
A Poem about the Last Prophet (pbuh)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Before prophethood came, he SAW spent his time in a cave,

One day an angel from Allah appeared,

And the first words were revealed.

He SAW quickly went home to his wife Khadijah in fear,

She RA comforted him and all worries she made disappear.


Khadijah RA was the first believer then Abu Bakr RA was selected,

Not many people believed in the message and rejected.

This orphan boy grew up to be a Prophet of Allah SAW,

He SAW was remembered wide and far.


He SAW was known to be an honest man, he didn’t ever lie,

He SAW used to spend his nights in prayer, for the Ummah he did cry.

He SAW just wanted the world to be in peace,

And for His SAW message to spread to the wide West and far in the East.

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Umar Sarfaraz Patel, 8 years old.