
An Open Letter to Mr Sahir and Mrs Sahirah – The Muslim Magician and the Muslimah Witch

وَلَا يُفْلِحُ السَّاحِرُونَ

But the magicians will never be successful.” (10:77)

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

This is an open letter of warning to those who practise Black Magic, be it in the form of White Magic, under the guise of Taweez or that which is sold by the soothsayers and fortune tellers. Whoever you are wherever you are, if you are a so-called practising Muslim or non-practising. It doesn’t matter how black and long your beard is, how thick your niqab or hijab is, how loose your abayah is. I don’t care about your social-standing, if you are a peer or mawlana, or imam. Wrong is wrong! Let me remind you where you will stand in the Hereafter…

The Punishment

Allah, the Most High, stated: 

 وَلَقَدْ عَلِمُواْ لَمَنِ اشْتَرَاهُ مَا لَهُ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلاَقٍ 

“And verily, they knew that whoever traffics in magic has no share in the Hereafter.” (Al-Baqarah 2:102) 

He also stated: “They believed in Jibt and Tāghoot.” (An-Nisā: 51)

And the “buying, purchasing” mentioned in the verse, Shaykh Salih Aal ash-Shaykh says in explanation of the verse,

والساحر اشترى من تعلم السحر اشترى، اشترى أي شيء؟ اشترى السحر بدل أي شيء؟ بدل توحيده، فالثمن التوحيد، الثمن هو الإيمان بالله وحده، والمثمن هو السحر

And the magician he has purchased the learning of magic, he has purchased, purchased what thing? He has purchased magic in place of what thing? In place of Tawhid, so the price is Tawhid, the price is faith in Allah alone, and the object (being bought) is magic… so it means the one who gave his religion as consideration (something of value) for that thing which he took, which is magic…

‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Jibt is magic and Tāghoot is the Shaytān (the Devil).” (Bukhari)

Jābir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The tāghoots are the soothsayers upon who the devils descend [with false information]. And in every district, there is one [of these soothsayers].” (Tafsir ibn Kathir)

Sihr: A Major Sin in Islam

Abu Hurayrah said that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said: “Keep away from the seven destructive sins.” They asked him: “What are they, O Allah’s Messenger?” 

He replied: “Associating partners with Allah, magic, killing a person whom Allah has made impermissible to kill, consuming usury (interest), taking the wealth of the orphan, to turn away on the day of battle, to falsely accuse the chaste believing woman (or man) of fornication.”

I swear by Allah! Have your fun in this temporary world, control who you can control, even if that means your own sons and daughters and your own husbands. You happily watch the breaking of families; a son hate his own father, even abuse him. A daughter abuse her own mother, and eventually leave her. You thrive over the breaking of marriages, divorce after divorce. You are delighted by people losing their jobs, their families struggle to put food on the table, all because of you. You are shaytan personified! Wolves in sheep’s clothing! Hell-mates living on Earth! You ruin people’s lives and destroy their personality and cause them destruction. This is why Allah SWT said, you will not have a share in the Hereafter.

You only have one way out… to repent. Repent today and get yourself out of Shaytan’s web, all he wants from you is Kufr – for you to disbelieve and join him for a hot seat in Hell. If you were living in Muslim countries this is what would and should happen to you:

Jundub (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) narrated what is ascribed to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ: “The punishment of the magician is that [the judge rules] he struck with the sword.” Reported by Tirmidhi

It is reported in Saheeh Al-Bukhāri from Bajālah Ibn ‘Abdah who said: “[The Caliph] Umar Ibn Al-Khattāb (Radiyallāhu ‘Anhu) wrote: “Execute every male and female magician.” So we executed [upon his command] three magicians.”

It is reported authentically from the wife of the Prophet, Hafsah (Radiyallāhu ‘Anhā) that she commanded that a female servant of hers should be executed because she performed magic on Hafsah, so she was executed. Mālik in Al-Muwatta no. 14; Al-Bayhaqi in Al-Kubrā 8/136 no. 16941. Similar has been reported from Jundub (Radiyallāhu ‘Anhu) Bukhāri in At-Tāreekh Al-Kabeer 2/222.

Imām Ahmad (Allah have mercy upon him) stated: “This is reported from three Companions of the Prophet ﷺ.”

This is your final chance, stop what you are doing before your death comes and Izraeel takes your soul in the most painful and agonising manner. Think of your grave, your master Iblees will not help you there, nor will your filthy jinns. No magic will save you in the grave from the snakes and scorpions. On the day of Qiyamah, you will burn under the blazing sun, there will be nobody to shade you. If you die as a magician or a witch, Jahannam will be your final abode, you will suffer there forever as you made others suffer in this world… is it really worth it?

قَالَ مُوسَىٰ أَتَقُولُونَ لِلْحَقِّ لَمَّا جَاءَكُمْ أَسِحْرٌ هَٰذَا وَلَا يُفْلِحُ السَّاحِرُونَ

Musa (Moses) said: “Say you (this) about the truth when it has come to you? Is this magic? But the magicians will never be successful.” (10:77)

I pray Allah exposes you all and may you taste the full punishment in this life and the next life. Ameen!


Diary of a Possessed Sister

Bismi Allah- wal HumduLillah was Salah was Salam ala Rasoolillah
black magic
Today, I would like to speak about an issue, something which has affected me for years. It changed my life and I was oblivious to it for years. I feel brothers and sisters need to speak out about the issue, so it can help others who are suffering silently. More importantly, it is mentioned in Qur’an and Hadith but I see the Ulama, the scholars of Haqq are also silent and turning a blind eye to it. So I am going to start with the scholars who I am angry and upset at, never have I heard one talk in my Masjid, not on Jum’uah and not in Ramadhan on the topic… Black magic. I ask why? And I have the right to ask, do I not? This is no longer just a Bengali issue! I am Deobandi, Hanafi, Gujarati, studied in Madrasah as well. Is it because your wives and daughters are not affected? Because YOU haven’t experienced it in your family? Some scholars are in total disbelief, “it’s just in your head”, “mental illness!”, “Everyone has problems in life”. We don’t disagree,  mental health issues exist AND SO DOES BLACK MAGIC! IS Diabetes just in the head? Is Cancer just in the head? Other people have problems, marriage or job related, this does not mean Black Magic doesn’t exist. I’m sorry they’re insufficient proofs. Nobody said all problems in life are caused by Black Magic, but those of you who completely write off Black Magic are wrong as well. You no longer need to go to Pakistan or India to find Magicians and Witches, it’s all happening here in the UK. In our backyards. . .
Those who suffer from Black Magic and Jinn possession are living two totally different lives… yes! They have split personalities. One minute they are normal and the next minute they are going ballistic! People just assume they are bad-mannered or have a disorder. Many sisters like myself are labelled bad wives and sometimes bad mothers. I won’t even go into how mothers-in-law treat us, with no sympathy and understanding DESPITE KNOWING. People assume if you are not sectioned into a mental institute or not actively trying to commit physical self-harm, then you are “okay”.
The psychological trauma we go through, the grief, the depression, anxiety, phobias, Waswasah, and doubts… on your partner your family and close ones! Not forgetting the doubts we have about Allah and Iman! But all of this is brushed to the side, which just escalates for matters for us.
We want to seek guidance from Ulama, but they say nothing except, “it’s all in your head!” La Hawla Wa Laa Quwwata Illa Billah…

“Did the Prophet SAW not suffer from Black Magic himself?”

Or was it just in His head SAW? …for six months He SAW was affected and He SAW never knew, He SAW found out later.
black mag
The Qur’an says we must seek help and assistance from people of knowledge. But they just make matters worse! I fear Allah whilst writing this, I am ashamed. But Wallahi alAzeem! These scholars need to refer back to their books. Nobody goes through everything in life, every illness, every pain, every suffering. So we can’t keep saying, because we haven’t experienced it we don’t believe in it. It breaks my heart to know this disease is spreading quicker and faster. More and more houses and families are being broken by Black Magic. But the world just stands and watches and shows us statistics of divorce rates. 
Are you unaware the most popular type of Black Magic is separating the husband and wife… read Surah baqarah: “From them  (Harut and Marut) they learned how they might divide a man and his wife.” (2:102)
Aside from that, the suicidal feelings, the self-harm, and nightmares we have on a daily basis. This is why I believe that Black Magic is far worse than cancer, diabetes, or TB! People, please understand what I’m saying! With these illnesses, you may lose your health, your teeth, lose weight, or other parts of your body and it becomes ‘apparent.’ Our suffering is all internal and we are ashamed to tell anyone. Why? Generally, people are judgmental as it is. “He can’t get married!” “She can’t have children!” What would they say if they knew we were possessed or a victim of Black Magic?!
Have you noticed how if we don’t display very obvious physical signs of illness or at least obvious signs of mental illness then, people assume- it’s not that bad?
This really pained me at my worst times 🙁 I sincerely felt like I had to explain myself constantly that no, just because it’s not so obvious, it is STILL extremely distressing, painful, and debilitating.
“Also? With the above mentioned diseases you don’t lose your Iman easily and fall into Shirk! We are constantly in a cloudy battle with Shaytan’s army, jinn and waswasah – nothing is clear to us. We want to end our lives or end our Iman. Nobody understands us… our reward is with Allah SWT! He tests whom he loves  (alHadith).”
I hope this is a reassuring message to all my friends who are suffering silently, Allah is with you. He is al-Hafeez, the best protector.
Please take this seriously, evil eye exists, black magic exists and Jinn possession exists. Please keep up your Azkaar and daily protection. 
NB: I would like to clarify one question which many sisters ask me, brothers may also be confused about it too…
QUESTION: We pray Manzil (dua book) regularly, we pray Hizbul Azam weekly, and our morning and evening Duas daily. Can we still be affected by Black Magic or Evil Eye?
ANSWER: All of the above are brilliant for general protection and we MUST do all of them and much more! But one can still be affected by Jinn or Black Magic or Evil Eye. The simple explanation for this is, the Prophet Alayhis Salam was also affected by Sihr. Who is more punctual on Azkar and Dua than Him Alayhi Salam? But he was still affected. Some people further ask, what is the benefit of reading all these Duas then? The benefit is the harm of Sihr/Jadoo will not be as great. I have always read Manzil- Alhumdu Lillah! When I was told about Sihr on me, it was said it only affected me 70%. Because of the protection, I was doing. So please do read the Wazeefahs you are doing, carry on. But once you have been affected by Jinn or Sihr you will need specific treatment, please contact a Shaykh.
I will leave links here for you all for Dua books:
Fatemah bint Sulayman, UK, (your sister in Islam).
Allah forgive me, please pray for me.
20 Dhul Qa’dah 1438

Black Magic and Satanic Possession


Praise be to Allah,

People who have had experience with such situations have related that the following are among the signs of a person who is possessed by jinn (or Satan):

Strong repulsion when hearing Qur’an or Adhan (call for prayers).

Episodes of losing consciousness and/or epileptic attacks, especially when Qur’an is recited for the possessed person.

Frequent nightmares during sleep.

Tendency to avoid people accompanied by out-of-the-norm behavior.

The jinn who possesses him might speak when Qur’an is recited for the possessed person.

Madness, as stated in the Qur’an (interpretation of the meaning): “Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom Satan by his touch hath driven to [epileptic] madness…”2:275

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saleh al-‘Uthaymīn—رحمه الله—said:

“ينبغي على الإنسان أن يستعين بالله عز وجل في كل شيء حتى في الأمور الصغيرة : كالذهاب والمجيء والأكل والشرب واللباس. حتى يكون بذلك مدركاً لحاجته متعبدا لربه عز وجل لأن الاستعانة من العبادة وإذا استعان العبد بربه يسر له الأمر وسهله عليه.”

“It’s befitting for man to seek assistance with Allāh—عز وجل—in everything—even in the small matters like leaving to and from [somewhere], eating, drinking and dressing—so that with this, he can fulfill his need AND worship his lord—عز وحل. Because al-Isti’ānah (seeking assistance) is from the acts of worship and if the slave seeks assistance from his lord, He (Allāh) will facilitate the matter for him and make it easy.”

Ahkām Min al-Qur’ān al-Karīm, 1/3

As for a person struck by magic, he might experience the following:

Dislike of one’s spouse, as indicated in the Qur’an by the following verse (interpretation of the meaning): “And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife…” (Al-Baqarah, 2:102).

Different attitude in the house from that which is outside the house. For example, a person will feel that he is missing his family when is outside the house but when he goes home, love changes quickly to extreme hatred.

Inability to have sexual intercourse with one’s spouse.

Frequent miscarriage for pregnant women.

Sudden change in behavior without obvious reason.

Complete loss of appetite for food.

Thinking or imagining one has done something when in reality one has not.

Sudden obedience and/or love for a particular person.

It should be noted that if a person experiences some of the above symptoms this does not necessarily mean that he is either possessed by a jinn or struck by black magic. It might be due to physiological or psychological reasons.

As for curing this condition, the following steps are recommended:

Putting one’s trust in Allah with the sincere belief that He is the only cure for everything.

Reading Qur’an and known supplications expressing seeking refuge, the most important and effective of which is surah 113 and 114, Al-Falaq and Al-Naas, which were used to cure the Prophet himself. Surah 112, Al-Ikhlas, is recommended along with them, as well as the opening chapter of the Qur’an, Al-Fatihah. To cure black magic some have successfully used seven lotus-tree leaves. The leaves should be crushed, then mixed them with water enough for taking a bath. The following verses from the Qur’aan are then recited: verse Al-Kursi (2:255), surah Al-Kafiroon (109), surah 112, 113, 114; the verses which mention magic, which are: in surah Al-Baqarah (2:102), Al-A’raf (7:117-119), Yunus (10:79-82), and Taha (20:65-69). The possessed person drinks some of the water, and the rest is used to give him a bath.

Removing the elements of magic as was done by the Prophet SAW when he was struck by black magic by a Jewish man called Lubaid Bin Al-‘Aasim.

Eating seven Aa’liya Al-Barniy dates (among the dates of Al-Madinah) first thing in the morning; if not possible, any dates will suffice, by the will of Allah.

Cupping – removing excess blood.


And we ask Allah to cure you and ease your hardship, as He is the One who cures and there is no one else who can cure. Ameen