid for you.
Just imagine the angels doing Salam, the ecstatic feeling in your heart…
“The Messenger of Allah recited this Verse: ‘For those who have done good is the best reward and even more.’
Then he said: ‘When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, and the people of the Fire enter the Fire, a caller will cry out: “O people of Paradise! You have a covenant with Allah and He wants to fulfil it.” They will say: “What is it?” Has Allah not made the Balance (of our good deeds) heavy, and made our faces bright, and admitted us to Paradise and saved us from Hell?” Then the Veil will be lifted and they will look upon Him, and by Allah, Allah will not give them anything that is more beloved to them or delightful, than looking upon Him.'” (Ibn Majah)
This will be Eid!
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Allah will say to the people of Paradise, “O the people of Paradise!” They will say, ‘Labbaik, O our Lord, and Sa`daik, and all the good is in Your Hands!’ Allah will say, “Are you satisfied?’ They will say, ‘Why shouldn’t we be satisfied, O our Lord as You have given us what You have not given to any of Your created beings?’ He will say, ‘Shall I not give you something better than that?’ They will say, ‘O our Lord! What else could be better than that?’ He will say, ‘I bestow My Pleasure on you and will never be angry with you after that.’ “ (Bukhari)
This will be Eid!
The Eids in the world will come and go, that happiness will come and go. A new child is born it is temporary happiness, you children’s wedding, the happiness is temporary. But the real happiness is the happiness of obeying Allah, pleasing Allah, having the love of Allah and feeling His benevolence. This is when every day is Eid, every night is Eid, every hour is Eid, in hardship you will feel it is Eid and in ease you will find it is Eid.
O Allah! Accept from us our Fasting, Tilawah, Sadaqah, Zakah, Qiyam and Taraweeh.
O Allah! Make this Ramadhan such, that I become a Wali of yours.
O Allah! Free our necks from the fire of Hell and grant us Jannah.
O Allah! Make this Ramadhan a turning point in our lives, so we become closer to You.
O Allah! Make this Eid a true Eid for us, one in which we abstain from disobedience and keep us all steadfast.
Ismail Ibn Nazir Satia (One who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure).
27th Ramadhan 1437
By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
Sawm (fasting) means to refrain from eating, drinking and cohabiting from subh sādiq (early dawn) to sunset with a niyyah (intention) of observing fast.
Fasting in the month of Ramadān is one of the five pillars of Islām and is fard (compulsory) upon every muslim who is sane and mature. Fasting has many physical, moral, and social benefits. However, Allāh ta‘ālā has made fasting compulsory so that we become pious and God-fearing.
Fasting will not be valid without niyyah. It is not necessary to express the niyyah in words. However it is preferable to recite Allāhumma asūmu laka ghadan (O Allāh tomorrow I shall be fasting for you only). In the case of Ramadān, it is better to make niyyah in the night. However, should a person fail to do so, then it is permitted to make the niyyah during the day before the majority of the day has passed.
1. To eat suhūr (the meal before subh sādiq).
2 . To delay the suhūr up to a little before subh sādiq.
3. To break the fast immediately after sunset.
4. To break the fast with dates. If dates are not available then with water.
5. To recite this du‘ā at the time of breaking the fast:-
Allāhumma laka sumtu wa bika āmantu wa ‘alā rizqika aftartu
O Allāh! I fasted for You and in You do I believe and with Your provision (food) do I break my fast.
1. To chew items such as rubber, plastic etc.
2. To taste food or drink and spit it out.
3. To collect one’s saliva in the mouth and then swallow it.
4. To clean teeth or mouth with tooth powder or toothpaste.
5. To complain of hunger or thirst.
6. To quarrel or argue with filthy words.
1. To eat, drink or indulge in cohabitation intentionally.
2. To burn incense and inhale its smoke.
3. If water goes down the throat while gargling.
4. To vomit a mouthful intentionally.
5. To swallow vomit intentionally.
6. To swallow something edible, equal to or bigger than a grain of gram, which was stuck between the teeth. However, if it is first taken out of the mouth and then swallowed, it will break the fast whether it is smaller or bigger than the size of the grain.
7. To drop oil or medicine into ear or nose.
8. To swallow the blood from gums with saliva. However, if the blood is less than the saliva and its taste is not felt then the fast will not break.
9. Snuffing.
10. To eat and drink forgetting one is fasting and thereafter, thinking that the fast is broken, to eat and drink again.
11. Smoking.
12. To apply medicine to the anus.
13. For women to apply medicine to the urinary organs.
14. To swallow intentionally a pebble, piece of paper or any item that is not used as food or medicine.
In all the above circumstances, only a single fast will become qadā except in the case of number one (1), where qadā and kaffārah both will become obligatory. (Consult an ‘Ālim regarding the rules of kaffārah).
1. To eat, drink or indulge in cohabitation in forgetfulness.
2. To vomit without intention.
3. To vomit intentionally, less than mouthful.
4. To have a wet dream.
5. To oil the hair.
6. To use surma (collyrium) in the eyes.
7. To drop water or medicine in the eyes.
8. To clean teeth with wet or dry miswāk (a stick used for cleaning teeth).
9. To apply or smell ‘itr (perfume).
10. To swallow a fly, mosquito, smoke or dust unintentionally.
11. To swallow one’s saliva or phlegm.
12. Water entering the ears.
13. To take an injection.
1. To observe tarawīh.
2. To increase the recitation of the Glorious Qur’ān.
3. To observe i’tikāf during the last ten days of Ramadān.
Sawm is a shield, as long as he (the fasting person) does not tear it up. (An-Nasa’ī)
Note: Fasting is a protection from Shaytān or from Allāh’s ta‘ālā punishment in the hereafter. One who indulges in sins whilst fasting, such as lying, backbiting etc., they become the cause of the fast becoming wasted.
All good deeds are for the one who renders them, but fasting. Fasting is exclusively for me (Allāh). (Al-Bukhārī)
Fasting is a shield and a powerful fortress. (Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqī)
I swear by that being in whose possession is the life of Muhammad! The odour of the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allāh than the fragrance of musk. (Al-Bukhārī)
Fasting is exclusively for Allāh, the reward of it (being limitless) no one knows besides Allāh. (At-Tabrānī)
Verily, Allāh and His angels send mercy upon those who eat suhūr. (At-Tabrānī)
Eat suhūr because in suhūr lies barakah. (Mishkāt)
Whosoever gives something to a fasting person in order to break the fast, for him there shall be forgiveness for his sins and emancipation from the fire of Jahannam; and for him (the one who gives) shall be the same reward as for him (whom he fed), without that person’s (the one who was fed) reward being diminished in the least. (Ibn Khuzaymah, Al-Bayhaqī)
Whoever gave a person, who fasted, water to drink, Allāh shall give him a drink from my fountain whereafter he shall never again feel thirsty until he enters Jannah. (Ibn Khuzaymah)
The fasting person experiences two (ocassions) of delight: at the time of iftār and at the time he will meet his Rabb. (Al-Bukhārī)
Not a single prayer made by a fasting person at the time of breaking fast is rejected. (Ibn Mājah)
© Islāmic Da’wah Academy
Ma Sha Allah! AbsoTOTALutely beautiful… Alhumdu Lillah. JazakAllah Khayran to Mufti Saheb and the writer(s).
Ended very aptly with the quote from Shaykhul Hind RH
“If the hearts of the Muslims pronounced the takbir as much as their tongues do on ‘Eid, then the face of history would have changed.
If they always gathered as much as they do for Salat ul-‘Eid, then they would have defeated the enemy legions.
If their souls embraced as much as their hands shake one another, then they would have been able to deal with their differences.
If their souls smiled as much as their lips do, then they would have been with the people of the heavens.
If they sacrificed their ego and selfishness as much as they sacrificed their animals, then all of their days would have been ‘Eid.
And if they had worn the garments of good character like they wear the best of clothes, then they would have been the most beautiful nation on the face of this earth.”
(Dr. Mustafa as-Siba’i)
“Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum.”
“May Allah accept it from you and us”
May Allah allow all those who suffer in this life for the sake of Allah to enjoy the company of His Messenger (sall Allaahu’alayhi wa sallam) in the highest level of Jannah, where every day will be an Eid In Sha Allah.