
Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Allah have mercy upon him)

Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Allah have mercy upon him)

Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb RH was born in Richmond, Natal. He completed his Qurān Memorization (Hifdh) by the renowned Hafiz Abdur Rahman Mia Saheb Rahimahullah at Waterval Islamic Institute (Miā’s Farm) South Africa. Thereafter, he pursued his ῾Ālim Course in Jamia Islamia, Dhabel for 7 years and passed with distinction every year. Mufti Ebrahim Desai completed his Mufti Course (Iftā) at Jamia Islāmia, Dhabel, India under Hazrat Mufti Ahmad Khanpuri Saheb of Dabhel for 2 years. After he completed his  Iftaa in Dabhel, he went to  Deoband to spend time with his Shaykh, the Grand Mufti of India and famous reformer and saint of the time, Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Rahmatullah Alayh for Islaah and increase in spirituality. Mufti Saheb is the Khalifah of Mufti Mahmood Saheb Gangohi Rahimahullah.In 2011, Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb moved to Durban permanently and laid the foundation for Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah, Sherwood, Durban. He is currently the Ameer of the Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah where students enrol to study the Iftaa course. The Darul Iftaa caters for many facilities under the supervision of Mufti Sahib. Ulama who study under him to become Muftis, qualify from local Darul Ulooms, UK, US, Canada, and many parts of Africa. Many of Mufti Sahebs students have established Darul Iftaas in many parts of the world and have their own fatwa websites that are affiliated to Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah. Further information can be accessed at 

Current Executive member of KZN Jamiatul Ulama (The Council Of Muslim Theologians)
Current Head of the Fatwa Department of KZN Jamiatul Ulama (The Council Of Muslim Theologians) for 25 years. Mufti Saheb was appointed at that position by Moulana Yunus Patel Rahimahullah and Moulana Abdul Haq Omarjee Rahimahullah.
Current Head of the Judicial Committee of KZN Jamiatul Ulama (The Council Of Muslim Theologians).
Mufti Saheb was a senior lecturer of Hadith at Madrasah In’aamiyyah, Camperdown for 10 years.
Mufti Saheb taught Fiqh, Principles of Fiqh, Tafsīr, Hadīth at Madrasah Ta῾leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa for 10 years.
Senior Teacher at Madrasah Nu῾māniyyah, (Chatsworth, Durban) as well as Madrassah Hamidiyyah. Mufti Saheb has been teaching Bukhari Shareef for over 20 years.
Mufti Saheb is the guest of the world-renowned website which serves over 123 countries in the world. The site hosts approximately over 40,000 rulings with approximately 80,000 hits daily.
A Sharī῾ah Compliant Business Campaign, which was also initiated by Mufti Saheb in 2002 provides a conference to tackle contemporary business matters in Islamic Commerce and Finance.
Official Arbitrator of commercial and marital mediations/arbitrations.
Mufti Saheb has extensively travelled viz. United States, Canada, UK, China, Zambia, Malawi, and other countries for almost 15 Years and delivered talks and lectures on various topics in Masājids, Universities, and various institutes and has been included in 500 Most Influential Muslims in the world for many years.
Mufti Saheb also holds Majaalis on Islaah and Tasawwuf every Thursday night after Esha Salaah at Masjid-e-Saaliheen, Sherwood.
 PUBLICATIONS: Mufti Saheb has published numerous articles and kitaabs. He recently compiled Contemporary Fatawa comprising of three volumes and also published a detailed commentary on the Qaseedah Burdah which is available at the Darul Iftaa. Mufti Saheb has also authored two books, “Introduction to Hadīth: A general introduction to Hadīth and its sciences” and Madkhal al-Buyoo’ (Introductions to Islamic Commerce). His fatawa have been compiled in a 2-volume book titled “Al-Mahmood”. Another compilation of his talks at the Shariah Compliant Business Campaign is also available titled “Shariah Compliant Business Campaign”. The latest compilation of contemporary verdicts is also available in 3 volumes titled “Contemporary Fatawa”. Mufti Saheb has been issuing Fatwās in various fields for more than 25 years.

Glad Tidings in a Dream about Shaikh ul Hadeeth Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Rahimahullah.
(Aapa Umme Yusuf) The Ahliyah of Moulana Muhammad Ashraf Hansrot Hafizahullah saw Hadhrat Mufti Saheb in a dream Last Night.
They were a very lengthy discussion. Mufti Saheb had a lot of Noor on him. There were a lot of Questions and Answers as was the norm with Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullahs Majalis.
The questioner then asked Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah who is your “Parosi” neighbour in Jannah. Mufti Rahimahullah says that “Woh to Ho Gayaa, Koi Khaas Hai” meaning “That’s done already, It is Someone Very Special” 
(This was a very unique way of talking where Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah would now and then add Urdu words into his conversation)
Then Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah mentions that my neighbour in Jannah is Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
May Allah Ta’ala make this dream a reality and grant this lofty position to our Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Rahimahullah. Ameen
Moulana Muhammad Ashraf Saheb and his family had a very long-established Ta’alluq with Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah as Hadhrat Mufti Saheb Rahimahullah would spend the blessed month of Ramadhan in London with them for years and they were all very sad upon the demise and passing away of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb Rahimahullah.
This is Allah Ta’alas way of consoling them upon this great loss.

Mawlana Imraan Desai on His Beloved Father Mufti Ibrahim Desai Rahimahullah

My fathers 3 outstanding qualities:

1) Husne Dhann – He used to make excuses for people who had done the worst of things to him & to us children. ‘Maybe this is what happened..’  & make excuses for them. He disliked ugliness between himself & anyone & disliked it for others too.
2) Love for Hadith, Fatawa & anyone in all the different services of Deen. He taught Bukhari Shareef for 30 years & his love for Bukhari Shareef cant be explained in words. Only if you sat in his class, you would know. I was lucky enough to be his student also.
3) Generosity – Many people think of generosity as giving wealth, whilst he felt pity for every single beggar who asked of him, he was generous with his time to the public & his love for his students. Those who know him will recognise & realise this deep, inner generosity he had. 
Once, he wanted to give to a beggar & he gave a long, sad story. He listened & didn’t interrupt him. I said, he is conning you (referring to the beggar) & he told me that Allah is so merciful & loving, Allah sent the beggar to HIM, so he could deposit some Sadaqah into his Aakhirah.
‘Dont look at WHO you are giving, look at where it is going’ (Your Akhirah)
If kindness, love & generosity were to be personified, it would be my father’s smiling face.


40 years… رحمهم الله

25th November 1980, five Ulama became Shaheed in a fatal car accident:

Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb RH

Mawlana Yakoob Desai Saheb RH

Mawlana Ali Hassan Saheb RH

Mawlana Umarjee Saheb RH

Abdul Rashid Bhai (Driver) RH

Bayaan (Urdu) in Darul Uloom Chatam, Ontario, Canada.

Wednesday 25th July 2018, by Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb (RH)

Yaqoob Desai, who is a Mishkat student at this Darul Uloom [Chatam, Ontario Canada], and his paternal grandfather and other teachers used to travel from Preston to Darul-Uloom [Bury] daily in a car […] their arrival time used to be 9am, and at times they would either arrive five minutes early or five minutes late.

[One day] they didn’t arrive on time and we [Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Yusuf Motala Saheb (db)] grew worried as to ‘what has happened?’ We rang their home but they didn’t have any clear explanation. However; after one and a half hours we were made aware of the tragic news that the car had been involved in an accident – all the passengers in the car, including the Ulama, the teachers and also the driver, had ALL been martyred!

His [Yaqoob Desai’s] paternal grandfather Mawlana Mohammed Yaqoob Saheb (ra), who was my true friend, also achieved martyrdom. […] 
After the accident and when the Janazah of his paternal grandfather was lifted and taken to the graveyard, firstly, the Janazah of Hadhrat Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb was placed and behind it Moulana Yaqoob Saheb’s Janazah was placed (Janazah Salah led by Hadhrat Mawlana Qari Tayyab Saheb RH).

After the burial, a young man who was from the Kazi Family approached me and spoke, “When the two Janazah was placed on the ground I see [a spiritual vision] that Hadhrat Mawlana Ibrahim Desai Saheb moved the lid of his coffin, opened the lid and placed the lid back on the coffin and he then sat down on top of it.” 

He [young man] is seeing all this whilst awake, and all around there are thousands of Muslim people, who participated in the burial, yet none of these people see anything – he; however, is witnessing this!
[He young man continued] “I then see Mawlana Yaqoob Saheb, and he also opens the lid and places the lid back on, he then sits on top of it – both [deceased] have a pamphlet in their hands …!”

Virtues of Martyrs, by Hadhrat Mawlana Hashim Saheb (Allah preserve him)

We had a pamphlet titled ‘Martyrs of Darul-Uloom,’ consisting of 6 or 7 pages, printed on behalf of the Darul-Uloom which highlighted who these [scholars] people were, where they were from, what responsibilities they had, what knowledge they possessed and their characteristics were all mentioned.

[He young man continued] “Both [deceased] are passing it [pamphlet] to one another whilst smiling and saying, ‘Look, what they’ve written about us?”     

Current Affairs articles


Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmāni Sahib حفظه الله has shared the advice of his illustrious father Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee Sahib رحمه الله who used to say; “It is wrong to say (as people often exclaim) that it was a ‘coincidence’ because nothing in this world was a coincidence.” Everything happens as Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله desires it to happen. It is our habit to describe anything we do not expect as a coincidence. The fact is that Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله is the Master and Creator of this universe; He جل جلاله maintains and sustains it and everything happens as He جل جلاله wishes. Nothing can happen against His جل جلاله desire.
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmāni Sahib حفظه الله states that we must not rely on our plans and strategies but the underlying factor is that we must have faith in مسبب الاسباب – Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله is the Preparer of means or causes.
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmāni Sahib حفظه الله has stressed that we turn to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله in our duaas. Even if we have the means and power, we are compelled to turn to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله. We are forgetting to turn to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله.
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmāni Sahib حفظه الله has said that when Pakistan was created, there was great turmoil. At that time, the houses of the Muslims reverberated with the Āyate Kareemah:
لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
There was no appeal for anyone to recite this duaa but rather it was a spontaneous response from the Muslims. Even the women made duaa excessively for the welfare of the Muslims. The result was that Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله saved the Muslims.
But let us examine the turmoil today. We witness murders before our eyes but we are unmoved and we do not turn to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله. There is no concern for duaa and we do not hear of any household that is making a practice of duaa daily. On the contrary, Muslims stay in their homes in negligence tied down to their televisions (in the current scenario, being absorbed by social media). In the prevailing circumstances, are we not inviting the punishment from Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله? We are not willing to desist from transgression.
For the sake of Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله, let us have mercy on ourselves. Turn to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله; every Muslim can do it. Let us each offer two rakaats Salatul Hajah (for the fulfillment of our needs). This will take two to three minutes. Thereafter, make duaa for three minutes. Please! Let us give the suffering Ummah five minutes of our time daily. Can we not stand before Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله and implore Him جل جلاله for mercy and favourable conditions? If we cannot sacrifice a few minutes, then what right do we have to say that we are saddened by the pitiful plight of the Ummah?
It is essential that we make a daily practice of Salatul Hajah. Furthermore, let us be a source of mercy to ourselves and the Ummah by removing the objects of disobedience in our homes. For the sake of Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله, let us give up sins! Make it a habit to weep before مسبب الاسباب and recite the Āyate Kareemah:
لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
Also let us repeat يا سلام repeatedly imploring Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله for peace and security.
Instead of wasting our time on futile discussions, the need of the hour is to turn to Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله. May Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله grant each one of us the ability to fortify our ta’alluq with Him جل جلاله and invite peaceful circumstances through acts of obedience.
آمين يارب العالمين