
Centre of the World; Centre of Islam

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

kabah 1
Behold its grandeur and dazzling beauty,
Behold its magnificence and majestic aura,
Enlightened with mercy in its perfect form.
In the land of the Prophets AS, the land of Wahy,
The tall, towering Kabah, welcomes all of humanity.
It was in this mountainous city, it was amongst a tribal nation, a light was born,
The noor from Allah and finally the curtains were drawn.
The city is blessed; from an army of elephants ? it was protected,
Darkness turned to light when Muhammed SAW was selected.
Oh Muhammad (SAW), the pain you endured. Oh the most perfect creation.
Your elegance, your sanctity, your endless magnanimity.
O Kabah! O house of Allah! O beautiful Haram!
Your elegance, your sanctity, your endless magnanimity.
May my mother and father be sacrificed for you both.
So solemnly you stand, so peaceful in tranquility,
May your greatness extend till forever and ever, till eternity.
Not a bird can fly over you nor any planes,
Your serenity and dignity is not defeated by these looming cranes.
Every night and every day,
120 levels of mercy descend your way.
60 upon those doing tawaf,
40 upon those in Salah,
20 upon those gazing at you lovingly.
Not a single soul here is deprived.
 Echoes of Talbiyah can be heard, let this Sunnah be revived.
I gaze above, my head I raise, thousands upon thousands crowded, multicoloured, multicultural flowing in multitudes circumambulating this holy place.
All walking, praying, chanting in different languages at a different pace.
Some with speed, to increase their deeds,
Whilst others steady on, looking out for each and every one.
Muslim unity can be seen all around,
Different languages, dialects, colours and castes, all under one awe-inspiring mast.
Lebanon ??Turkey ?? India ?? Pakistan ?? Nigeria ??…
Indonesia ?? Malaysia ?? Australia ?? and Algeria ??
kabah 3.jpg
Towards my right clinging on to the Multazam,
Begging Allah, waiting for the mercy to come.
As I look behind me,
I see the well of Zamzam which will flow till eternity.
Some sipping their cups and some filling their jugs,
Completing Tawaf and ending Umrah with smiles and hugs ?
Mubarak ho! Hayyakymullah! TaqaballAllah can be heard!
Allah accept every step and every word.
This poem was written to inspire and increase our love for the Haramayn Shareefayn, to instil its beauty and dignity in our hearts. Allah accept my efforts and reignite our love for the holy lands.
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia, Makkatul Mukarramah. 
5 Ramadhan 1439

Recipe for a Successful Marriage

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Screenshot_2017-11-19-14-54-28.pngANY DUA TO AVOID DISPUTES WITH MY HUSBAND?



Is there good easy Duaa/wazeefa to prevent fights? And ease of mind of my husband as well as to move forward from repeated thoughts?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.


You have referred to three issues,

a.   Dua to prevent fights

b.   Ease of mind

c.   Move forward from repeated thoughts

Fights are the consequence of one not expressing restraint and controlling one’s anger. In order, to prevent fights one should learn how to exercise restraint and control one’s anger. Dua alone is not sufficient to control one’s anger. If there is a raging fire, one needs to put off the fire. One cannot sit back and simply make dua without the aid of water or fire extinguisher. In fact, when there is fear of fire, arrangement is made for a water hose or fire extinguisher within one’s reach. Likewise, one needs to equip oneself with the necessary skills to overcome and combat anger. This requires spiritual and internal training by oneself or through a spiritual guide.

A Sahabi requested Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam for advice. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, لَا تَغْضَبْ . He repeated this advice three times. If one does not exercise restraint and control ones anger, he will be forced to tolerate more than the discomfort of anger later. We advise you to inculcate skills of containing your anger. This would be achieved by a spiritual guide.


Also make dua to Allah for tolerance.

رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْنَا صَبْرًا وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ

Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” [2:250] screenshot_2017-11-19-14-54-201.png

The following marriage recipe of 10 points will be useful.

1.   Fear Allah:

It was the noble practice of Nabi (SAW) to conscientise the spouses about the fear for Allah before performing a Nikah by reciting the verses (Nisa v14, Ahzab v69, Aali-Imraan v101) from the Qur’an. All the verses are common in the message of Taqwa (fear of Allah). The spouses will be first committed to Allah before being committed to their partner. There can be no doubt in the success of a marriage governed by the fear of Allah.

2.   Never be angry at the same time:

Anger is the root cause for all marital disputes. One Sahabi came to Rasulullah (SAW) and sought some advice.

Rasulullah (SAW) replied, control your anger. The same advice was rendered three times. (Mishkat pg.433; HM Saeed)

3.   If one has to win an argument, let it be the other:

Nabi (SAW) said: “Whoever discards an argument despite being correct shall earn a palace in the centre of Jannah. (Ibid pg.412)

4.   Never shout at each other unless the house is on fire:

 Luqman (AS) while offering advice to his son said:” and lower your voice for verily the most disliked voice is that of a donkey”. (Surah Luqman v19)

5.   If you have to criticize, do it lovingly:

Rasulullah (SAW) said, ‘A Mu’ min is a mirror for a Mu’min.’ (Abu Dawood vol.2 pg.325; Imdadiyah) Advise with dignity and silently.

6.   Never bring up mistakes of the past:

Nabi (SAW) said: “Whoever conceals the faults of others, Allah shall conceal his faults on the day of Qiyamah.” (Mishkaat pg.429; HM Saeed)

7.   Neglect the whole world rather than your marriage partner:

Nabi (SAW) confirmed the advice of Salman to Abu-Darda [RA] for neglecting his wife. “Verily there is a right of your wife over you.” (Nasai Hadith2391)

8.   Never sleep with an argument unsettled:

Abu Bakr [RA] resolved his dispute with his wife over-feeding the guests before going to bed. (Bukhari Hadith 602)

9.   At least, once everyday, express your gratitude to your partner:

Nabi [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘Whoever does not show gratitude to the people has not shown gratitude to Allah.’ (Abu Dawud pg.662; Karachi)

10.   When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness:

 Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘All the sons of Aadam commit error, and the best of those who err are those who seek forgiveness.’ (Tirmidhi Hadith 2499)

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Huzaifah Deedat

Student Darul Iftaa
Lusaka, Zambia

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

Finding Peace and Contentment

By Hadrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

Besides the remembrance of Allāh ta‘ālā there is no other way for the heart to find peace, contentment or tranquillity. The patient suffering from eczema may attain a transient pleasure by scratching, but when he stops scratching, the discomfort returns and the future bodes nothing but difficulty. Likewise, temporary pleasure may be attained by one who disobeys Allāh ta‘ālā, but as soon as he concludes the impermissible activity he is involved in, his heart once again becomes discontent and restless.

No one in the world has a cure for restlessness of the heart. Allāh ta‘ālā has complete control over this condition and has kept its cure solely with Himself. If contentment of heart is lost, the combined efforts of all the world’s doctors, mashā’ikh and resources will be of no avail. Peace and contentment come from one place and one place only – they descend upon the hearts of man directly from the Court of Allāh ta‘ālā; no one else has been allowed power over them.

It is He who sent down peace upon the hearts of the believers… (48:4)

Allāh ta‘ālā is the one who causes peace, tranquillity and happiness to descend, and furthermore, they only descend upon hearts that are capable of accommodating them.

The Airport of the Heart

This concept can be understood by the following analogy. Aeroplanes of different designs do not indiscriminately land at any available airport. Airports are assessed to see what types of aircraft they are suitable for. If the airport is large, of sophisticated design and having a large runway of the best quality then the largest and most advanced aeroplanes will be able to land there. If the airport is not so well equipped then lighter aircraft will use it. If the airport is decrepit, with a runway full of potholes, then even the lightest aircraft will not be able to make use of it.

Our hearts are also airports, with a runway upon which the aeroplane of sakīnah (tranquillity) from Allāh ta‘ālā is designed to touch down. If the airport of our heart is small or if its runway is full of holes and cracks, then the aeroplane of sakīnah from Allāh ta‘ālā will not land. We will need to exert every effort to remove the cracks on the tarmac that have appeared due to our sins. We will need to refrain from sins to stop more cracks appearing. We will need to repent and submit to the commands of Allāh ta‘ālā, for it is with the tarmac of repentance and submission that the cracks of the runway are sealed.

Only after this effort will the aeroplane of tranquillity descend upon the heart. Then, for as long as an individual continues to maintain and rectify the airport of the heart, the aeroplane of sakīnah will continue to land. Its schedule will become fixed and its landings will be continuous.

Those who say: ‘Allāh is our Lord,’ and then remain steadfast, angels will descend upon them and say: ‘Do not fear nor grieve, and be happy with the good news of Jannah that you have been promised.’ (41:30)

At the time of death, Allāh ta‘ālā will send angels with sakīnah to the believers and as a result, they will not fear or grieve. Some mufassirīn state that those believers who strive throughout their lives to keep their hearts pure and clean and shun sin and repent if they slip are visited by angels bringing peace every day. Mufti Shafī‘rahimahullāh has quoted Abū Hayyān rahimahullāh as saying that angels descend upon the believers every day, the effects of which are manifested in their good deeds. The only difference is that until the moment of death, a believer is unable to see or hear the angels as they descend.

This is an extract from the booklet ‘Real Pleasure’ published by
the Islāmic Da’wah Academy.

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Muslim men

The Call to Jannah

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Do you have a yearning to be close to Allah?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The servant is closest to Allah when he is in sujood (prostration). So increase your du’aa (prayer) whilst in that state.” (Muslim)

Would you like to gain reward equivalent to an accepted Hajj?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Performing Umrah in Ramadhan is equal to (the reward of) Hajj” (or according to some narrations) “…Hajj with me.” (Bukhari/Muslim)

Would you like a house in Paradise?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house similar (to that) in Jannah.” (Muslim)

Would you like to gain the pleasure of Allah SWT?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Allah is happy with a servant who when he eats, praises Allah and when he drinks, he praises Allah.” (Muslim)

Would you like your Du’aas to be accepted?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Du’aa (made) between Adhan and Iqamah will never be rejected.”

Would you like a reward equivalent to fasting for a whole year to be written for you?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Fasting three days every month equals to fasting for a lifetime.”

Would you like rewards that equal to a mountain?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever attends a Janazah (funeral) and prays Salah receives the reward of one ‘Qeeraat’ and whoever stays until the burial he will receives the reward of two ‘Qeeraats.’ It was asked. “And what are two Qeerats?” He (pbuh) said, “Equal to two great mountains!” (Bukhari/Muslim)

Would you like the company of the Prophet (pbuh) in Jannah?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Me and the guardian of the orphan will be in Jannah like this (at this point he [pbuh] joined his index and middle finger together) (Bukhari)

Would you like the reward of a soldier in the path of Allah or the reward of a fasting person or one who stands for night prayer?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The caretaker of the widows and the orphans is like a soldier in the path of Allah.” Or (according to some narrations), he (pbuh) said… “Is like someone who stands for night prayer and does not tire, and like a fasting person who does not do Iftar.” (Bukhari/Muslim)

Would you like the Prophet’s (pbuh) guarantee that you will enter paradise?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whosoever guarantees me (to safeguard) that which is between his jaws and (to safeguard) that which is between his thighs, I will guarantee him paradise. (Bukhari/Muslim)

Would you like your actions to continue after your death?

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “When a person dies, all of his actions cut off except three: Sadqah Jariyah (continuous charity), knowledge which benefited someone, or a pious child who prays for you.” (Muslim)

Would you like a treasure from the treasures of Jannah?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “La hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah is a treasure from the treasures of Jannah.” (Bukhari/Muslim)

Would you like the reward of standing the whole night in prayer?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever prayed Isha Salah with Jama’ah, it is as though he stood in prayer half the night, whoever prayed Fajr with Jama’ah, it is as though he has stood the whole night in prayer.” (Muslim)

Would you like to read a third of the Qur’an in one minute?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Surah Ikhlas is equal to a third of the Qur’an.” (Muslim)

Would you like to make the good deeds heavier in your scale?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Two words are beloved to Rahman, light on the tongue and heavy in the scale. (They are) Subhan’Allahi wa biHam’dihee Subhan’Allahil Adheem.” (Bukhari)

Would you like your sustenance to be abundant and your lifespan to be long?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “If you would like to have abundance in your sustenance and your lifespan to be increased, join ties (with your relatives).”

Would you like Allah to protect you?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever prays Fajr Salah he is in Allah’s protection.”

Would you like your sins to be forgiven even if they are many?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever says Subhaan’Allahi wa biham’dihee 100 times in a day his sins will be forgiven, even if they are equal to the foams of the ocean.” (Bukhari/Muslim)

Would you like there to be a distance of seventy years between you and hellfire?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever keeps a fast in the path of Allah, Allah will remove him from the fire a distance of seventy years.” (Bukhari)

Would you like Allah to send blessings upon you?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever sends salutations (durood) upon me, Allah sends tens blessings upon him in return.” (Muslim)

Would you like Allah to raise your status?

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever humbles himself before Allah, Allah ‘azza wa jalla’ will elevate his status.” (Muslim)

Translated by Mawlana Ismail Satia  (In dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure).

Ramadhan 1435