Muslim women

Family Planning

“He grants to whomsover he wishes a female and He grants to whomsoever he wishes a male.”(49:42)

Having children is a great blessing of Allah SWT and not having children is also a blessing of Allah SWT. This post is aimed at parents who have children and are able to have children, appreciate this blessing which many other couples are praying day and night for, crying out loud for and raising their hands in the middle of the night for…
If you are able to have children then have children in plentiful and don’t stop Allah’s taqdeer by following society and its norms… “hum dow awr hamare dow” isn’t an Islamic concept.

I’m not targeting parents who only have one child or two then are unable to conceive etc. I’m talking about this Western idea of family planning and pre-planning our lives like non-Muslims. I understand the fear of modern-day fitnahs and how bringing children into the world has a worry attached with it but Allah is bigger and our trust and hope should lie in Him. I’m sure the only son wants a brother and so does the only daughter. This makes a big difference, especially when the kids grow up.

Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure).

1 Shaban 1443

Ruqya Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

Cure From Black Magic, Jinn & Illness

By Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah

In recent times, people distressed with ailments – internal and external – have resorted to people who cure through ta’weez and, in some cases, through the agency of jinn (or mu’akkal as some call it). I do not intend to go into the depth of the evils that lie within this institution, but would sincerely request readers to take note of the following points with a fair mind and without being biased so that we may be saved from the deceit of Shaytan which is hidden in the form of pious saintly people who claim to have supernatural powers to cure illnesses and solve problems.

1. Illnesses, problems, calamities, and quarrels are natural for humans, and one should look for remedies and solutions through lawful means. One should not, without any endeavour, assume the problem or illness to be through black magic or an outside effect. Refer to the doctors and have it treated.

2. If one is suffering from anxiety and depression, and cannot find peace of mind, then he/she should check his/her life and see where the Commands of Allah and His Rasool sallallahu alayhi wasallam are being violated. Come nearer to Allah through His Remembrance, for that is where the contentment of heart and peace of mind lies. “In the Remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction” (Al Qur’an 13:28).

3. The knowledge of the unseen is an Attribute of Allah the Almighty Only. None in the heavens and on earth knows the unseen except Allah. Many of these “so-called” healers claim to know many things of the unseen and to believe such people could lead one to kufr. Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, “One who resorts to an arraf (fortune-teller) and asks him about anything, Salah will not be accepted from him for forty days.” (Muslim) Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has also said, “One who resorts to a kahin (soothsayer/claimant to the knowledge of the unseen) and believes him in what he says, has rejected that which has been sent down to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.”

4. Those who violate the law of Allah cannot be pious. A Walee (Friend) of Allah is one who abstains from disobedience to Allah. Those who touch women, who treat women without any veil or partition, who sit with women in solitude i.e. without a male mahram, how can they possibly be the Friends of Allah. Do not be deceived, friends.

5. In case of doubt, contact your local ulama or those who have been known to you for years for their taqwa, piety and reliability. In sha’ Allah, their guidance will save you from going into the wrong hands.


Allah ta’ala, through his Infinite Mercy, has taught His Servants such du’a and recitation which does not only cure, but saves them from the evil effects of black-magic, jinn, etc.:

1. After completing fardh Salah, recite the masnoon waza’if and thereafter ayatul kursi.

Note: Ayatul kursi is a verse from Surah Baqarah starting Allahu laa’ilaaha illaa huwal… (Al Qur’an 2:255)

2. Before going to Sleep, read Ayatul kursi. Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, “Whoever recites Ayatul kursi at night, a protector (angel) from Allah continually safeguards him and Shaytaan will not come near him until morning.”(Bukhari)

3. Read Surah lkhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas after every fardh Salaah. (Read them thrice after the Fajr and Maghrib Salah).

4. Before going to sleep, read the last two verses of Surah Baqarah. Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, “Whoever recites the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah at night, they will be sufficient for him. “ (They will save him from Shaytaan and other misfortunes). (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi, Aboo Dawood, Nasaee, Ibne Majah)

5. Read the following du’a in abundance:

A’oozu bikalimaatil’laahit taam’maati min shar’ri maa khalaq

Translation: I seek refuge in all the Perfect Words Of Allah from the mischief of His Creations. (Muslim, Tirmizi, Ibne Majah)

6. Read the following du’a at the beginning of the day and night:

Bismil’laahil lazi laa yadhur’ru ma’a ismihi shay’un fil ardhi walaa fis samaa’i wahuwas samee’ul ‘aleem

Translation: In the Name of Allah with Whose Name nothing can cause harm in the earth and the heaven. And He is All Hearing, All Knowing. (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibne Maiah, Hakim)

The above-mentioned prayers will, in Sha Allah, prevent the evil effects of black-magic and other outside effects. These are measures derived directly from the teaching of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and, if recited regularly, with sincerity, yaqeen and Trust in Allah, then one will never complain of evil-effects.


Regular recitation of the above-mentioned is also effective in removing evil effects. Along with these azkar, turn to Allah, repent sincerely and beseech Him. After all, it is He Only that brings cure to every illness and solution to every problem. The following du’a are also effective for cure:

Allaahumma rabban naas, azhibil ba’s, ishfi antas shaafi, laa shifaa’a illaa shifaa’uk, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru suqman

Translation: 0 Allah 0 the Lord Of the people! Remove the pain. Grant cure, You are the Curer. There is no cure except Your Cure. Grant such a cure that leaves no sickness. (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi, ibne Majah)

Bismillaahi arqeeka, min kulli shay’in yu’zeeka, wa min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasidin, allaahu yashfeeka, bismillaahi arqeeka.

Translation: In The Name of Allah I make damm (blow) upon you from everything which harms you and from the evil of every person or jealous eye. May Allah grant you cure. In The Name of Allah I make damm (blow) on you. (Muslim, Ibne Majah)

Once again, remember that those people who violate the laws of Allah, cannot be saintly persons. Seek guidance from ulama who are known to you. In sha’Allah, you will not go wrong. May Allah safeguard all Muslims from calamities; may He safeguard their Deen; may He give them the correct understanding of Deen; may He keep them away from every action which is contrary to the teachings of Islam and which brings the Displeasure of Allah.




10 Habits of Happy Couples


As Leo Tolstoy once said, “All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” We can smile at that quote or it can inspire us to ask ourselves some wise questions: What is it that happy families are doing? And, do my spouse and I fall into the category of happy couples?

If you want to have a superior relationship with your partner and be a good role model for your children, then enhance your verbal skills today by adopting the tips below. What I have found as a couples mediator is that the same verbal skills work to improve every relationship. These 10 quick and simple tips from my book Fight Less, Love More will keep the peace in the family and make your love connection stronger. Even if you’re using the tips and your husband or wife isn’t, their effect will still be astonishing.

Pick The Right Battles

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Before you get angry and reprimand your mate for making a mistake or doing something you told him or her not to do, stop and ask yourself this one wise question: “Does this affect me?” If it doesn’t, button your lips and avoid a fight. After all, your mate is the one who must deal with the consequence, not you.

Be A Detective

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When your mate’s mistake does affect you, what then? Rather than being hostile, find out what really happened. Ask neutral and respectful questions such as, “Can you tell me what happened?” or “I don’t understand. Am I missing something here?” You might discover a good reason for the oversight or blunder, which could avoid a blow-up.

Complain With Impact

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When you have a complaint, say what you do want, not what you don’t want. For example, rather than saying to your child or mate, “Get off that darn computer — you’re so rude!” instead target your mate using a positive approach: “I miss your company. Can you join me in the living room to hang out?”

Skip The ‘Whatever’ Word

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Being passive by often saying “whatever you want” might temporarily avoid a fight, but it could breed resentment because it leaves the majority of decisions to your mate, which can be stressful. Instead, have a real opinion and share it.

Create Policies

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If your mate does something that affects and disturbs you, such as overspending or making plans for both of you without asking the other first, don’t get sucked into the heated “How could you?” argument. Instead, focus on the future by creating policy solutions, as in, “From now on can we agree to make a budget for our personal expenses?” Or: “Can we agree to check in with each other before making plans for both of us?”

Show You Care

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Forgetting to ask about what’s going on in your child or your mate’s daily life is a surefire way to erode a relationship. From now on, if you know that someone in your family has an important meeting, test, doctor appointment, or event that day, don’t neglect it — instead, respect it. Call, email, text, or ask in person, “How did it go?” This sends a clear message: I care about you.

Avoid Factual Arguments

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Do you and your mate often find yourselves arguing about the name of a restaurant you went to, a certain address, someone’s birthday, an historical fact, or sports figure? Then you are prone to having a dumb argument! Stop the conversation and do an online fact check, call a friend, or simply drive by the location.

Apologize With The ‘B’ Word

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Quickly saying the words “I’m sorry” is a bad apology because it often comes off as insincere, and could trigger another battle. Next time you seek mercy, add the “B” word: Say, “I’m sorry because…” and share how you hurt your mate and what you will do to prevent the wrongdoing from recurring. Research shows that when you add the “because clause” your words are more persuasive.

Create Border Control

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Are you ever angry with your partner for revealing something to others that you consider private, like a health issue, a child discipline issue, job insecurity, or a marital disagreement? If so, bypass the “How could you say that?!” argument. Instead, establish border control: Outline the topics that should remain private to insure that neither of you becomes an accidental traitor.

Give A Daily Dose Of Recognition

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Most couples on the divorce path seldom compliment each other. In our online survey for Fight Less, Love More, we asked people, “Would you rather your mate compliment you for being kind or good-looking?” The result was that 84 percent of people said “kind.” The lesson: Find daily opportunities to recognize your mate for something that reflects a character strength (you are such a wonderful mother/father, you are so thoughtful when you…).