بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I am not Surti nor Bharuchi,
I am not Indian nor Pakistani,
I am just a simple Muslim trying to live fairly,
Trying to promote justice, love and equality.
They call us backwards and say our children are low class,
Because I am not from their gOm and proud not to be part of their snobby upper class.
It hurts when they say ‘we are better than you,’
I’ve smelt their narcissism their pride and the way they cuss too.
Wasn’t that also said by Shaytan?
Remember, it doesn’t matter if you are a Patel or if you are a Khan!
You hold your noses high, nearly reaching the sky,
Through your pride, you can lie, but you can also wave Jannah goodbye.
You claim that our kids are chavs and like riff-raff,
Don’t forget we are all slaves made from clay, maybe you find that a bit naff?
You hold your children like trophies ?,
At the same time indoctrinating in them racist stories.
“Surtis are stingy” and “Pakistanis are ignorant?”
There’s no point arguing when you people are soo defiant.
You live your life spreading all this hate,
Even though you know it’s wrong and it’s not up for debate!
My eyes are open wide,
The truth is bitter, it’s something you can’t hide.
Truly educated men can never be racist,
Education is to drive what is within,
Are we not all the same under the skin?
I have a heart
and yes, I do care,
But the world is just soo racist and soo unfair.
It is rare to find people who are true and modest,
I’ll pay you if you find me someone who is clean hearted and honest.
Soften your hearts before your children marry,
You never know how your son in law could be from “the enemy.”
You claim you are better because your schools are “outstanding”,
You think too much of yourselves with your labelling and branding.
We can’t criticise you because you just think we’re all jealous,
I sometimes think maybe you’re all a bit overzealous?
These schools are not god and won’t guarantee you paradise,
Take heed and listen to my precious advice.
Else due to your arrogance in Hell, you will pay the heavy price,
Even you know that won’t be very nice.
This poem was written to highlight and illustrate how some of us look down on others, because of their background. How some people think highly of themselves because of the schools their children attend. How some people cannot accept criticism against their own people or own villagers. How arrogant and racist certain Gujaratis are.
Ismail ibn Nazir Satia (one who is in dire need of Allah’s forgiveness, mercy and pleasure)