Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

The Ummah is One

By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

“All the believers are like one body. If the eye experiences pain then the whole body will experience pain. If the head experiences pain then the whole body will experience pain.” (Muslim)

Together we all form a single body. We are like the limbs and organs of the same body. If we constitute a single body, then if an organ of the body experiences pain, the whole body should feel it. When a person suffers from a severe headache, his eyes will not say, “I have read too much today, therefore I want to rest!” The rest of the body will not say to the head, “It is your problem, you solve it yourself.” The ears will not say, “I am feeling very tired. It is twelve o’ clock midnight; therefore, I want to go to sleep. You sort your problem out.”  

This headache becomes a problem for all the organs of the body. The brain thinks, “What shall I do? How may I bring cure to this pain?” The legs will walk towards the telephone, the hand will pick up the receiver, the finger will dial, the ear will listen, the tongue will speak and the mind will absorb what the doctor is saying, hence the whole body will function to bring relief to the head.

Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam, through this similitude, has taught us that if we see a Muslim brother/sister in pain, then we should also feel pain and grief. How many of us today experience pain at the sight of someone’s suffering? How many of us try to solve the problem? How many of us even listen to the problem? How many of us even bother to say a few words to comfort and console the person? And if we find ourselves helpless in doing anything, then how many of us pray for this person, “O Allāh, remove his/her difficulty.”  

This is an extract from the booklet ‘Love & its Limits’
published by the Islāmic Da’wah Academy

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An Angel of Mercy

federico-beccari-633001-unsplash.jpgThis is a story that carries many life lessons for all of us. The story of Abdul Sattar Edhi, and the legacy he left behind.

‘Edhi’ became a synonym for love, humanitarian service, and selflessness in Pakistan. He commanded respect from Pakistanis and from millions across the world. He won several prominent international prizes for his outstanding humanitarian services. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize several times. He was decorated with the Nishan-e-Imtiaz, which is the highest honor given to any civilian in Pakistan for their achievements towards world recognition of Pakistan or an outstanding service to the country.

News of his illness in the last few months made many Pakistanis pray wholeheartedly for his health. His death shocked many in the nation. He was given the state funeral attended by thousands of people, including the President, chiefs of military, navy and air force, a large number of politicians, diplomats, civil servants, businessmen, etc.

He was called an Angel of Mercy. Some thought he was the greatest living humanitarian. We know that the Edhi Foundation runs 330 welfare centers across Pakistan and more than 1500 ambulances. But we do not exactly know the number of people (which could be millions without exaggeration) who have directly and indirectly benefited from Edhi ambulances, food kitchens, rehabilitation homes, shelters for abandoned women and children, and clinics for the mentally handicapped. Edhi Foundation does not just operate in Pakistan, it has carried out relief operations in Africa, Middle East, the Caucasus region, Eastern Europe and the United States. Edhi never differentiated between people, their faith, race or color. He helped everyone who needed help. He humbly requested donations from everyone who could give. He changed the face of welfare work in Pakistan and established an organization which is trusted by everyone, poor and rich, illiterate and educated, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

The purpose of this article is not to write a biographical account of Edhi’s life. Rather, I want to list some key qualities which made him the person he was. I want every one of us to learn from Edhi. I wish we can peek through his life and emulate some of his qualities and traits so that we can also reach out to the poor and needy in the way he did. I also hope our children would be inspired by his story, and be motivated to follow suit when they grow up.

Practical compassion

Edhi’s compassion drove him to help the helpless, give shelter to the homeless women, give a roof to the street children, feed the hungry, treat the sick and bury the dead… He himself drove an ambulance for 45 years and never drove any other car throughout his life. His heart was always with the needy and deserving and he was constantly thinking about how best to help those most in need. His compassionate heart has a lot to do with serving his own mother. She was paralyzed from a stroke when Edhi was only 11 years old. Looking after his mother and seeing her suffer inspired Edhi to develop services for the aged, immobile people, and physically challenged persons. His mother taught him selflessness also when she used to give him 2 paisas, one for himself and the other for a needy person on the street. This training to be compassionate at an early age had a lot to do with what Edhi became eventually.

Living a life of simplicity

Edhi lived a very simple life. He was known for his ascetic lifestyle. He never owned more than two pairs of simple clothes and shoes. He lived in a simple home with his family. His own office remained a small room with minimum furniture. He never drove any other car except the ambulance. He never took a salary from his foundation. He inculcated this trait in his wife and children who continue to live a life without frills. Edhi remained a focus of local and international media for decades, but this attention never got him distracted or carried away. He kept to his simplicity and true authentic self. This simplicity earned him a lot of respect among the masses.

Upholding a true sense of integrity

Being the largest charitable organization in Pakistan, Edhi Foundation attracted millions of dollars of donations. In its more than five decades of existence, Edhi Foundation never came under scrutiny for misappropriation of funds. Its volunteers, staff, and management are also inspired by Edhi’s own integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. Edhi realized that maintaining his personal, as well as organizational integrity was central to the success of his humanitarian activities which entirely depended on donations.

Dedication to one’s mission

Edhi was a full-time humanitarian worker, organizer, and mobilizer. He dedicated his whole life to the welfare work. Such was the level of his dedication to the causes he supported that he paid no heed to any kind of threats or obstacles in his way. He was criticized by some fundamentalists for supporting babies born out-of-wedlock. His ambulances were attacked by some interest groups. But nothing could deter him from serving humanity.

Being patriotic

Edhi was a true patriot. He had migrated to Pakistan from India during the partition of 1947. He believed in the country he chose to live in. Such was the level of his patriotism that he chose to be treated only in Pakistan despite offers from many for treatment abroad. He wanted to live and die in the country he loved so much. He never took donations from anyone except Pakistanis. He believed that native people can solve the problems of their country, and he proved it through the work he did that he sought help only from Pakistanis to solve issues of Pakistanis.

Taking the means and being optimistic

Edhi was a true impatient optimist. He knew that several problems of our world can be solved if we start finding solutions. He started his foundation with a second-hand ambulance. He then felt that the aged who had no one to look after needed his support. He built nursing homes for the aged. He found that children born out-of-wedlock were left on the street without any support, so he went on to put baby cradles outside the Edhi Foundation Centers. He then noticed the misery of divorced women, single mothers, and financially challenged women. He built shelters for them. He started supporting the relief work locally, as well as internationally. Edhi kept on discovering social needs and found simple solutions. Lack of formal education never stood in his way. He was able to find solutions to the social problems as he was truly immersed in the communities and was living the experience of the poor every day.

Being trustworthy out-pours the funds

He never thought that scarcity of resources would be a constraint for his foundation which is involved in a range of humanitarian activities. In fact, resources poured in for every cause he touched. He just stood in the streets and people handed him small and big notes. Children gave him their pocket money. Women gave him their jewelry. Poor gave him their savings. Rich gave him their properties. Everyone donated to Edhi and his foundation. His simplicity, integrity, dedication, and patriotism greatly helped him raise funds from the people. More importantly, his foundation delivered results and demonstrated social impact on the ground.

Sincere, calm and efficient leadership

The Edhi Foundation runs some of the most complex emergency and relief operations as its routine business. Edhi ambulances are the first to reach any emergency. Edhi himself was first to be seen on the site of natural disasters. Be it floods, earthquakes, hurricanes or man-made disasters, Edhi Foundation response time is minimum. Thousands of people volunteer for Edhi Foundation in its relief centers, as well as during emergency situations. This requires a huge and sophisticated logistical operation. A simple man that Edhi was, it is inconceivable how he spearheaded this complexity in a completely unnoticeable manner. Edhi single-handedly masterminded it with the will of Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He). He mobilized millions of dollars without sophisticated media, marketing or communication strategy. His branding was his simplicity, honesty, and integrity.

Edhi himself/his foundation never made any big deal out of the massive relief work they accomplished. He received nearly 250 local and international prizes in recognition of his phenomenal work, but he hardly ever mentioned them with pride. All the pride he took was in the work he did. He was nominated for Nobel Prize several times. But people like him are beyond Nobel Prize. No prize can truly acknowledge their services or contribution to the world we live in. He silently led a large foundation which helped millions through helplessness, sickness, and emergency. According to his own words,

“Whatever I’ve done for the poor, the destitute, the orphans and the less fortunate is not for any person or even myself, it’s for Allah . I’ve always aimed to please Allah .”

Edhi was regularly invited to speak on media, but he never appeared to be pretentious or attention seeker. He did not have a charismatic personality, an articulate speech or deep vocabulary. He spoke in a simple manner but spoke his heart. His message for humanity touched every heart and people believed him without hesitation.

A deep concern for humanity

In the early years of Edhi Foundation, Edhi was often criticized by his community for helping others. But it was very clear that he would extend help to every human in need, regardless of religion, race or color. Edhi lived in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan and one of the largest metropolises of the world. His world vision was also very cosmopolitan. He was of the view that humanity was above everything and he was a true humanitarian for everyone.

Edhi is at peace in his grave, but his eyes continue to see the world as he donated his organs after his death (but due to his poor health, only corneas could be donated). His corneas were transplanted for two blind people who were waiting for an eye donation. This is what he meant to teach each one of us, even after he is no more among us. He is justifiably referred to as ‘the richest poor man’.


Share with us how this story inspired you to be more productive and in service to all those in need around you?

Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

A Perfect Muslim

By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

The Prophet Muhammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam has stated:

A (complete and perfect) Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand people are safe. (An-Nasa‘ī)

To be a perfect Muslim it is necessary to fulfil all of the requirements of Islām. One of these is to ensure that one does not cause harm to another human being, Muslim or non-Muslim. This is an extremely important component of the teachings of Islām.

In the above hadīth, the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam’s use of the word ‘tongue’ encompasses all forms of speech, whilst the word ‘hand’ represents all physical actions. It means therefore, that no one can be a perfect Muslim unless the rest of Allāh ta‘ālā’s  bondsmen are safe from any harm originating from him.

Someone who performs salāh, pays zakāh, observes fasts, recites the Qur’ān in abundance and gives plenty in sadaqah cannot be classed a perfect believer if at the same time he also causes people heartache through his words or actions.  A person who, without any valid reason, causes hurt to another human being is a Muslim, but not a perfect or complete Muslim.

The religion of Islām branches out into five major areas: ‘aqā’id (beliefs), ‘ibādāt(worship), akhlāq (morals and character), mu‘āmalāt (transactions) and mu‘āsharah(etiquettes of social life). The branch of mu‘āsharah, or social etiquettes, is based on the above-mentioned saying of the Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam. In today’s climate, there can be no more effective method of popularising Islām than the world’s Muslims embracing this branch of faith and living in accordance with it. If Muslims adopt the Islāmic etiquettes of social interaction, it will dispel the many misunderstandings created about Islām and Muslims, making it much easier for non-Muslims to understand and come closer to Islām.

Adopting the Islāmic way of dealing with people gives rise to occasions when a Muslim’s compassionate nature stands out. Intelligent people invariably pick up on such behaviour and become curious as to why, for example, a Muslim in a position to say or do something hurtful to another person does not do so. A time eventually comes when they enquire from the Muslim in question, presenting an opportunity for him to explain that he was only doing what the Prophet Muhammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam taught, and that it is a major principle of Islām that no human being should be caused undue distress.

This is an extract from the booklet ‘Islām: A Message of Mercy’ published by
the Islāmic Da’wah Academy.

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Abracadabra:Black Magic Exposed!

Narrated Abu al-Darda RA:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Allah has sent down both the disease and the cure, and He has appointed a cure for every disease, so treat yourselves medically but use nothing unlawful.”

(Abu Dawood)


The Difference Between Magic & Possession
• Both involve the jinn.
• However, possession is the act of one or more jinn, acting on their own accord.
• Magic on the other hand is a contract between the jinn and the magician.
• Magic is stronger and more difficult to remove because the jinn are ‘forced’ to remain within the person and are ‘tied’ to the person through the magic. There is some empirical evidence that enforcers are sent among the jinn to scare and intimidate them into remaining inside of the person.
• However, none of the plots of the Shaytaan are strong: “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak.” [an-Nisaa’ 4:76]
Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

The Value of Humanity in Islām

14th Jumadal Akhirah 1437 AH ~ Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Please see below an editorial that the respected Shaykh-ul-Hadīth, Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh wrote shortly after the Paris Attacks in November 2015.


By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

Following atrocities committed in the name of Islām, such as those in Paris, once again misconceptions regarding Islām and Muslims make the headlines and infuse tensions in our society. I believe all of us are duty-bound to contribute to efforts that clear these misconceptions and misunderstandings and share the true nature of this beautiful religion.

The value of life

In light of Islām’s teachings of mercy and tolerance, it is impossible that oppression or the taking of innocent life is permitted in any circumstance. The life of every human, Muslim and non-Muslim, is equally precious and sacred. The value of life is captured in the following verse of the Glorious Qur’ān:

…whoever kills a person not in retaliation for a person killed, nor (as a punishment) for spreading disorder on the earth, is as if he has killed the whole of humankind, and whoever saves the life of a person is as if he has saved the life of the whole of humankind… (5:32)

As Muslims, we value human life irrespective of geography, race and gender. We do not distinguish between the poor and the wealthy, women from men, the less able from the able bodied, as a life is a life, hence sacred and precious. Therefore, a loss of life in any corner of the world is a cause of grief and sorrow for every true Muslim.

During such moments we pray to Allāh ta‘ālā, the Creator, that He grants everyone guidance and fills this world with peace and security. For those who have suffered loss of life, may Allāh ta‘ālā grant them patience and courage. If families have lost their breadwinner, may Allāh ta‘ālā safeguard them from want and poverty. May Allāhta‘ālā grant relief to all from oppression and give every human the good fortune to live in peace and prosperity.

When the hearts and minds of humans become corrupt, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, then they no longer remain human. In their eyes, the worth of a human life becomes devalued and no thought is given to who is being killed, how many are killed and how the lives of innocent people, children, the elderly and women are destroyed. There is total contempt for humanity.

We pray that Allāh ta‘ālā grant those involved in killing innocent people, whether they be individuals, groups or governments, the essence of humanity and the ability to recognise the value of human life.

Developing a proper understanding of Islām

Following the tragic events in Paris, there is a significant focus on Islām and Muslims. At this juncture I would urge my fellow citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims, to learn the teachings of Islām from practising Muslims with knowledge; not from the media. Those in the mainstream media, have not studied Islām in the correct manner and therefore do not appreciate the sciences of Islām and the relationship between them. Many times they comment on verses of the Qur’ān and Ahādīth which are out of context, as they are unaware of the method of how to interpret them and as a result reach incorrect conclusions and cause confusion. It is unfortunate that non-Muslims and ill-informed Muslims also express views based on their own interpretation, without the appropriate requisite knowledge. This has led to the distortion of Islām resulting in the misconceptions we see today amongst the general public, with regards to Islām and its teachings.

I therefore urge all Muslims to study and embrace the teachings of Islām and live their lives according to it. We need to deepen our understanding of the true essence of Islām by benefitting from reliable ‘Ulamā and reading authentic literature. This will enable us to spread the correct message to others and explain the true qualities, attributes and characteristics of Islām. We must also ensure our individual mistakes do not tarnish and distort the image of Islām and Muslims. We must all study Islām to the extent that we are able to present and explain, without any hesitation, the Islāmic point of view regarding topics that are commonly misunderstood by non-Muslims.

Bringing a change

We also need to bring a positive change in our lives by wholeheartedly turning to Allāh ta‘ālā and repenting sincerely from the disobedience to Allāh ta‘ālā. Not only have we neglected our Dīn on a personal level, we have also not shared its beauty with others; a major negligence on our part. In our current circumstances Tawbah and Istighfār will be extremely beneficial, as it is stated in a hadīth:

Whosoever holds fast to Istighfār, Allāh will make for him a way out from every difficulty and will grant him relief from every anxiety and will grant him sustenance from where he expects not. (Abū Dāwūd)

Let us refrain from every act of disobedience to Allāh ta‘ālā and become firm on our belief and worship. It is only when we become the personification of Islām through our dealings (mu‘āmalāt), social conduct (mu‘āsharat) and good character (husn akhlāq), that the true merciful and tolerant character of Islām will be observed and appreciated by all.

May Allāh ta‘ālā grant us all the tawfīq. Āmīn.

© Riyādul Jannah (Vol. 24 No. 12, Dec 2015)

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Jumu’ah: The Weekly Eid


Praise be to Allah.

O Allah! Bestow Your special blessings and peace upon the source of divine providence, the adornment of the Day of Resurrection, the treasure of guidance, the decoration of the outfit, the groom of the kingdom, the tongue of the evidence, the intercessor of the Ummah, the leader of the presence, the prophet of mercy, our master, Muhammad (ﷺ).

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) once clarified concerning the earth’s history:

God created clay on Saturday, mountains on Sunday, trees on Monday, things entailing labour on Tuesday, and light on Wednesday. He caused animals to spread on Thursday and created Adam after Asr on Friday, the last creation at the last hour [of creation]. (Sahih Muslim, # 1300)

There is no doubt that Friday is an “Eid” or “festival” for the Muslims, as it says in the hadeeth narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “This is a day of ‘Eid that Allah has ordained for the Muslims, so whoever comes to Jumu‘ah, let him do ghusl, and if he has any perfume let him put some on, and you should use the miswak.” Narrated by Ibn Majah, 1098. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said, describing the special virtues of Friday: Thirteen: It is a day of ‘Eid that is repeated every week. Zaad al-Ma‘aad, 1/369

Thus the Muslims have three Eids: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which come once every year, and Jumu‘ah which is repeated once every week. Rasulullah (ﷺ) said: “Friday is the best of days. It was on this day that  Adam alayhis salaam was created, it was on this day that he was granted entry into jannah, it was on this day that he was removed from Jannah (which became the cause for man’s existence in this universe, and which is a great blessing), and the day of resurrection will also take place on this day.” (Sahih Muslim)

In olden times, the roads and alleys used to be extremely busy in the mornings and at Fajr time. All the people used to go so early to the Jaame musjid and there used to be such a large crowd that it used to look like the days of Eid . Later, when this habit was given up, people began saying that this is the first innovation in Islam. After writing this, Imam Ghazali rahmatullahialayh says: “Aren’t the Muslims ashamed of themselves that the Jews and Christians go so early in the morning to their synagogues and churches on Saturdays and Sundays. Those who are businessmen go so early to the bazaars in order to do their buying and selling. Why don’t the Muslims do the same?” The reality of the situation is that the Muslims have totally reduced the value of this blessed day. They do not even know what day this is, and what a high status it has. How sad it is that the day which was more valuable than eid in the eyes of Muslims of the past, which Rasulullah (ﷺ) was proud of and the day which was not granted to the previous nations has become so dishonoured at the hands of Muslims today and it is such a great ingratitude to the favour of Allah Ta’ala that the consequence of all this can be seen with our very eyes.”

Many Ahadeeth have been narrated from the Prophet (ﷺ) which explain the virtues of Jumu’ah prayer. For example:

1 – Muslim (233) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The five daily prayers, and from one Jumu’ah to the next, are an expiation for whatever sins come in between, so long as one does not commit any major sin.” 

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Whoever does ghusl then comes to Jumu’ah, and prays as much as Allah decrees for him, then listens attentively until the khutbah is over, then prays with him (the imam), will be forgiven for (his sins) between that and the next Jumu’ah and three more days.” Narrated by Muslim, 857

Imam Nawawi RH said: The scholars said that what is meant by his being forgiven between the two Jumu’ahs and three more days is that a good deed is worth ten like it, so he will be rewarded with ten Hasanahs (rewards) for each of the good deeds that he did on Friday. Some of our companions said: what is meant by what is between the two Jumu’ahs is from Jumu’ah prayer and the khutbah until the same time on the following Friday, so that it will be seven days, no more and no less, then three days are added making ten in all.

2 – Coming early to Jumu’ah brings a great reward.

Al-Bukhari (814) and Muslim (850) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever does ghusl on Friday like ghusl for janabah, then goes to the prayer (in the first hour, i.e., early), it is as if he sacrificed a camel. Whoever goes in the second hour, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; whoever goes in the third hour, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram; whoever goes in the fourth hour, it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and whoever goes in the fifth hour it is as if he offered an egg. When the imam comes out, the angels come to listen to the khutbah.”

3 – If a person walks to Jumu’ah prayer, for every step he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year.

It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws al-Thaqafi that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever does ghusl on Friday and causes (his wife) to do ghusl, and sets out early, and comes close to the imam and listens and keeps quiet, for every step he takes he will have the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year.”  Tirmidhi, 496; Tirmidhi, 410

Ibn al-Qayyim RH said in Zaad al-Ma’aad, 1/285: “Causes (his wife) to do ghusl” means has intercourse with his wife. This is how it was interpreted by Wakee’.

Mawlana Aqil Sahib (Hafidhahullah), who has written the commentary of Abu Dawud (alDurrul Mandhood) states, in all of the books of Hadith, from all of the different virtues (fadhaail), I find the above Hadith easiest to perform and greatest in reward. 

Hafidh ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy on him) said, after quoting the Ahadeeth which speak of the virtues of Jumu’ah prayer:

What we have quoted, when taken all together, indicates that the expiation of sins from one Friday to the next is subject to all the conditions mentioned above being met, namely doing ghusl, cleaning oneself, putting on perfume, wearing one’s best clothes, walking in a calm and dignified manner, not stepping over people, not pushing between two people, not offending others, praying Nawafil prayers, listening attentively and avoiding idle speech. And Allah knows best.
As Jumu’ah starts after Maghrib on Thursday night, one should take advantage of sending ‏Durood & Salawaat to Rasulullah (SAW) on this night. “On Fridays, send Durood abundantly on me, as it is presented before me.” (Abu Dawud)

Rasulullah (ﷺ) said: “Of all the days, Friday is the most virtuous. It is on this day that the trumpet will be blown. Send abundant durood upon me on Fridays because they are presented to me on that day. ” The Sahabah  radiallahu anhum asked: “O Rasulullah! How will they be presented to you when even your bones will not be present after your death?” Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) replied: “Allah Ta’ala has made the earth haraam upon the prophets forever . ” (Abu Daud)

Book of Deeds (Nasai and Tibrani) – Imam Mustaghfiri (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (ﷺ) said : “Whoever recites 100 times Durood on me daily, 100 of his needs will be fullfilled – 30 worldly needs and 70 pertaining to the Akhirah.”

Tabrani narrates that Rasulullah (ﷺ) said : “My Shafaa’ah ( intercession ) will be for him who recites daily ten times Durood on me during the morning and ten times during the evening.”

Umar Farooq (R.A.) said: “Duas remain suspended between the heaven and the earth. It does not proceed upward as long as Durood on Nabi has not been recited”


The importance of Durood/Salawaat ﷺ

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Anyone of you attending the Friday (prayers) should take a bath.” (Bukhari)

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever recites Ha-Meem (Surah) al-Dukaan on the night before Friday will be forgiven.” 

It was narrated from Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever recites Ha-Meem (Surah) al-Dukhan on the night before Friday or on Friday, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”  al-Tabarani in al-Mu‘jam al-Kabeer (8/264).

 It was narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2889) The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “He who leaves the Friday prayer (continuously) for three Friday on account of slackness, Allah will print a stamp on his heart.” (Abu Dawud).

It was narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayrah that they heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say on the minbar: “Let people stop neglecting Jumu’ah, or Allah will place a seal on their hearts, then they will be among those who are neglectful.” Narrated by Muslim, 865.

“Whoever would like to meet Allah tomorrow as a Muslim, let him regularly attend these five (daily) prayers whenever the call for them is given (that in the mosques), for Allah prescribed for His Prophet the ways of guidance, and they (the prayers) are part of those ways of guidance. I do not think that there is anyone among you who does not have a place where he prays in his house. But if you were to pray in your houses and forsake the Masjids, you would be forsaking the Sunnah of your Prophet (ﷺ), and if you were to forsake the Sunnah of your Prophet you would go astray. There is no Muslim slave who performs Wudu and does it well, then walks to the prayer, but Allah will record one Hasanah (good deed) for each step he takes, or raise’ him one level by it or erase one sin from him. I remember how we used to take short steps, and I remember (a time) when no one stayed behind from the prayer except a hypocrite whose hypocrisy was well known. And I have seen a man coming Supported by two others until he would be made to stand in the row.” (al Nisai)

On this day there is a time when a person’s Lord will answer his du’aa’ – by Allah’s leave. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah mentioned Friday and said: “On this day there is a time when no Muslim stands and prays, asking Allah for something, but Allah will grant him it” – and he gestured with his hands to indicate how short that time is.  Bukhari, 893; Muslim, 852

“Whoever recites Surah kahf on Friday, a Noor will shine for him until the following Friday.” (Nasai, Bayhaqi, Hakim)
This means that Allah will place special light in his/her heart which will guide them towards good throughout the whole week.

Al-Mannaawi RH said: “It is recommended to read it during the day or night of Jumu’ah, as al-Shaafa’i (may Allaah have mercy on him) stated.” (Fayd al-Qadeer, 6/198)

“Whoever recites the opening ten verses of Surah kahf will be protected from the fitnah of Dajjal” (Muslim)

Another Hadith says: “If Dajjal appears before you, recite the last ten verses of Surah kahf, because they will protect you from his fitnah”.

If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.(Saheeh Muslim)

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Whoever recites three Ayat from the beginning of Al-Kahf he is protected from the turmoil of the Dajjal.” (Tirmidhi).

“If anyone memorizes ten verses from the beginning of Surat al-Kahf, he will be protected from the trial of Dajjal (Antichrist).” Abu Dawud RH said: In this way Hashim al-dastawa’I RH transmitted it from Qatadah RH, but he said: “If anyone memorizes the closing verses of surat al-Kahf.” Shu’bah RH narrated from Qatadah RH the words “from the end of al-Kahf. (Abu Dawud)

Acts to be done:
1: To have Ghusl (Sunnah bath).
2: To use miswaak.
3: To wear clean clothes (preferably white ).
4: To apply Ittar.
5: To proceed early to the masjid.

The earlier a person goes, the more reward he will receive. Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “On the day of jumu’ah, the angels stand at the entrance of that musjid in which jumu’ah salaat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the musjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this . The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah, the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah. Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

6: To walk to the masjid.
7: To sit near the Imam.
8: Not to walk over the shoulder of people to get to the front.
9: not to indulge in vanities during khutbah.
10: To listen to the khutbah attentively.
11: To recite Durood Shareef abundantly.
12: To recite Surah kahf.
13: To perform Salatul Tasbeeh.
14: To make excessive du’as especially between Asr And Maghrib.

Rasulullah (ﷺ) said: “Friday is the “mother” of all days and the most virtuous in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. In the sight of Allah Ta’ala, it has more greatness than Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. ” (Ibn Majah)

Rasulullah (ﷺ) said: “The Muslim who passes away on the night or during the day of Friday, Allah Ta’ala saves him from the punishment of the grave .” (Tirmidhi)

Ismail Ibn Nazir Satia (One in dire need of Allah’s Forgiveness, Mercy and Pleasure).

1 Jamadul Akhar 1437


حضرت شیخ مولانا سليم الله خان زید مجدہ

Rashida Leicester 20170831_231707.jpgحضرت شیخ مولانا سليم الله خان زید مجدہ کي آج بروز جمعرات کے سبق میں طلبائے کرام کو اھم
(یہ کتاب جو آپکی ختم ہورہی ہے آپ سے صرف ایک بات کہنی ہےاور وہ بات یہ ہے کہ تعلیم کے اس زمانے کے اختتام کے بعد  آپ پر بڑی ذمہ داری عائد ہوجاتی ہے اور اس ذمہ داری کایہ تقاضہ ہوتا ہے.اس ذمہ داری کی وجہ سے آپ پر یہ لازم اور ضروری ہوتا ہے کہ آپ صراط مستقیم پر چلیں.اور صراط مستقیم پر چلنے کے لئے اپنی تمام کوشش اپنی تمام مساعی اسکے لئے استعمال کریں.
اور صراط مستقیم کے لئے سوائے اسکے کوئی راستہ نھیں سوائے اسکے کوئی طریقہ نھیں ہے.کہ حضرات علمائے دیوبند جنکی نسبت پر ہم فخر کیا کرتے ہیں جنکے ساتھ تعلق پر ہمیں خوشی محسوس ہوتی ہے.انھی کے مشرب کو انھی کے مسلک کو انھی کے طریقے کو ہم نھایت مضبوطی کے ساتھ پکڑتے ہیں.
آپکے سامنے بھت چیزیں آئینگی نئی نئی چیزیں آئینگی.
آپکومتاثر کرنے والے لوگ بھت ملینگے لیکن وہ سب دھوکہ ہوگا وہ سب فراڈ ہوگا.آپ ناتجربہ کار ہیں.کوئی تجربہ آپکے پاس موجود نھیں ہے.آپ نے مدارس میں رہ کر تحصیل علم میں اپنا وقت صرف کیا ہے لیکن تجربہ کرنے کے لئے آپ کو موقع نھیں ملا.
اب آگے آپ نکلینگے میدان میں اترینگے جیسا کہ ہم نے عرض کیا کہ بھت بھت چیزیں آپکے سامنے آئینگی بھت نمونے آپ کے سامنے آئینگے بھت چیزیں آپ کو اپنی طرف کھینچینگی اور کئی لوگ آپ کا شکار کرنے کی کوشش کرینگے.یہ ھوگا یہ ھوگا اس سے مفر نھیں ہے.اگر آپ چاھتے ہیں کہ آپ اللہ اور رسول کی مرضی حاصل کریں اگر آپ چاہتے ہیں کہ صراط مستقیم پر آپ چلیں تو میں نے عرض کیا کہ اسکا ایک ہی طریقہ ہے صرف ایک.اور وہ کیا ہے.وہ یہ ہے کہ حضرات علمائے دیوبند جنکو ہم مولانا رشید احمد گنگوھی،مولانا قاسم نانوتوی،مولانا اشرف علی تھانوی،حضرت اقدس مولانا حسین احمد مدنی،مولانا شیخ الحدیث محمد زکریا کاندھلوی یہ نام میں نے آپ کے سامنے لئے ہیں.
ان کے طرز کے علاوہ اگر کوئی آپ کو کسی اور راستے کی طرف راہنمائی کرتا ہے وہ آپ کو ناکام بنانے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں.
آج بھت فتنے ہم پر مسلط ہیں.تجدد کا فتنہ ہے.کئی لوگ آپکو ملینگے دیوبند کی طرف نسبت کرینگے لیکن دیوبند کے مسلک کی جڑیں کاٹنے میں ہمہ وقت مستعد ہونگے.اور تم نھیں پہچانوگے آپ فرق نھیں کرسکیں گے.
اس لئے میں کہتا ہوں کہ سب کو چھوڑو لات مارو فقط جن بزرگوں کا میں نے نام لیا ہے انکے طریقہ پر آپ چلو تو آپ کامیاب ہیں ورنہ آپ نے ب تک جتنا وقت گزارا ہے سب برباد کردیا)

یہ آڈیو کلپ سے سن کر تحریر کیا گیا ہے.

Current Affairs articles

6 Words You Should Know Before Talking About Islam

02/02/2016 11:39 am ET | Updated Feb 02, 2016


A lot of the suspicion surrounding Islam comes from a lack of knowledge or understanding of a religion that is still foreign to many people, despite its 1.6 billion followers. Often this lack of knowledge results in the public cooptation of important aspects of the faith.

Words like jihad and shariah have become synonymous with things like terrorism, violence and radicalism, resulting in Muslims being unable to freely use or express these important tenets of their faith.

To help clarify some common misconceptions about one of the world’s largest religions, here is a page from my Muslim dictionary.

: peace that comes from submission

Islam derives from the Arabic root consonants s-l-m, which means submission.Islam is also derived from the root word salaam, meaning peace. Islam is thus the submission of oneself to God through which the highest form of peace is attained. Assalaamu alaykum, a common Muslim greeting, is translated from Arabic to be “Peace be upon you.”

: one who has submitted

The word Muslim in Arabic is also derived from the same root consonants as Islam, s-l-m. A Muslim is one who has submitted or surrendered; in this religious context, a Muslim is one who has voluntarily submitted to God’s will or God’s decree to achieve peace.

: The God

The word Allah can be broken down into two parts. The al is a prefix definite article that translates to the. The second part luh simply translates to God. Therefore, Allah refers to The God. This is an important clarification to make because Allah is not a God Muslims believe in that is inherently antithetical to other groups’ beliefs; rather, Allah just refers to The God. From an Islamic viewpoint, this is the same God that the other Abrahamic faiths believe in. For example, Christian Arabs would also refer to God as Allah.

: a spiritual self struggle

Jihad is derived from the Arabic root word juhud, which means effort. Jihad is thus generally the process of exerting effort and can be applied to nonreligious actions. In the religious context, however, jihad does not mean waging a holy war or engaging in violence. Rather, the greatest form of jihad is an individual’s struggle with the self — the heart, the soul. A Muslim exerts effort in daily life activities — such as pursuing an education or a career — to do and achieve good for the personal process of self-improvement so as to achieve internal peace and closeness with Allah.

: legal reasoning; law

Shariah derives from the root shara’a and refers to a pathway or a path that leads to water. Shariah refers to the pathway upon which the believers should tread so as to reach this source of water i.e. the righteous way of life. The shariah is derived from Quranic revelation, the Prophet Muhammad’s sunnah (Peace be upon him) or his traditions and sayings, and other sources of law and legal reasoning.


: a school

The word madrasah derives from the root consonants d-r-s, meaning to learn or to study. Derived from this root, madrasah literally translates into a place where one goes to learn or study. A madrasah, though it can be, is not necessarily exclusively for religious studies; for example, a high school Muslim American student in the United States would refer to her public high school as a madrasah.

The implications of this false use of rhetoric is neither trivial nor inconsequential; rather, it has serious implications for the millions of Muslim Americans living in the United States. This false rhetoric — used by everyone from the 2016 presidential frontrunners to our next door neighbors — contributes to the increasingly unwelcoming and hostile environment and promotes dangerous Islamophobic sentiment.

The use of jihadists to refer to terrorists and Islamism to terrorism is detrimental to American Muslims’ ability to freely and confidently practice and express faith. Reversing the seemingly continuous stream of hatred directed towards Muslims requires fostering a deeper understanding of Islam among Americans, and so I offer to you a page from my Muslim dictionary.


30 Rabiul Akhar 1437


When you thought I wasn’t looking.

babyA message every adult should read because children watch you and do as you do, not as you say.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make my favourite cake for me, and I learned that little things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I heard you say a prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always talk to, and I learned to trust in Him.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn’t feel good, and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt, and it’s all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I learned most of life’s lessons that I needed to know: to be a good and productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I looked at you and wanted to say,’ Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn’t looking.

By Anon.



ring~ Nikah ~

When a man and a woman get married, both their Iman also get completed.

So may your bond be strong as husband and wife,

And may Allah ta’ala grant you a happy, blissful and beautiful life.

May Allah ta’ala fill your marriage with honesty and care,

And make sure you treat each other fair.

May your hearts be filled with everlasting love,

But make sure you always remember and obey the One above,

May you become a piece of each other’s heart,

So that you miss each other when you’re apart.

May you become a means of each others happiness,

And also help each other through sorrow and sadness.

May Allah ta’ala grant you blessings in this Nikah,

As He did to the marriages of the Holy Prophet to

Sayyidah Khadijah RA and Sayyidah A’ishah RA

May Allah ta’ala bless you with righteous and pious children,

Who’ll become a means for you all to get united in heaven.

But if in your marriage you face test after test,

Observe patience and show gratitude and you will become the best.

If either of you makes a mistake please learn to forgive and forget,

Because this is the teaching that the Holy Prophet has set.

If ever you have any arguments please remember it’s from Shaytan,

Who will always try to destroy one’s marriage and Imaan.

Always try to fulfil each other’s right,

And then In Sha Allah the future for you will be bright.

Finally, may Allah ta’ala grant you in this life tranquillity,

Happiness and abundant Barakah,

Subsequently in the life after

Grant you both the highest level in Jannah. Ameen.

Source: Al-Mumin Magazine

29th JamadulThani 1436