بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

So, you reckon Allah will understand?
And not give you a reprimand?
How on earth can you even think that at all?!
Surely, you can see Shaytan’s setting you up for a fall.
Don’t you remember Hadhrat Abu Bakr RA talking of Judgement Day?
He had hope and fear and knew it could go either way.
And here is foolish you,
Simply relying on Allah’s mercy to get you through.
How you can be so stupid I really don’t know!
But one thing of which I am quite sure,
Is that if you’d paid thousands for a prosthetic arm,
I bet my bottom dollar you’d let it come to no harm.
Despite the fact that it would never be,
As good as the real thing given to you and me.
So WHY ain’t you looking after this gift given to you free of charge,
It’s been made-to-measure just for you – not too little or too large.
By the one who loves you more than you love Him,
And thats how you show gratitude by acting on a whim!
You need to wake up before its too late,
Break the cycle now before it turns into self hate.
Do you remember when to you someone once said,
(And it was also summat that you read)
That Shaytan only frequents those from whom he can steal a precious jewel.
Just stop and think, don’t you reckon that’s so cool?
That means that somewhere within you,
And I know you find this hard to believe but its true.
You’ve got summat that Shaytan reckons is worth nicking,
Are you really gonna let him take it without giving him a good kicking???
To hear your answer as a firm no – is good,
Because that is the attitude that you should
Have in order to get far in life,
Remember its all about struggle and strife.
There will be highs and there will be lows,
That’s Shaytans way of keeping you on your toes.
Just stay alert and on the ball,
Keep strengthening your mental wall.
Take each day as it comes and you’re sure to be fine,
Ask for Allah’s help and then go out there and shine.
All the best!
Where there’s a will there’s a way…