
From a Proud Son…

Seven Years Today… NazirAhmed Daud Satia (Allah drench him in His mercy)

“The debt of people will be one day be repaid, the debt of your father can never be repaid.”

The world lost a gentleman of the very first degree,
A brave, noble, humble man, I’m sure you’ll all agree

He did not win a peace prize, did not cure the common cold,
He did not defend his country, he did not accumulate wealth and gold

More than that he was my dad, a leader, a loving friend,
A father to be proud of, a fighter ’til the end.

From a proud son…

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

27th November 2020 – 7 years today


40 years… رحمهم الله

25th November 1980, five Ulama became Shaheed in a fatal car accident:

Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb RH

Mawlana Yakoob Desai Saheb RH

Mawlana Ali Hassan Saheb RH

Mawlana Umarjee Saheb RH

Abdul Rashid Bhai (Driver) RH

Bayaan (Urdu) in Darul Uloom Chatam, Ontario, Canada.

Wednesday 25th July 2018, by Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb (RH)

Yaqoob Desai, who is a Mishkat student at this Darul Uloom [Chatam, Ontario Canada], and his paternal grandfather and other teachers used to travel from Preston to Darul-Uloom [Bury] daily in a car […] their arrival time used to be 9am, and at times they would either arrive five minutes early or five minutes late.

[One day] they didn’t arrive on time and we [Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb (db)] grew worried as to ‘what has happened?’ We rang their home but they didn’t have any clear explanation. However; after one and a half hours we were made aware of the tragic news that the car had been involved in an accident – all the passengers in the car, including the Ulama, the teachers and also the driver, had ALL been martyred!

His [Yaqoob Desai’s] paternal grandfather Mawlana Mohammed Yaqoob Saheb (ra), who was my true friend, also achieved martyrdom. […] 
After the accident and when the Janazah of his paternal grandfather was lifted and taken to the graveyard, firstly, the Janazah of Hadhrat Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb was placed and behind it Moulana Yaqoob Saheb’s Janazah was placed (Janazah Salah led by Hadhrat Mawlana Qari Tayyab Saheb RH).

After the burial, a young man who was from the Kazi Family approached me and spoke, “When the two Janazah was placed on the ground I see [a spiritual vision] that Hadhrat Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb moved the lid of his coffin, opened the lid and placed the lid back on the coffin and he then sat down on top of it.” 

He [young man] is seeing all this whilst awake, and all around there are thousands of Muslim people, who participated in the burial, yet none of these people see anything – he; however, is witnessing this!
[He young man continued] “I then see Mawlana Yaqoob Saheb, and he also opens the lid and places the lid back on, he then sits on top of it – both [deceased] have a pamphlet in their hands …!”

Virtues of Martyrs, by Hadhrat Mawlana Hashim Saheb (Allah preserve him)

We had a pamphlet titled ‘Martyrs of Darul-Uloom,’ consisting of 6 or 7 pages, printed on behalf of the Darul-Uloom which highlighted who these [scholars] people were, where they were from, what responsibilities they had, what knowledge they possessed and their characteristics were all mentioned.

[He young man continued] “Both [deceased] are passing it [pamphlet] to one another whilst smiling and saying, ‘Look, what they’ve written about us?”     


Ruqya Kit

Read daily after Fajr (morning) and Asr (evening)
Read daily after Fajr (morning) and Asr (evening)
Read daily after Fajr (morning) and Asr (evening)
Listen to the Ruqya Daily at home, NOT when driving nor at work!
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Do not turn your houses into graves. Indeed Ash-Shaitan does not enter the house in which Surat Al-Baqarah is recited.” (Tirmidhi)
How to do Ruqya on yourself



Thoughts on Divorce

Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, USA

As religious clerics, we are constantly involved in divorce issues in our communities. This topic needs to be talked about all the time – the fact that it has become taboo and is never mentioned actually compounds the problems of divorce. Most people never even think about the possibility of divorce and are totally unprepared if they are found in a situation where divorce is the better option. Sadly, the vast majority of divorces that occur don’t even follow proper Islamic protocol (of engaging in the correct steps before the divorce, and then if the step is indeed taken, to divorce in the proper manner). I wanted to highlight one especially important matter. Divorce really shows the true character of a person. Understandably, emotions are raw, pain is incalculable, and a person typically feels a sense of betrayal and intense grief. There is always a long list of grievances that each party will have (although one party typically will have a longer list): some legitimate, some exaggerated, some trivial, and some that are just pure misunderstandings. In such an emotional state, how you react and what you do will speak volumes of the real ‘you’. Will you become vindictive? Does that pain that you feel blind you to the pain you now have the power to unnecessarily cause? Will you work hard to go out of your way to be mean and nasty so that you feel better about yourself in getting some petty revenge? Or will you realize that despite all that has happened, there was a point in your life where the two of you shared a very, very special bond that makes you two different from any other two people on earth? Perhaps there are children involved: so in this case you will permanently share yet another miracle of life together. And hence, with that unique closeness and bond, you will instead control your pain and work to minimize the pain in the other partner as well. Allah references this special feeling and bond when He chastises men for daring to think of taking the mahr money, وَكَيْفَ تَأْخُذُونَهُ وَقَدْ أَفْضَىٰ بَعْضُكُمْ إِلَىٰ بَعْضٍ وَأَخَذْنَ مِنكُم مِّيثَاقًا غَلِيظًا “And how could you dare take it, after the two of you were drawn to each other (in intimacy), and she [trusted you] by taking a firm commitment from you” [Nisa: 21]. Allah questions how any man can be so evil as to take away the rights of a woman he was intimate with, and a woman who trusted him by giving herself over to him because he made a commitment to her – a firm, strong, binding commitment taken in the name of Allah – that he would treat her with dignity. The verse is addressed to men because, firstly, they have certain privileges and responsibilities over women, and secondly, because it is easier and more common for the man to be more abusive than the woman (again, this is generic, and of course each gender can be abusive). A divorce is not evil. Sometimes two people just don’t get along, and that’s fine. Understandably, divorces typically don’t occur in an environment of love and compassion. But that doesn’t mean they have to be devoid of compassion and mercy either. Be fair, be just, be compassionate, be generous, and expect Allah to reward you. Allah reminds men (again, men, because of the two reasons above) {فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ} “Once the waiting period is over, then either keep your wife in kindness and equitable terms or let her go in kindness and equitable terms” [Ṭalaq: 2]. The word مَعْرُوفٍ means that which is considered honourable and dignified; that which is accepted as being good in your culture. Sometimes, a divorce is indeed the better option. Please brothers especially, but yes also sisters, if divorce is the option you feel is best, do it, but do it properly, and show yourself, and your family and friends, and most importantly show Allah, who you really are.

During such a difficult time, be compassionate and merciful even as you are forced by circumstance to end a contract that was supposed to be a building you a life of compassion and mercy.

A good husband or wife is a good person: just because the marriage contract ends, your humanity shouldn’t.

1 Rabiul Awwal 1442

Current Affairs articles

Why are our children leaving Islam?

By Imam Ajmal Masroor

Today, I am going to write about a very sensitive subject. I know some of you will not like what I am about to share, but I will share it anyway. This writing has been spurred by a message I received from a concerned brother, who was upset by how people were reacting to my Friday sermon from last week. Particularly one part, which I have uploaded here for your information.  
The question of why our children are leaving Islam needs more data and analysis. However, in the absence of such data and analysis, someone has to raise this issue, based on our daily dealings with the community. In the last month, I have dealt with five young women and two young men who have chosen to leave Islam and become an atheist, agnostic or Christian. Their families have been in contact with me seeking help and support. 
Sadly, I have even witnessed this in members of my wider family. This topic is never discussed as people get too emotional, instead of having a measured and civil exchange. It leaves bad feelings and creates distance between family members, so the topic is avoided at all costs. This is not ideal, but we all prefer to save our relationships rather than argue about religion. 
My father, who has passed away, may Allah have mercy on his soul, would be totally heartbroken if he was alive to witness what is happening in his family. He used to share his fears, and almost foresee the future when he told us this story. He once met a retired British army general who told him, “Mr Hussain, you are here in our country as an economic migrant, you will always remain a foreigner, you will never accept Britain as your home, and that’s ok. We don’t want you. But let me tell you something, we will have your children. Many of them will leave your religion and reject your culture, they will be ours in every way!” 
My father was horrified to hear this confident and powerful prediction. He always reminded us to remain true to our faith. He taught us in the best way he knew. I ask God to forgive him and grant him the best rewards. I have two children and I worry about their future too. May God protect them and keep them steadfast in their faith. 
If only I could show you how true that man’s prediction was! If only I could tell my father that his fears are coming true. If only I could tell my father that, while he did his best to protect me from the possibility of leaving Islam, his strategy did not work for many in his family. When I asked him why he put me in an Islamic school, his response was simple, “To keep you in Islam”. While going to an Islamic school is not a guarantee of remaining in Islam, it still worked for me, and for that, I am grateful to him and God. However, for many this has not worked. 
I feel extremely sad that I cannot help my family members to review their position, because they have shut their door to such a possibility. I feel sad that I cannot help other families with such challenging situations. For anyone to accept and live by Islam, being born in a Muslim family is not enough. They have to be willing to explore the religion with an open mind and heart to be intellectually convinced. I pray for them regularly and I continue my quest to find answers and ways to help them return. The door to Islam is always open, and as a fellow Muslim, I feel I have a duty to support people who are struggling to make sense of Islam. 
After speaking to hundreds of people, many who have left, or are considering leaving Islam, here are some of the key reasons I have identified: 
1. Misogyny – Muslims claim that Islam offers men and women equality, but in practice, Muslims do not treat men and women equally. Many women leave Islam because of their experience of misogyny in Muslim society. They feel they are discriminated against, given second class status, excluded, and often treated as the problem. Misogyny manifests its ugly face deeply in every facet of life. Many Muslim women face unequal treatment from the day they are born. They witness their male family members having a different set of rules to them. I am often told by women, “Growing up with brothers and sisters, we found boys could do anything and get away with it. But if we made even one small mistake, we were told that we would bring dishonour upon the family, even the community.” 
Can you imagine the burden placed on young women to be so pure and perfect? Growing up has enough pressure and challenges for the young souls, and adding misogyny is simply soul-destroying. This double standard between the way men and women are treated is wholly wrong. It is in total contradiction to the Islamic teachings of love, respect, justice, excellence and compassion. If the mothers of our future generations are feeling discriminated against and excluded, what does it say about our future? Sadly, Muslim men who behave in this way have contributed to many people, women in particular, leaving Islam. I have observed that more Muslim women leave Islam than men. Why are you surprised to hear this when some of you have treated women so unfairly? 
2. Mosques – These buildings are constructed, at vast expense, with amazing carpets, lighting, bathrooms, domes and minarets. But very little, in comparison, is spent on educating and supporting the Muslims who live in the surrounding areas. They become bubbles, or elite clubs, for Muslim men who hang out at prayer times and hardly connect with the rest of the community. They become places of comfort for those who are already committed to Islam. They do not have a culture of openness or an ambience of invitation. Those who feel no affinity to the faith, or are struggling to make sense of it, would hardly find it a welcoming atmosphere. Yet the mosque of the blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not only a place of worship but of refuge, shelter, family counselling, social justice, economic development, mental health support, international relations and much more. The mosque of the blessed Prophet led the society in all that was morally healthy. 
The majority of mosques in the UK do not have facilities for women or youth, and where they can be found, they are usually substandard. Women and youth are treated as outsiders. Vast amounts of space lie empty for 20 hours a day. Apart from the five daily prayers and children’s Quran-reading classes, the mosque space is hardly used. Ask a Muslim woman whether she feels involved or included in the mosque! I can guarantee you that the vast majority would say that they feel excluded, uninvolved, unwanted and uninvited. There is only one mosque that I know which is led by an amazing sister, and she has an amazing team of brothers and sisters running the mosque. It is the Wightman Road mosque in Turnpike Lane, North London. Ask the sisters how much nonsense they have to face from the so-called ‘practising’ Muslim brothers! Ask a Muslim woman how included she feels in the mosque? 
Many of the Mosques are not fit the purpose. In Islam, if a mosque excludes a woman from accessing it, then it should not even be called a mosque according to classical scholars. Dr Akram Nadwi discusses this in details in his translations and explanation of the book called “Lawfulness of women attending prayers in the mosque” by Ibn Hazm. When you exclude women from accessing the mosque why are you surprised when they leave the mosques? 
Mosques are not offering sufficient intellectually-based educational, spiritual and social space for our younger generations. They do not come to them because they are not attractive enough. I believe every mosque should have a full-time youth centre based in, or attached to it. A good portion of every Friday’s collection should be assigned to running youth service. Imagine the impact on a whole generation of Muslims who are disconnected from the most important Islamic space! Why should we be surprised to see them leaving Islam? 
3. Imams – For the last 30 years we have been complaining about Imams not speaking English. Now the majority speak English, but the complaints have not abated. Many are inadequately trained to serve their community. They may have knowledge of sharia (Islamic legal system), fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and seerah (biographies of the Prophet/s), but what use is it if Imams are unable to relate to the people they are meant to serve? What good are all the books in an Imam’s library, if he is unable to offer adequate intellectual responses to the many daily challenges our youth face? 
Many Imams do not get training in how to deal with the social issues the communities are facing, they do not get sufficient resources to support the community, and they do not even get paid enough to be able to focus in their job. Imams are supposed to be teachers of our children. If they are incompetent what will our children gain except incompetency! I have come across many horror stories of people who have left Islam because of their experience with their local Imam. Some of the awful experiences include being beaten black and blue while learning the Quran, and even experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of some rotten Imams. 
Imams need to be up-skilled to be able to meet the challenges of the community. They need safeguarding training, adequate salaries and resources, professional management, and mentorship by senior scholars. Imams need to respected for their work but also held accountable for their actions. We are all humans, without supervision and accountability we could fall prey of the whispers of Shaytan. Take measures to protect everyone before it’s too late. 
Many people leave Islam because their local Imams are not intellectually capable of responding to their challenging questions including questions on secularism, atheism, sexuality, LGBT and freedom etc. For the new generation, phrases like “God said and the Prophet said” are not enough. They want reasons, proof, evidence and intellectual rigour. People are desperately seeking a safe space to think critically, questions without barriers and doubt with judgment. The first step to knowledge is scepticism. Islam encourages critical thinking, questioning and doubting and Qur’an offers resounding proof of certainty. We need young people to know this and Imams need to promote it. If you cannot present Islam to the community properly why are you an Imam? 
There is a severe shortage of female Islamic scholars. We have failed to invest in institutions to train Muslim women to become Islamic scholars. Women have little opportunity to learn from male Islamic scholars and Imams. Culture plays a role, but Imams almost always stay in the male section of the prayer space. They should be equally accessible to both males and females in safe and secure spaces. Knowledge should not be a male commodity alone. 
When Imams are not able to answer questions adequately, present Islam intellectually or intelligently and are not accessible to women or youth, why are we surprised to see many people leaving Islam?
4. Bad parenting – The most important need of our children is to grow in a safe home. Their most significant teachers are their parents. Children, whose parents are absent or cannot get on with each other and whose family-life is dysfunctional, grow up with deep scars in their hearts and minds. If they see their parents preaching Islam at them, but failing to practice it, they feel let down, betrayed. Many children complain that their parents were the worst examples of Islam. 
Many Muslim children experience very little love when growing up. They may be rarely reassured with words of love, or given hugs, kisses or a tender touch. They grow up with an emotional deficit, and they believe this is due to Islam. Then perhaps, as they get older, if they encounter loving attention from others, they may be attracted to it. In some cases, they get into inappropriate emotional and sexual relationships, and the consequences can be dire. They leave Islam because they feel if Islam shaped their parents, they do not want to be shaped in the same way. 
Our children’s affinity to Islam is largely dependent on how we present Islam to them. We have to strike a balance between gentleness and discipline, leniency and firmness, between conservatism and moderation, between ritualised practices and intellectual underpinnings. We have to nurture our children’s natural dispositions and to inspire hope and aspirations in them. We have to allow our children to make mistakes and learn from them. We have to help our children keep on dreaming, even if their dreams change. 
When we have been a bad example of Islam and have displayed behaviour problems, why are we surprised that our children are leaving Islam? When we have told children that Islam is all about hell and punishment, the wrath of God and eternal damnation, why are we surprised when our children leave Islam? 
5. Ignorance – There is wholesale ignorance about Islam in our community. Religious literacy is not given priority. Professional qualifications take precedence over a solid intellectual foundation of Islamic principles. We have generations who have learned to read the Qur’an without any understanding of its meaning or underlying message, who have been taught rudimentary rituals of Islam, reminiscent of kindergarten level, and whose only connection with God is emotional. 
Many who leave Islam do not know much about their faith. They have no idea why they are even Muslim. They do not know why they pray. They do not understand Islam’s ethical and moral approach to life. They are just Muslims by virtue of being born in a Muslim family with their families emphasising halal meat and prayers. Why are we surprised when Muslims leave Islam? 
In Islam the first order of God is knowledge. It is through literacy and numeracy one can excel in every aspect of life including discovering God. It is through reading, writing and reflecting that one can find true enlightenment. Qur’an is all about reading, writing and reflecting. Did you know that approximately 5% of the Qur’an contains commandments in the form of permissible or prohibitions, the rest of the 95% of the Qur’an is all about deep reflection and contemplation? When the Muslim community suffers from a pandemic of religious illiteracy, why are we surprised when our children decide to leave Islam? 
6. Bad examples – In Muslim community whether in the UK or abroad, true examples of Islamic behaviour are not difficult to find, but sadly they are not widely known. However, bad examples of Islam are all around us. From Muslims claiming to follow Islam and then bombing innocent people, carrying out terrorist activities or setting up a so-called “Islamic state”, to Muslim governments in, for example, Saudi Arabia executing people arbitrarily, killing innocent men, women and children in Yemen out of a quarrel with neighbouring Iran; destroying democracy and establishing a dictatorship in Egypt; detaining people without charge in Algeria; banishing people in Bangladesh; mass-murdering people in Syria, and so on and so on.
We witness corruption in Muslim society at all levels. We see no justice or peace in Muslim majority countries. We see Muslims in the western countries causing trouble between themselves by fighting for mosque management positions, defrauding charities, conducting dishonest businesses, not paying taxes, working while claiming benefits, lying, cheating, selling drugs and getting involved in criminal activities. When our children grow up in or become witness to such behaviour amongst their fellow Muslims why are we surprised when they leave Islam? 
We know Islam does not teach corruption or terrorism, despotism or dictatorship; it teaches freedom, fairness, justice, excellence and compassion. It invites its followers to lead moral and ethical lives, to stand against shamelessness, evil and transgression. It teaches peaceful coexistence and moderation. Sadly, many Muslims do not follow the teachings of their faith. When young people are looking for good examples of their faith and they find it difficult what should they do? Why are we surprised when they leave Islam? 
Did you know that the Muslim population in the UK is less than 5% of the total population but they constitute more than 15% of the UK prison population? This must mean something! Why are there three times more Muslims in prison than there should be? In fact, we should not have any prisoners from Muslim families. When our children see such examples of Muslim society, they feel unimpressed, ashamed, disgusted and they often blame Islam for these ills. Why are we surprised when they leave Islam? 
7. Abuse – Many young people have experienced verbal and physical abuse in their homes at the hands of their patents. Being parents does not give you the right to beat your children and verbally abuse them. Children are a gift and a beauty in our lives, they are creations of God. Any abuse of our children is an abuse of God’s gift. When Muslim parents use Islam to demand their rights from their children, but fail to deliver a safe, loving and nurturing space for their children’s physical, emotional and spiritual growth, they have either been neglectful or abusive to their children. When a child experiences abuse at the hands of their parents they remain scared forever. We should not be surprised when children who have experienced abuse, choose to leave Islam. 
I have reports of many who have experienced sexual abuse from their family members. When Muslims claim sexual purity and chastity and then these children experience sexual abuse from the very people who have been preaching to them about sexual propriety, they feel angry at the hypocrisy. Violating a child is a crime that requires the maximum punishment. It requires society to come together and protect our children. In many cases, children have experienced awful abuse but seen their families and community remain silent or brush it under the carpet. In some cases, children were blamed for talking about it and accused of making up stories. How do you think children feel under such circumstances? Why are you surprised when some of them leave Islam because you are a Muslim and you have perpetrated such a crime or remained silent? 
8. Dull – Many children experience Islam without much fun. They remember how Islam was all about “don’t do this” and “do this”, a constant barrage of instructions. Some say they remember so many things that were haram, it felt like everything was haram. They were not allowed to laugh or joke too much as they were told that Allah does not like it. They were told to pray, fast and read the Qur’an, but not have fun; that they should always remember death and the hereafter, and not get too attached to the joys of life; that they should not watch much TV or go to the cinema because it was sinful. They felt that the element of fun was removed from their childhood because of Islam. 
Even in adult life, they see Muslims who get upset over cartoons, comedies or can’t even take a joke. Islam has become associated with being dull and boring. I hear this from many young people in colleges and universities. They say Islam is too restrictive. It does not allow them to do much. They have got this idea from their observation of Muslims and often of their families. 
I tell them that they would be hard-pressed to find too many rules or restrictions in Islam. The Highway Code, that you must learn if you want to drive, contains more rules than the whole of Islam. However, the criticism of some Muslims being rigid and dull is not unfounded. I sometimes remind older generations to cast their mind to a time when they were young. Islam doesn’t mean dull and boring life – it encourages all good things as long as they are ethical and moral. Have fun and enjoy what God has given you in abundance. 
Sadly, I don’t find it surprising that many young people chose to leave Islam because of their bad experiences with Muslims. We have to listen to the experience of our children and change. We have to live Islam authentically, honestly and with confidence. We have to present Islam intellectually and smartly and most importantly we have to exemplify Islam in our life if we want our children to remain Muslim. 

I say to those who are considering leaving Islam or have left Islam to pause and think – do not judge Islam by Muslims’ behaviour, rather judge Muslims by the teachings of Islam. If you study Islam with an open mind and heart you may find the answers you are looking for. I did!


The Concept of Borrowing Money In Islam (احكام قرض)

،الحمد الله حمد الشاآرين، والصلاة والسّلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين،

وهادياً للناس أجمعين. صلاةً وسلاماً دائمين إلى يوم الدين،

 وآله وصحبه ومن تبعهم بإحسان، وسلم تسليماً آثيراً،

 أما بعد:

نفسالمؤمنمعلقةبدينهحتىيقضىعنه، رواه مسند احمد جلد3 ص442 المعنىأنروحالمؤمنمحبوسةعندخولالجنةمدةدوامالدينعليهحتىيقضىعنه(الفتح الربانى جلد15 ص91

(The Concept of Borrowing Money In Islam (احكامقرض)

Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: ‘O You Who Believe! When you contract a debt for a fixed period, write it down…’ (s2, v282)

It is the order of the Holy Qur’an, when the matters of borrowing money arise, whether it be for small or large amounts, it should be written down in a contract. Also, if possible this transaction should take place in front of two witnesses, so that there is no dispute at a later stage. Some Scholars state it is preferable and some state it compulsory to write down a loan transaction. If for any reason, in the future there is a dispute, this written document can be produced as proof.

In the Shari’ah, it is not a sin to take a loan (non-interest) in the state of necessity. However, to not return the borrowed money is oppression and a sin. The Prophet stated ﷺ: ‘A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He should not oppress his brother or hand him over to the enemy. The individual who fulfils the need of his Muslim brother, Allah will fulfil his need. That individual who removes a difficulty from his Muslim brother, Allah will remove his difficulty on the Day of Judgement.’ (Sunan Abu Dawood vol 2, p314)

 The taking of a loan is not something that a respectable individual would do without necessity, to create a burden upon themselves. When it is a necessity, then people should seek to assist their relatives and Muslim brothers, according to one’s capability.

The Virtue of Lending Money: Sayyidina Anas bin Malik RA related that the Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘During the journey of Me’raj, I saw written on the door of Jannah: ‘The one who gives charity is rewarded tenfold. The one who gives a loan is rewarded 18 fold.’ I asked Jibreel : ‘Why does the one who gives a loan get rewarded more?’ Jibreel replied ‘The one who gets charity (they usually posses a small amount already) and the one who seeks a loan only does so when he is in dire necessity.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah, P175)

Hakim Ul Ummah Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi RH stated: ‘In the Ahadith, the virtue of giving a loan is for those who are truly needy. If an individual seeks a loan for wasteful spending and utilising it in sinful acts, then a loan should not be given to them.’ (Kamalate Ashrafiya, p102)

The One Who Seeks a Loan Should Keep His Intention Pure: At the time of taking a loan, the borrower should be truly concerned to repay the loan within the stipulated contracted time. If the borrower cannot repay the loan in a lump sum, he should make it clear beforehand, how he wishes to repay the loan. In this way there will be no difficulty placed upon the lender. The individual who takes his loan with these points in mind, his loan will be repaid within the stipulated time and he will be freed of this burden In sha Allah.

Those who take a loan with a bad intention, Allah will cause him humiliation in this world and the hereafter. Sayyidina Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘The person who takes wealth from people with the intention of repaying it, Allah will assist him in the repayment of that loan. The person who takes wealth from people with the intention of squandering it, Allah will cause him destruction.’ (Sahih Bukhari, Musnad Ahmed, vol 3, p285)

Allamah Abdul Aziz Khawli االله رحمه writes: ‘Beware! do not take a loan without necessity. If you ever have to take a loan, then keep the firm intention and make effort to repay it. Do not dare to take a loan from people with 2 the intention of squandering their wealth and usurping it. This will only lead to your destruction and humiliation in this world and the next.’ (Al Adab un Nabawi, p49) It is not correct for the debtor to perform Nafil Sadaqah or free slaves. However, it is more important for him to strive to settle his debt as quickly as possible. (Fathul Bari Sharah Bukhari, vol 10, p128)

There are such severe warnings in the Ahadith with regards to those who misuse the wealth of others. This is for those businessmen who run a business, take a bank loan to fill their pockets with insurmountable wealth and then declare bankruptcy, writing off all the money they have borrowed and stored away. The Concern of the Companions to Repay Loans: The Companions of the Prophet were aware of the warnings issued by the Prophet ﷺ for not being careful in the matter of repayment of loans. Therefore, they were very concerned of repaying loans as soon as possible. If for some reason, they were unable to pay back a loan in their lifetime, they would bequest to their relatives to repay any specific loan immediately after their passing. Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Umar related, The Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘All the wrongs of a martyr are forgiven, except his debts.’ (Sahih Muslim/ Mishkaat p254)

2. When Sayyidina Zubayr , took part in the battle of the camel, he called his son Abdullah bin Zubayr and told him: ‘My greatest concern is for the settlement of my debts. If I am to be made a martyr, sell our land and repay my debts. If you are in need, seek the help of Allah . Sayyidina Abdullah bin Zubayr carried out this order to the fullest of his capability, to the extent that he announced for 4 consecutive years at the time of Hajj: ‘Whosoever has anything owing from my father, come and seek its repayment.’ (Sahih Bukhari, vol 1, p442)

1. In the last moments of the life of Sayyidina Umar , after being stabbed in the Masjid of the Prophet ﷺ, he (Sayyidina Umar ) called his son, Abdullah ibn Umar and said to him: ‘The first thing you must be attentive to is the repayment of my loans. They are to be settled by my family. If they are unable to settle them, seek assistance from Adi bin Ka’b . If he cannot assist, seek help from the Quraysh.’ (Sahih Bukhari, vol 1, p524)

Imam Muhammad االله رحمه stated: ‘We accept the saying of Sayyidina Ibn Umar RA, there is no Harm in doing this, when there is no condition stipulated from the beginning. Therefore in an agreement whereby a surplus amount is agreed by the creditor or by the debtor (in the form of goodwill) from the beginning, the transaction would be deemed Haram (prohibited) and the extra payment termed ‘interest’. (Muwatta Imam Muhammad, p358)

3. When Sayyidina Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram , went out for the battle of Uhud, he called his son Jabir and told him: ‘I am going to be martyred in this battle, whatever debts I have remaining, settle them.’ Sayyidina Jabir carried out this request of his father, he (Jabir ) would state: ‘I am pleased if I do not return to my family with even a date, after having settled my father’s debt in full.’ (Sahih Bukhari, vol 2, p580)

The Creditor Should be Lenient to The Debtor: Allah has stated in the Qur’an: ‘And if the debtor is in a difficult situation, then grant him time until it is easy for him to repay, but it you remit it by way of charity, that is better for you if you did but know.’ (s2, v280)

It is clear from the above verse of the Qur’an that if the debtor is unable to repay a loan easily, to forgive him of repayment is a great form of Charity. Hakim Ul Ummah Shaykh Thanwi RH stated: ‘If your debtor is a poor person, do not worry him. Rather, give him time or forgive a part or the entire debt. Allah will as a result of this, protect you from the severity of the Day of Judgement.’ (Ta’leem Ud Deen, p37)

Sayyidina Hasan binAli forgave the entire loan of an individual that was due to him.(Sahih Bukhari, vol 1, p354)

The Prophet ﷺ encouraged Sayyidina Ka’b bin Malik RA to show leniency to a debtor. Due to this, Ka’b bin Malik reduced the debtors’ loan by half. (Sahih Muslim, vol 2, p17) If the debtor can not repay the settled amount on time then he should not try to distance himself from the creditor. Otherwise, the trust of repayment will diminish, which may be detrimental. Sayyidina Abu Qatada RA related, the Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘That person who desires that Allah relieves him of difficulty and worry on the Day of Judgement, let him grant respite or forgive a debtor.’ (Sahih Muslim, vol 2, p18) Sayyidina BuraidaRA related the Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘The individual who grants respite to a debtor in difficulty, he will have the reward of giving Sadaqah written for him for every day he grants respite.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah, p174/ Musnad Ahmed, vol 3, p281) 3 The debtor committing Major sin by withholding repayment when sufficient funds are available: Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: ‘The Curse of Allah is on the Zalimun (Polytheist and wrong-doers)’ (s7, v44) Those people who, after having the means to repay a loan in full, do not do so, they are sinful of a Major sin. The money obtained from this unclean saving will be accursed and as such will be a means of destruction in the debtor’s temporary life in this world as well as the Hereafter. The Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘The individual who has the means to repay a loan but does not do so, this is oppression.’ (Sahih Bukhari, vol 1, p323)

Sayyidina Anas related, the Prophet stated: ‘Jibrail informed me to not pray the funeral prayer of that person who has outstanding debts.’ The Prophet then stated: ‘The debtor remains imprisoned in his grave until his debts are settled.’(Musnad Abi Yu’la, vol 3, p399) The inheritors of the estate should in the first instance after paying for funeral expenses try to fulfil the debt owed by the relative who has passed away. Sayyidina Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet stated: ‘The believer’s soul is withheld until the repayment of his debt’. (Musnad Ahmed, vol 3, p442)

Shaykh Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al banaa االله رحمه has explained in regards to the above ‘This implicates that the soul does not reach Heaven until the appointed debt is repaid.’ (Al Fathul Rabbani, vol 15, p91)

The Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘The creditor has the right of being firm in a speech to get back their wealth.’ (Sahih Bukhari, vol 1, p321) It is not right for the debtor to fight with the one who has done them a favour. What is most appropriate is when the time is right, seek respite from the creditor, explaining his (the debtors) situation.

Repay The Loan in a Beautiful Manner: Sayyidina Abu Rafi RA related, the Prophet ﷺ took a camel from an individual by way of a loan. The Prophet ﷺ gave this individual back a camel better than that which he had taken from him. The Prophet ﷺ stated: ‘The best person is he who repays his loan in a beautiful manner.’ (Sunan Abu Dawood, vol 2, p119)

Care, therefore, needs to be taken as in our time, there are many liars who given the status of Ulema (rather Ulema soo) mislead masses by providing false conjecture and misinterpretation on this order. Even today, if the creditor and debtor in accordance with Qur’an & Sunnah fix their ways and are clean as well as honest in their dealing than surely they will be saved from the curse of interest. O Allah! Save us from Haram and make what is Halal sufficient for us and through your Mercy and Blessings do not make us needy of others. Amin! (Jami Tirmidhi, vol 2, p195) (واالله يوفقنا لما يحب وترضى)

Sayyidina Ibn Umar RA took a loan of a few Dirhams from an individual by way of a loan. When he repaid this loan, he returned a greater amount to him. He (the creditor) stated: ‘You are giving me back more than I gave you.’ Sayyidina Ibn Umar said RA: ‘I am aware of that, but I have given it to you out of happiness. You did not request it from me.’ (Muwatta Imam Muhammad, p355)

In Islam interest is considered absolutely Haram. There is no refutation of this order as a detailed account regarding this matter is set forth in the Holy Qur’an (from Surah Al-Baqarah s2, v275-v280).

  (محمد يوسف ڈنكا (عفا االله عنه)

Mufti Muhammad Yusuf bin Yaqoob Danka

 01/ / 1431 Hijrah- 16. 04. 2010.

Current Affairs articles

An Eye-Watering Story

I am Gujarati: Hands Off My Mosque

ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد الله أن يذكر فيها اسمه

“And who is more oppressive than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from mentioning His name.”

I write this with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye, never before have I written on behalf of someone who is deceased. That’s right, this message is on behalf of a girl who passed away aged 7.
Before she passed away she desired to visit a Masjid, the house of Allah, but she was refused from several Gujarati Masjids in Blackburn. Why?

One Masjid said her wheelchair will make our carpets dirty?!

Another Masjid said, if we have a fire she will cause a hazard! (She wanted a tour, not admission).

The Masjid that finally gave permission said, just look from the shoe racks??? Which she did and tearfully said, “Mum, is it because I am disabled I didn’t get a proper tour?” Heartbreaking!

In the end, the Abu Hanifah Foundation gave her a proper tour, their students sang Nasheeds for her and gave her a crystal frame…

THIS IS ISLAM! Respect to AHF, I salute you. 

And shame on the others, you disgust me. I must mention that the girl was a Pakistani and Pakistani is not a code word for Patels. Maybe if she was a Patel, she would have been allowed? 

Dear Gujarati Masters,
I’ll call you by the title you love, let me massage that ego for you. I’m happy to be your slave and servant. Your Masjids are no longer the houses of Allah, they are clubs, where the Gujarati Master throws his weight around and stamps his authority down. Perhaps it doesn’t work at home on the wife and kids?

If your heart doesn’t irk with this story you need to do an “Iman test” toooo many people testing for Corona and not checking that their Iman is positive. Just because these Imams don’t have disabled children, that doesn’t mean you don’t care about disabled children. This family is not related to me, nor do we have disabled children in the family, Alhumdu lillah… but the story still bothered me for nights. 

Before you blame committees of the Masajid… stop right there! The family approached the Imams who are very outspoken on the Mimbar but fragile on the inside I guess, it’s easy to talk the talk I guess. Gujaratis are good for establishing institutions, but not for establishing JUSTICE!

Ulama are incompetent when it comes to these diversity issues. Islam is not just about Salah and Sawm. Islam is a diverse religion, let Ulama open their minds, open their hearts and open their Masajid.

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

24 Muharram 1442


9 Tips to Improve Your English

1) Know your audience and choose your style accordingly.

2) Read and practise! Read newspapers especially broadsheets, highlight words and remember them. 

3) Listen and practise! Listen out for beautifully spoken English, find scholars online who speak well and use good terminology, write down the words they use and implement them into your own terminology.3) Use Apps such as Grammarly

4) Find your best ‘English’ person and ask them nicely to proofread and/or give feedback. Remember, this takes time so try not to become too reliant and learn from them so you can become confident yourself.

5) Use a dictionary NOT necessarily a thesaurus. It’s always cringingly obvious when someone has tried too hard; use sophisticated language but let it flow naturally. Like Orwell said, why use a long word when a short word will do.

6) Commas and apostrophes are cool. Teach yourself the rules regarding these.

7)  Vary your sentence lengths so your writing sounds interesting/exciting/dramatic. Use conjunctions to create longer sentences but use short sentences too. A short sentence immediately after a long sentence always adds drama. 

8) Keep it clean and simple. Don’t over complicate your writing in the attempt to impress. This will only discompose your reader and the main purpose of your writing will be lost.

9. Finally, start a blog. Writing will help you tremendously.

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

10th Muharram 1441


Time and Money

There’s been something I’ve wanted to talk about for a long time and I’ve stopped myself previously (believe it or not!) because it can be awkward and somewhat embarrassing for all parties involved. But, I think it’s getting too much now. 

We live in an era where we have various modes of communication and socialising – WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook to name a few. Whilst communication mediums have increased, the actual communication has decreased. 
I’m talking about BASIC communication levels. Let’s cut to the chase. We’re talking small businesses, one-man teams, juggling everything yourself. Now, when people make enquiries regarding certain items, whether that be via phone call or a message – please speak properly, speak clearly. When you have then received the information you queried for, whether you book them or not, place an order or not, a simple thank you does not go amiss because the person has taken the TIME out to reply to your message, has taken the TIME out to draw up a quote, has taken the TIME out to make calculations, has taken the TIME out to get their diary out and look for you. I repeat this is basic etiquette. 

Secondly, a lot of small businesses do not take upfront deposits when making bookings/scheduling sessions (especially the ones who are in the ‘deeni’ field). Why? Because 100% people will say ‘Mawlana Saheb’s greedy’, ‘Mawlana saheb loves the money’ etc (Mawlanas can’t make money, remember? ?) So, with that in mind, please DO NOT take the mick by cancelling haphazardly last minute.

Let me break down the repercussions of these types of cancellations. Person A cancels on the day. In order to fit Person A in, an out of town trip was postponed, an essential shopping trip was pushed back, random house jobs were left unfinished but now Person A has cancelled, everything’s messed up. TIME has been messed up.

We might be small businesses but we have lives too and cancellations make a BIG difference to our life.

Don’t get me wrong, cancellations can sometimes be inevitable, we understand that, but ask yourself twice, thrice before texting/calling to cancel (especially on the day!) because the chances of that one cancellation messing our whole day’s routine, plan and structure (not to mention MOOD!) is very likely.
Which goes back to the deposit-taking. One can’t help but think that had we asked for a deposit, would they have valued my TIME more? Would they have been less selfish and thought about the gaping hole that their cancellation has left slap bang in the middle of the day which means we now can’t do this nor that. 

Time is money. We’re not greedy for the money but yes, I will shamelessly say, we are greedy for our time. Please don’t waste our time because it’s in your hands. 

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire needs of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

1 Muharram 1442

Current Affairs articles

Contemplations on Covid-19

Lessons and reflections during the lockdown:

  1. Learn to appreciate your family. We might argue with siblings and get annoyed, we might dislike the decisions made by our parents, but there are so many people out there that have lost their parents or they’re distant for whatever reason. During the lockdown, these people realised what a close-knit family means.
  2. We must appreciate our deen – Islam. Many of us received Islam on a plate, we were born in Muslim families, hence we take it for granted. Covid-19 has brought many people closer to Islam, through sickness and health. We all remembered Allah SWT more, whether it was out of fear or thankfulness.
  3. Which brings me on to valuing your health. When we are young we think we will live forever and nothing can harm us. As we get older and our immune system gets weaker, we understand we must appreciate our good health. Especially our mental health is very important. Going for walks regularly and exercising.
  4. Life is the most unpredictable thing, but it is certain. Nobody debates death. In the UK almost 50,000 lives have been lost due to this pandemic. Make the most of your life, live for today, don’t delay good work.
  5. Before the lockdown, we did what we wanted to, when we wanted to, value your freedom. Many countries have a lockdown all-year-round under the dictatorship rule. Value your house and safety and security.
  6. The importance of unity – the virus is not a one-man battle, we are ALL in the same boat and we ALL need to work together to overcome it. Let’s stop discriminating some communities and blaming them for the spread of the virus.
  7. Charities have been great during the lockdown, hats off to all the churches and mosques who opened their doors to help the vulnerable. Many who lost their jobs were in need of basic food parcels, we must learn to appreciate the little things in life.
  8. Everyone had more time, kids were at home with online school and Madrasah. Parents were WFH and Masjids were closed so we were praying at home. This all meant we had more free time: to waste or to value? Your time is your life, value every minute, rather every second.
  9. If you still have a job, be thankful. Most of us get bored or fed up of the 9-5 system and feel it’s’ a burden. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and are struggling financially. Be grateful and say, Alhumdu Lillah for your income; little or large! You have a roof over your head… Ma Sha Allah!
  10. Be a ray of sunshine – it doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day.

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)

10th Dhul Hijjah 1441