
Islamic Poetry

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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The 5 pillars of Islam.

Islam is to believe in one God,

To many people this might seem odd.

Salah you pray daily which in total are five,

You must do this as long as you are alive.

The 3rd pillar is Zakat – charity,

Which is feeding widows, orphans and the hungry.

30 days in Ramadhan we are fasting,

This is a way of Allah’s testing.

Ever year Muslims go to Hajj,

Which reminds us of when we will stand in front of Allah, the great judge.

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Signs of Qiyamah

Yawmul Qiyamah is not very far,

The minor signs and major signs are,

In the Masjid voices are raised,

Nobody seems to be fazed.

People will believe in stars,

Getting big ideas about money and cars.

Soon Isa AS will return,

And the whole Earth will burn,

The big ground will shake,

Like a massive earthquake.

The Dajjal will come, one eyed devil,

He will try to take you away from Heaven.

Yajooj and Majooj will come out and cause chaos,

They will eat humans like little moths.

We need to prepare for the day,

The horn will be blown,

Which will take every person’s soul.


Umar Sarfaraz Patel, 8 years old.


Shaykh Saleem Dhorat

Earthquake – A Wake-Up Call

By Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh

With the recent earthquake and the resulting carnage, the point we need to consider is that although we are well away from the epicentre, safe and sound, what do we need to do? Is it just another news headline and topic of conversation or does it hold deeper significance to us as Muslims. At this point it is worth pondering upon the fact that Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam has mentioned that as Qiyāmah nears, earthquakes will become more and more frequent.

We have seen this prophecy coming true as time has passed. In the past earthquakes were rare and therefore shocking. Nowadays, being much more common, much thought is not given towards them save when the earthquake causes a humanitarian disaster. In the past it was very difficult to imagine an era in which natural disasters would regularly hit the headlines. Yet here we are today, every so often there is news of an earthquake, tsunami or a natural disaster of some nature having struck some part of the world. There is frequent news of people dying, children becoming orphans, starvation, lack of food supplies, loss of basic amenities and homelessness.

For everything that happens in the world there is a cause. Causes are of two types: external and internal (worldly and spiritual). For example, when someone catches the flu or a cold, the external cause for this could have been stepping out in the cold inadequately dressed or standing in the rain for a long period of time. The internal cause could have been sins which had been perpetrated. Similarly, scientists explain the external cause of an earthquake to be the movement of tectonic plates or gaseous activity beneath the earth’s surface. Not refuting this, when we refer to the teachings of our Allāh and his beloved Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam we find that the cause for earthquakes is the disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā exceeding limits.

Calamities have appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned, that Allāh may make them taste a part of what they have done, in order that they may turn back. (30:41)

So, being that sins are the cause for such disasters, the primary thing we must do is repent. In such instances, when the Might and Power of Allāh ta‘ālā manifest themselves with such catastrophic effect, we should take heed from the warning. We should take this as a sign from Allāh ta‘ālā warning us of our sinful way; if we are to continue sinning then it is possible that He may also send a calamity upon us. Therefore, the first thing that we should do is accept that such catastrophes are due to my disobedience and then make tawbah and istighfār with sincerity.

Remember, in this calamity others have suffered and we have been safeguarded; we should use this as a means of guidance for us. We should think to ourselves that we are not performing salāh, paying zakāh, etc; we are indulged in evils such as drugs, alcohol, adultery, oppression, backbiting, etc. What if due to my sins the earth splits open and I fall inside.

We should also spend in the path of Allāh ta‘ālā. Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam has said:

Truly sadaqah extinguishes the anger of your Lord and protects against an evil death. (At-Tirmidhī)

Spending in charity will not only bring reward from Allāh ta‘ālā for helping his creation but will also ensure that his anger, caused by our disobediences, will be cooled. Even though the earthquake may have struck in another country we must remember that the entire world is the same to Allāh ta‘ālā. Borders and nationalities are man-made; to Allāh ta‘ālā, we are all dwellers of the same earth. An earthquake in one part of the world means that Allāh ta‘ālā is angry, and not necessarily with only those who were directly affected. So we too must do our bit to try and cool the anger by repenting and then assisting through du‘ā and financial help.

Finally, we should also use this opportunity to ponder upon the Day of Reckoning. If an earthquake lasting around a minute can cause such devastation, then what will be the earthquake of the Last Hour be like. That earthquake will be so severe that not only will tall buildings collapse, but the sun will lose its brightness, mountains will become rubble, and this entire world will come to an end.

O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed the quake of the (destined) Hour is something terrible. The day you will see it, every suckling female will forget that which she suckles, and every female having pregnancy shall abort her foetus, and you will see people as if they are drunk, while they are not drunk, but Allāh’s torment is (so) severe. (22:1-2)

The Striking Event! What is the Striking Event? And what may let you know what the Striking Event is? (It will happen) on a day when people will be like scattered moths, and the mountains will be like carded wool. (101:1-5)

When the earth will be jolted with a terrible jolt; and the mountains will be crumbled a thorough crumbling, until they will become dust, scattered in the air. (56:4-6)

On the occurrence of this devastating disaster, our appeal is for everyone to repent and turn towards Allāh ta‘ālā, spend in the path of Allāh ta‘ālā through charity and ponder upon the last day and make this earthquake a wake-up call for us.

© Riyādul Jannah (Vol. 19 No. 2, Feb 2010)

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Current Affairs articles

The End of Days

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, the all-knowing, the all-seeing and we beseech Allah to send His noblest blessings on the Seal of the Prophets, Our Master and Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam).

Assalamu Alaykum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuhu,

Dear Respected Brothers and Sisters,

After having attended ‘The End of Days’ conference at the Birmingham Central Mosque which was kindly organised by as-Suffa institute (Allah reward them), I thought to help me recap and recollect my thoughts, as well as sharing the Khayr with my brothers and sisters around the UK and elsewhere, I would put my notes to use for once! I shall try to keep my points short but succinct, so please bear with me. Bearing in mind my notes are not going to be precise I shall try to reference what I can and the rest will just have the scholars name as reference. If you do come across an error or something you wish to add, please do not hesitate to comment below – Jazak Allah. IS.

Mufti Liyaqut Saheb (Teacher at as-Suffa)

Mufti Saheb very eloquently mentioned how we should think about what we are and where we have come from. Man starts from a drop of sperm, forms into a foetus and thereafter enters into the world as a baby; young and feeble not able to help himself and crawling on all fours. Later, he develops through childhood into adulthood and just when he starts to think he is no longer in need of anyone and can stand for himself, he looks at himself with pride through his youthful eyes.  Allah reminds him of who he actually is and what ‘man’ is capable of doing on his own – nothing! Man is now in his old age, in a state of helplessness and weakness, back in a position where he started: dependent on others.  The lesson we learn from this very real eye-opener is that nothing remains: not our youth, our strength nor our beauty is everlasting.  Everything will come to an end and the world will eventually crumble with all our precious passions and desires left behind.

Mufti Saheb further elucidated on the minor signs of Qiyamah and focused in detail on the disappearing of knowledge before Qiyamah. He quoted, “The destruction of society because of the lack of knowledge, is worse than the destruction of society because of natural disasters.” Hadeeth (Prophetic Tradition) teaches us that Ilm (religious knowledge)will disappear not by Allah removing it from the hearts, rather through the death of Ulama (religious scholars). But who are the true, religious scholars? Someone once asked Hasan Basri RH, “What is an Aalim?”  He replied, “A seeker of knowledge in our times could be spotted through a few signs that, in essence, were the effects of this religious ilm.” He listed them as:

1. His humbleness

2. Abstinence from materialistic gain

3. Tongue (safeguarding it)

4. His gaze (focused on the Hereafter).

The world ‘Ilm’ comes from ‘Alam’ in Arabic which means ‘a sign’ or ‘to print’. So, we could say, knowledge is there to be imprinted in the mind. And this is how Islamic knowledge was passed on, directly from heart to heart and by sitting at the feet of scholars. Unfortunately, today we have  people who copy and paste from screen to screen, sending fatwas by e-mail or text through a few misunderstood forwards put together and as a result, believe themselves to be ‘learned’.  We can only truly understand knowledge by thinking and pondering on each, minute verse or word deeply. Allah cannot be worshipped without true knowledge. Our deen (religion) cannot be learnt at the tips of your fingers, ‘googling’ away whilst eating a packet of crisps. Unfortunately, we quote Hadeeth without even thinking and verifying whether it is correct or not. The students of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (R.A.) once said, “Abdullah bin Mas’ood wouldn’t quote hadith as he pleased or whenever he wished. For one year we didn’t hear him say, ‘The Prophet (peace be upon him) said’.  After a year he said it, but started sweating immediately and then said, ‘No! No! I am not sure. I think he (peace be upon him) said it…”

Allah save us.

Mufti Abdul Rehman Mangera (ZamZam Academy, London)

Mufti Saheb began explaining there are different signs of Qiyamah: minor and major. He explained how many of the prophecies of Our Beloved Nabi (peace be upon him) have come true.  The word ‘Nabi’ means Prophet, the root word of which is ‘Naba’a’ in Arabic which means ‘to inform’. So quite simply put, the Prophets informed us of future events. He further explained about how people think the end of times are near because of the current climate and turmoil. When we had an Islamic Caliphate in Baghdad under the Abassid rule (Family of Abbas R.A.), one of the Khawarij attacked an envoy of Tartars. To retaliate, the Tartars starting killing Muslims, wiping cities like Bukhara and Samarqand.  They then arrived at the centre of the Darul Khilafah, Baghdad. Here they killed 800,000 Muslims (almost 1 million).

Unfortunately, we are in a downfall today but what we need to ask ourselves is, are WE contributing to the downfall? We should not be contributing nor should we be despondent by thinking it is the end of times and we will now wait for Mahdi (Allah be pleased with him). Presently, we see Muslims being killed and butchered but this is not something new, it happened before and, sadly enough, it will continue to happen. But history shows we must do something positive, not be negative and sit back. In the time of Imam Suyooti RH, the 10th century (he died 911 hijri) people were also being killed and there was widespread fitnah (corruption) people in those times said they wouldn’t last till 1000 hijri, but they did and we are here today, Alhumdu Lillah.  So brothers and sisters, let us remember before Mahdi (Allah be pleased with him) or Eesa (peace be upon him) or Dajjal that our own death lies closer.  Let us prepare for that by praying regularly, being honest and fulfilling ties. Let us together avoid greed, avarice and enmity. Life is short. It is easy to sit online and listen to talks by scholars and professors who say Dajjal has already come out, or the Tartars were Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog) etc. Rather, let us move forward and make positive changes in our lives and maybe those around us too.

Moving forward, Mufti Saheb elaborated on some of the minor sins starting with the death of Ulama and knowledge being taken away. The Ulama of today are not like the Ulama of the past. The great giants of Hadeeth like Imam Bukhari had 4,000 – 5,000 teachers. How?  Because he travelled for knowledge. People were thirsty for knowledge and they had a zeal, a passion, a thirst. In Basrah or Baghdad a large masjid, bigger than this Masjid (Birmingham Central) would have had an Alim at every pillar giving Dars (lesson) on various topics; Seerah, Tafsir or Hikam. But this is not the case today and true knowledge is disappearing with the death of pious Ulama.

Another minor sign is that time will pass quickly because our lives will be devoid of Barakah (blessings). He narrated how when he travelled to Saharanpur, India he had a long day and managed to do a lot in a day. Then he served as an Imam in USA and he had no time for anything – 24 hours were not enough! But here, in the UK he sees a balance with the time.He asked one of his teachers regarding this, to which the reply he got, “Remember Allah abundantly and you will get Barakah.” If you make time for Allah, then Allah will make time for you.

Another on the list of minor signs, music, singing and dancing will be rife. Disobedience of parents is also a minor sign, which we see everywhere. Using the term, “My old man!” This is very disrespectful for one’s father. Also, murder and killing will be seen globally and it will be taken lightly.There were many other examples of foretold prophecies given by the Prophet (peace be upon him), one of which was, “The first fitnah will be killing, the killing of Uthman and the last of which will be Dajjal.” Also, let us look in the Hadith which mention about the greatest fitnah for men are women. And we men understand how hard it is to lower your gaze and protect yourself, imagine how great the fitnah of Dajjal will be. Trial and tribulations will come like waves of an ocean and waves do not stop or relax!

From the major signs the first sign will be the appearing of the Mahdi (Allah be pleased with him). Seven of the greatest Ulama (not most famous) will be going for Hajj every year, that year there will be many problems especially in Mina, to the extent blood will be shed on the Jamaraat. These Ulama will recognise Imam Mahdi (Allah be pleased with him). But he will escape them and go to Medinah, when the Ulama go to Medinah he will return and so will they. This will happen three times. Finally, they will get hold of him in Makkah and compel him to take reponsibility. (Recorded by Zarooji)

Times will be so hard a man will have to protect his women from going out because of fear of them being corrupted.

Another major sign is the returning of Eesa (peace be upon him).  He will descend on the eastern white minaret of the mosque in Damascus. We should bear in mind, when the Prophet (peace be  upon him) told his companions (Allah be pleased with them) the masjid was not built (whereas now it is). The minaret is near the Christian quarters. Eesa (peace be upon him) will break the cross and abolish the pigs and the Christians will follow him. However the Jews will split in two groups. Eesa (peace be upon him) will go to Jerusalem and Dajjal will be there. He will be telling the people, “Come! Time for Salah!” Eesa (peace be upon him) will kill Dajjal at a place called ‘Ludd’. Just a note here, currently in this place, Ludd, there is a Tablighi Markaz. After this, Yajooj and Majooj will appear but Eesa (peace be upon him) will not have as much power over them like he did over Dajjal.

Shaykh Zahir (Founder of as-Suffah)

Shaykh Zahir started with ‘Hadeeth Jibraeel’ in which, as a summary, it explains Islam: the five pillars, Imaan, the articles of faith, ihsaan, to worship Allah as though you see him.  The Hadeeth ends with the signs of Qiyamah – that the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress, that you will see the barefooted ones, the naked, the destitute, the herdsmen of the sheep (competing with each other) in raising lofty buildings.  Shaykh went on to say how the Mushrikeen (polytheists) could never digest the matter of Qiyamah and the world ending.

Adiyy ibn Hatim (Allah be pleased with him) says I came to Medinah and I was with the Prophet (peace be upon him) when an African woman came to complain to the Prophet (peace be upon him) about her master, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) dealt with her affair. He (peace be upon him) then said  to me, “Take my hand and go wherever you want in Medinah.” Adiyy (Allah be pleased with him) says that I knew this man was no king or ruler because you cannot do this with them.

According to a Hadeeth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever dies his Qiyamah has started” (Musnadul Firdaws- Daylami). When the angel of death will approach man, he will say, “Why have you come so early? You should have sent me a postcard!” The angel of death will say, “I did send you a postcard! Didn’t you see babies dying? Natural disasters? Cities being wiped away? Your grey hair? Wrinkles on your face?”

Allah says: “The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]” (54:1).  Here, one may question the past tense as Qiyamah has not yet occurred.  The explanation to that is understood in the language style of the Arabs who, in order to mention something of great importance would use the past tense. Allah is showing us the gravity of Qiyamah and the events post Qiyamah so man can take heed. But what do we see in the Dunya (worldly life)?  The more Allah gives a man the more arrogant, the more agnostic, the more atheist he becomes. He can reach the depths of the seas, the peaks of the mountains, travel from one side of the world to the other but Allah is still above him and in control of him. If he forgets Allah, Allah will remind him as the verse explains, “The example of [this] worldly life is but like rain which We have sent down from the sky that the plants of the earth absorb – [those] from which men and livestock eat – until, when the earth has taken on its adornment and is beautified and its people suppose that they have capability over it, there comes to it Our command by night or by day, and We make it as a harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday. Thus do We explain in detail the signs for a people who give thought” (10:24).

The final hour and death are two things which only Allah Almighty knows. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) would talk about Qiyamah he would get passionate, his cheeks would get red and talk as though he was warning about an enemy. When all the minor signs will finish and the major signs finish a wind will blow and take the souls of all the Muslims. Then then Ka’bah will be broken and Israfeel will be given the order to blow the horn. Since Israfeel has been given the trumpet his eyes have not moved from the Arsh because he does not want to delay the blowing of the trumpet for even the blink of an eye. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “How can I rest, how can I rest when Israfeel is waiting to blow the trumpet.”  The Sahabah (Allah be pleased with them) were very worried as they were worried about their Akhirah (hereafter) so they went to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and He (peace be upon him) said,”Say: Allah is enough for us and upon Him do we rely.”

And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on. (39:68)

Imagine the scene when the trumpet will be blown, everything will stop and drop dead! How will be the sound of that horn? Today they are researching how to kill people without shotting bullets, they have sonic weapons and bullets whereby they do not need to shoot. They can break your eyeballs through the noise it makes. Let us look how Allah killed the people of Thamud, he killed them through noise, “And the shriek (sayhah) seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes [corpses] fallen prone.” (11:67) “But they were insolent toward the command of their Lord, so the thunderbolt (saa’iqah) seized them while they were looking on.” (51:44). So what is the difference between ‘Sayhah’ and ‘Saa’iqah’? Sayhah has the ability to kill and Saa’iqah has the ability to kill and burn.

120 decibels your ears will hurt

140 decibels your eardrums will pop

150 decibels your ribs will hurt and pain

200 decibles livers and lungs punch

So, it could start of as Sayhah and end up as Saa’iqah. This is why in America they are making electricity from soundwaves. Scientists prove if the noise is intense enough it can crush somebody. If the noise is above 200 decibels it can have an impact on a person’s body

Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam Al-Kawthari (, Leicester)

One thing everyone agrees on is death. But nobody knows their date of death neither the location. Death is such a reality but nobody wants to talk about it, because it is distasteful.  But more important than the end of time, end of days or Qiyamah itself is our own end – our death. Let us not dwell too much on Qiyamah and the events beforehand. The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasised this many times in Hadith, we should remember death often so that the love of the world leaves our hearts. Once a piece of soft cloth came in front of the Sahabah (Allah be pleased with them) and they were amazed by the softness. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw this he said, “Are you amazed by the softness of this cloth? The towel/cloth in Jannah of Saad ibn Muaadh is much softer than this.” He (peace be upon him) was taking the love of materialistic things out of their hearts and instilling the love of the hereafter. Brothers and sisters we do not have long in this world. The average life span in this country is 60! “An intelligent man is the one who controls his Nafs (desires) and prepares for the Hereafter, (whereas) the foolish one is he who follows his desires and keeps (false) hopes in Allah.” Hadith

So time is short and time is flying by. A week goes like a day and a month goes like a week. But we are so engrossed in this worldly life and in pursuit of materialistic gain we have forgotten the Akhirah (hereafter). All we want to do is follow celebrities and football stars and pop stars. Allah has described this worldly life as a ‘game’ in the Qur’an. Meaning in comparison to the hereafter it is a game – the real deal is the hereafter. Let our focus be there In Sha Allah.

Man goes through different stages, his youth is spent in driving fast cars, eating nice food and dining out, chasing girls and having the latest gadgets. Then he grows up, now he gets married has pride over his wife and children. He boasts over his wealth, his properties in the UK and Dubai etc. He must be better than everyone around, his friends and family members. He forgets death and is unaware of the Hereafter. Hadith actually tells us to remember the destroyer of pleasures: death! We should also visit the cemetery frequently and remember people close to us who have left the world in young age and old age. When you leave this world you will take nothing with you. Your name is forgotten, you are referred to as ‘the body’ when you die.

Dunya in arabic means ‘something that is going to go’. Umar (Allah be pleased with him) said, “Every day it is announced fulaan ibn fulaan has died. A day will surely come and it will be announced Umar ibn Khattab has died and left the world.”

When a good man is put in his grave a voice will whisper to him, “Sleep as a newly wedded wife sleeps.” This is why Hadith mentions, “The grave is either a garden from the gardens of Jannah. Or it is a ditch from the ditches of Jahannam.” Mufti Shafi (Allah have mercy on him) of Pakistan said, “the grave and life of Barzakh is like a waiting room.” His son Mufti Taqi Uthmani says, “Every person thinks a lot and has a lot of thoughts about the world; work, family, shopping, car, property or marriage. But we need to change our thoughts to the hereafter, death, the grave, Qiyamah, the scales, pul sirat (bridge over Hell) and Jannah/Jahannam.”

Death is a gift for the believer – Hadith.

Ismail Ibn Nazir Satia  (In dire need of Allah’s mercy, forgiveness and pleasure).

1st Dhul Qa’dah