بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Jinn, in general, are a creation of Allah (ﷻ), and their origin is mentioned in several verses of the Quran.
Allah (ﷻ) says:
❝And the Jinn he created from a smokeless flame of fire.❞
[Ar-Rahman: 15]
❝And the Jinn We created before from scorching fire.❞
[Al-Hijr: 27]
❝A Jinn Aashiq❞ is a Jinn that is settled in the body and exploits the victim in a lewd and offensive manner.
This is a form of oppression which should be eliminated by using methods of Ruqyah prescribed in the Islamic Shari’ah.
Jinn Aashiq cases are usually complex and tangled.
However, even though this subject isn’t something new, many people have a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions in regards to it.
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (ﺭﺣﻤﻪﺍﻟﻠﻪ) said;
❝The possession of man by Jinn can be out of sexual desire, evil notions or love just as can happen with humans. This is fahsha (immoral) and forbidden conduct, that is if the two agreed on the act. However, if the Jinn is acting on this out of his own will, it is oppression.❞
The one who’s committing this act must be informed of their actions and they will be judged according to Allah and His Messenger’s laws which were sent for man and jinn.
Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah RH said taking pleasure of something or someone is to get what they want from the person as they wish or desire.
This falls under all types of pleasure.
But no oppression will go unpunished either in this world or the next as Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:
❝And mention (O Muhammad), the Day when He will gather them and say, ❝O company of Jinn! You have (misled) many of mankind.❞
And their allies among mankind will say, ❝Our Lord! Some of us made use of others, and we have (now) reached our term which You appointed for us.❞
He will say; ❝The Fire is your residence wherein you will abide eternally, except for what Allah wills. Indeed, Your Lord is Wise and Knowing.❞
There are many different types of JINN AASHIQ in terms of character, look, strength etc.
There are some who possess a person and feel the emotions as us humans feel towards someone such as love, care and the need to protect towards the victim they possess.
Some, on the other hand, show a more sinister type of emotions such as possessiveness, and ❝enjoy❞ the body as though they own it by causing pain and many complex physical and psychological problems.
Either way, Jinn Aashiq can cause the victim immense difficulties and complications in their lives, relationships, and their physical and mental well-being.
People could be afflicted with these types of Jinns for various reasons.