
In love of The Divine 🌹

Abu Darda RA reported: 

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, 

“Your love of something might render you blind and deaf.”

حُبُّكَ الشَّيْءَ يُعْمِي وَيُصِمُّ

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 5130

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Love makes a man both blind and deaf,

Seeking to be with the beloved at every breath.

Real love is to love all things belonging to the beloved,

Regardless of how much one may have suffered.

One even loves the one whom the beloved loves,

The secret to yearning the love of The True Beloved is to love Him and whom He loves,

Gaining the love of Allah from the firm belief and good deeds he does.

The most noble of all creation is our beloved Nabi ﷺ who is the beloved of the Divine and whom we are told to love more than our father, our children and all mankind,

So come choose to be kind and in his love become so blind.

If Majnu searched the walls and dwelling places of Leila in love of the one who used to live there within, though to him she was far gone,

We should long to visit the blessed cities in hope of placing our dirty feet where on Allah’s beloved will have walked upon.

For a lover, nothing can be disliked in his Beloved. The lover will even see people in perfection, and the love will stem,

Because everyone is unique in His creation, seeing complete and special perfection within them.

We should love Allah Almighty, and for His sake love all His creatures,

This deep desire to see The Beloved and to only love The Beloved comes only from The Beloved’s true and sincere seekers.

When true love comes, so does mercy and compassion,

This is not the lust that comes with passion.

Connect to the source of all love, the Lord of all beings Ya Wadud, the Loving One.

Ar Rahmaan, Ar Raheem, the Compasionate One, the Most Merciful One.

Says one passionate lover In love of our beloved Mustafa:

“The passionate gaze sees him as the first and the last, he is the Quran, the Furqan, Yaseen and Taha” (Allama Iqbal).